a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saying fawewell to Digby

since I put up my happy post about Mywna and Gilbewt, I saw the most saddest news

It seems that ouw fwiend Digby is losing his valient fight against the howwibull disease that is  stealing his life. All because of a tick..so unfaiw! He is still fighting, but it looks diwe.
I am so vewy heawtbwoken
if you have to go, fawewell my fwiend till we meet in heaven
go softly sowwounded by youw loved ones, and youw dweams of wunning fwee and healthy

pleez go give you love to him and his family and help his  way ovew the bwidge
smoochie kisses


Jans Funny Farm said...

We were by Digby's earlier and read the news. It is so sad!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Unfortunately, we did not know Digby before we read his heart breaking story on your Blog the other day...

Since reading his story, Digby has stolen mine & My Mom's hearts...

We have been over to visit him several tmes since then & are sooo sad to hear that he has taken another turn for the worse...

Our hearts go out to him & Wilf & his family...It's sooo sad...

Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

oh no. May his trip be soft and painless while surrounded by love. we will go over. *sigh*

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a sweet pup Digby is! We too were very sad to hear the news today that he has taken a bad turn. We have been wooing good thoughts for him and his family.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

We were so upset to hear that Digby had taken a turn for the worse. He's fought so hard! Our hearts are breaking for his family.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

Poor Digby. Grrr evil ticks.

Martha said...

So very sad - as you say Asta is is just so unfair.

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no this is such sad news. His poor brother Wilf knows something is very wrong. How heartbreaking.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...this is so heartbreaking...

We've gone over to his bloggie and we will go again tonight to offer our support...

We love you dear girl...


Lorenza said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Digby and his family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sadly, we've only recent khrossed paths with Digby and Wilf -

We feel cheated but I'll make up fur it when we meet one day -


Teddy said...

We're terribly saddened by this news also. Digby has been through so much with his family, and Wilf has been his constant companion. They're going to miss him terribly. Let's hope there's a last minute miracle for him.


the many Bs said...

we didn't ever get to know Digby, but we have been over to his bloggy a couple of times. he is a tough little fellow and we are still hoping that he will make a recovery...

our mom's bird vet told her one time that "where there is life, there is hope". she has always remembered that. it's ironic that the vet told her that right before the bird died.


doyle and mollie said...

we are still praying digby's gonna be ok, we hope we are not wrong he's a furry brave soul

Lacy said...

woofs, me still expects a miracle...he's got us all fighting wiff him..

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so sorry to hear the sad news...
RIP Digby..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Bocci said...

What an adorable doggie Digby is! Maybe he'll pull through yet! We are keeping our paws crossed here.

Dexter said...

I visited Digby's bloggy yesterday. This is so very sad.



Thank you Sweet Asta,

We have been out of the loop this weekend butt we will visit digby's family right now.

Luv you,

Riley and Star.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh Asta. This is so hard. We love these doggies like they are part of our own family. We know you and your mommi and daddi understand.

We're crossing our paws that his body lets him make a turn for the better. We keep wishing on the DogStar and saying our prayers. We don't want to lose another friend.

We love you.
Jake and Fergi and Family

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are so very sorry to hear this.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are so sorry to hear about your friend! We will go and visit!

Love, uSSSSS

3 doxies said...

Oh Miss Asta this was a very much beautiful and special post. My heart is all kinds of sad thinking bout Digby and his pawrents and what they is going through. I can only pray they don't haves to make a decision.
pees: I sees your mom is a painter. My mum comes from a family of painters...unfortunaltely, my mum didn't get those skills...hehehe!

Golden Samantha said...

Dearest Asta,
I came over yesterday to read your post, having been to Digby's, but forgot to leave a calling card that I'd been here. You woofed some wonderful, endearing words about poor, sweet Digby - you are an angel, I think, Asta. It's furry sad to think we pups could get so sick from ticks - I'm around them all the time and it's sort of scary, cause like Digby, I takes medicines for those nasty things. But then I swim and it probably comes off. Who knows, but we sure are thinking a lot about some sick friends right now who we all know. Bless you, Asta.
Big Hugs xoxoxo

Clive said...

We are so sorry to read about Digby. Heartbreaking for his family ....

Clive and Murray

Juno said...

Sissy Asta... we really have to blame our pawrents, we've so so so behind and we didn't get a chance to meet this little darling friend, Digby. Thank you so much for your tribute. We're sure one day we all meet and smile together.

Momo & Pinot

ps: We finally had a chance to try MOMO wine in real life. Please come by and have a look at the bottles we got. :) :) Cheers for our DWB friends!!

The Animal Doctor said...

Dear Asta,
I lost my dog to a tick borne infection too. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for me in the six months that we battled the disease. My dog's blood count would rise and fall week after week, despite the high doses of steriods, two blood transfusions, medications and surgery...

I never opted for euthanasia. I was desperate for him to live that at one point I asked God to give me his illness instead. One night, exhausted from another hospital visit, i realized how tired I was.

That was it, I finally acknowledged that I was tired of fighting. The following day, I got a call that my beloved dog had passed away.

Even to this day, I still cry when I remember him. He fought so hard because he wanted to stay, to make me happy, and it was only when I finally gave up, that he gave up too.

Our thoughts are with Digby's family

~ Secretary

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend Digby. This is such a sad thing to happen. There are no words to say. Try to keep Digby's memory alive in your thoughts and heart each day. My thought and prayers are with his friends and family.

Anonymous said...

I feel horrible for both Digby and our Sweet Jackson.

Bless them both for they are now free to roam and play...until we meet again!