a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, December 28, 2009

Mommi and Daddi's outing

My Pawents finally bwaved the cwowds to go uptown..it's only five stops on the subway, but a whole diffewent wowld fwom ouw quiet neighbowhood

Being an angel(hehehehehehe) I opted to stay at home wif my wondewful bone that I got fwom Maggie and Mitch

Fiwst Mommi and Daddi went to see the skatews behind the Public Libwawy in Bwyant Pawk
then walked up fifth Avenoo..well twied to walk anyway..Mommi says it's a vewy good thing I didn't come along..cause thewe was an ocean of hoomans and I would have gotten twampled
Hewe's a smilebox wif some of what they saw:

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Exhausting, but bootiful is what Mommi said and as a wewawd fow being an "angel" we all shawed a special dinnew in bed, hehehehehe
Waclette!!! A wemindew of Mommi's yeaws living in Dew Schweiz and my Daddi's Mommi who was fwom thewe too..
We ate, sluwp, miammmmm, and toasted the health of all ouw loved ones not wif us anymowe

I will twy to visit all of you..I love you and send you smoochie kisses


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing...

Now, how 'bout sharing some of those nom noms!

I hope woo are staying khozy and warm with your mommi and daddi!


Gus said...

We love you too sweet girl, and think the raclette looks delicious. Miamm Miamm..according to Faya. Hope you got a sample.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow, what an outing! It is good that you stayed home with so many people out!

And we are all so jealous of the raclette - it looks very tasty!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

No worries Asta, sweetie, life is busy at the moment,

we like your posts, and we think we have eaten that delicious dish when we were in Austria, well not me, my Jeannie, she travelled right through Europe, to Vienna in 2004. It looked familiar.

Happy New Year to you and your Mama and Papa!

Thanks for being our friends!

from very snowy and very cold Scotland (minus 10 degrees C tonight and 10 inches of snow now!)

Snowed up Marv xxxxxxxxxx

Kelly said...

Asta, what a nice outing. I bet it really helped lift your mommi's spirits. I hope she is feeling back to normal now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over.

Hugs to you, pretty girl! You ARE an angel!!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I think your mum would have realy enjoyed and it would have cheered her up such a lot. You are so good to your mum Asta. You are so well loved.. Hugs GJ x

Martine said...

What a cool outing! You and your parents are really lucky to live so close to all those neat places!!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Deborah said...

This was nice to see NYC at Christmas! I loved all the pictures. Is that the big Christmas tree you see on the Today Show? I love NYC and I use to go there for work a lot! But I haven't been there in years!
Thanks for sharing them.
Deborah :)

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Asta - glad to hear your mommi is getting back to her old self!
I just love your halo!
Your pal, Morgan

ScrapsofMe said...

How exciting it must be to see all those clever BG windows! SHE has a friend that goes to NYC every December just to soak up the creativity. She sent us photos of the BG windows and the terrier made of paper. AMAZING.

You were such a good little angel to stay home and guard the cheese till everyone got home.



Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Yes, you are an angel!
Thanks for sharing those pictures!
Yummy food!
I hope your mom is doing well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom misses Christmas in the city. Thanks for sharing those great pictures.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Oceanside Animals said...

Dinner in bed with mom and dad -- it doesn't get better than that!

Duke said...

We've never had raclette before. It looks very yummy!
You're an adorable angel with your halo, Asta! Enjoy your stuffed bone!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Here in winter we have raclette or fondue once a week ! Miam miam !
My Véronique is cured and now we are going to be take back to a normal life !
Kisses and happy New Year 2010 !
Faya & Dyos & Véronique

Noah the Airedale said...

Oooh Raclette...mmmm. Maybe one day D will make some for us lol.
She has made 2 cheeses now. Naturally we havent tried any!!!
Your mummy and daddy are very lucky to be able to see the wonderful Christmas sights in NYC. Leura is lacking somewhat in Christmas cheer lol. All we have is some tinsle around the village....sigh.


Noah xxxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Thank you for sharing and we love your new header!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Moco said...

We are so lucky to have been able to see all those sites through Mommi and Daddi's eyes. What a lovely time of year. Good thing you stayed home and kept an look out for all that good food that Mommi came home to make. Our best to all of you in this coming year.

Hamish Westie said...

Wow! Raclette in bed. That really does sound like heaven. Even I would be prepared to dress up as an angel if that was going to be the reward.....
Cheers! Hamish.

Hollie and Janie said...

I'm glad your mommi and daddi has such a nice outing! I bet New York is beautiful this time of year!You are such a little angel, sweet Asta!! That food looks deeee-lish!!
Happy New Year!
Love, Janie

Bobby said...

Yes that was a good outing, too busy for furbodys though.

Sierra Rose said...

Hi ya Asta!!! What a glittery set of photos! Looked so festive!
Dinner in bed, woowee! Never tried that!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

bbes tribe said...

Asta we love your angel hat( it really is you) and the photos. Thanks for sharing & for visiting us. We wish you & your pawrents a very Happy New Year.
Love & wags
Ernie & Sasha


Deear Asta,

We love your Christmas in New York Scrapbook. Mommy just loves your blog. B.G. used to be one of her favorite stores in N.Y.C. And she misses the Christmas windows on 5th Ave.

She gets a little homesick every time she reads your blog. But at least she can go back now and then when she gets the bug.

Thanks for sharing, we can never get enough!

Riley, Star and Stephanie.

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
You were right to stay home. All the people! Was that today? It was sooooo cold here. The city does look pretty.

Stay warm and snug.


Life With Dogs said...

I love your holiday headgear! :)

Golden Samantha said...

Can't believe 5th Ave closed off and just pedestrians! What beautiful windows and oh! That raclette looks oh so scrumpties mmmmmmnnnnn. Lovely to share something like that with your loved one!
Hugs xo

Koobuss said...

Oh, that was just bootiful!! I loved all your pictures! There is no place like New York. We are so glad that you were able to get out and enjoy the fabulous holiday sites that your city has to offer. Thank You for sharing them with us.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Bae Bae said...

You sure make a very cute angel Asta. :)

~ Bae

Teddy said...

How fun to eat in bed and sit so close to the yummy plate of food! You are really concentrating on that food, Asta. Did you grab a bite?

Unknown said...

Hi Asta..
That dish looks so yummy. You got the best part of the day.. not seeing the skaters but the dinner. Oh look fabby as an angel but most of all, I 'm glad u applied for my zoomie job. You'd be perfect. You know.. I part tewwow too.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I felt just like I was there with your mommie and daddie walking around in good olf NYC. I bet the windows were even more beautiful than what the photo could show.
Glad you stayed home, good call.
Wishing you and your family the best in the new year coming!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

You make the perfect little angel Asta! We send you smoochie kisses too! Happy New Year!
XX-BabyRD and Hootie

Deefor said...

Looks like you and your pawrents had a very yummy and pretty Holiday time in the city.

Happy New Year.


Petra said...

Tell your mom thanks for showing pictures of NYC! We love looking at life in the city. You were a smart girl to stay home, Asta. You might have gotten squished by all of those people.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a beautiful Smilebox presentation! Glad to hear you had a nice but quiet Christmas, nothing wrong with that. We had a very noisy but nice one with all the kids and grandkids here all day and night forever. Now it is quiet here again and we love it:)

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Woof, thanks for sharing New York with us, I felt that I was with you every steps, no I was not afraid of being trampled 'cause your mom kindly carried me in her warm arms!
Happy New Year to you and your lovely pawrents sweet Asta!
I just have posted the new show and tell story about your pressies that came to Dallas like a century ago!
So sorry for the delay, love ya!

Joe Stains said...

New York looks like a magical place at Christmas! Thanks for sharing it with us.