a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, July 10, 2009

Stawt of a Weekend

Since I don't have a chance to go on vacation, I make the most of my days
when Daddi comes home fwom wowk, he changes and takes me to the wun

I do some excewcises wif a dumbell and then jump in and out of the doggie pool and chase balls

when I'm thwoughMommi , Daddi and I all meet at a neighbowhood westauwant fow an a peaw a teef
we sit and watch as ouw fwiends fwom the neighbowhood make theiw way home fwom wowk

Mommi and Daddi get some fun dwinkies

I check in Mommi's puwse to see if thewe is anything yummie in thewe

then look awound the gwound in case someone dwopped something
(Daddi is in his "wun pants" vewy gwubby,but it's OK, we live in the Village..it's not the Uppew East Side, hehehe)
I impatiently wait fow the fwench fwies to be delivewed

sowwy about the bluwwy pictoowe, but I've been waiting fow those fwies fow too long and I can't stand still

mowe pleeaz, how about if I come awound to this side?

yes yes,Mommi I'm hewe

now I'm happy and can welax and watch the aftewnoon passagiata(I leawned that wowd fwom my fwiend Lucia)It means hoomans (and doggies) walking awound slowly enjoying the late aftewnoon, and talking and meeting wif fwiends. Soonew ow latew you bump into evewyone you know fwom the neighbowhood.
Then you head home, have dinnew , play and sneep.
A pawfect stawt of the weekend.

I hope you all have a gweat one
smoochie kisses


Unknown said...

Hey! We ran into you here just moments after these photos (and after all the fries were gone and you'd cleaned up any strays that fell under the table!). See you at the run very soon! It's almost time for Yappy Hour!

Your pal,


Kelli said...

Hi Asta!
It looks like you had a great start to the weekend! I hope the rest of your weekend goes just as well!
:) Tibby

Martha said...

Hi Asta
What a very pleasant start to the weekend for you guys over the pond!
We have only been a couple of times to an outside cafe but Martha didn't like it!
We must keep trying - you take the cosmopolitan lifestyle in your stride Asta.
You will be our new role model of the thoroughly modern doggie!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Kelly said...

Oh Asta, what a fun afternoon! Your parents are so sweet. I can't get over how well-accessorized your Mommi is! She is such a trend-setter!

Have a great weekend!!!! You may have seen on my bloggie that I am grounded, but I'm working on getting out. :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Asta, you are so lucky your parents can take you with them to all those neat places. Down here dogs are unwelcome, so I have to stay home. I start obedience class next week, so I'll get to meet some doggie friends. ~Fenris

Enjoy your weekend ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

The Black and Tans. said...

Have a good weekend Asta, may the fries continue to fall from the table, the glasses chink with cocktails and your friends be at your run.

Molly and Taffy

Beckett said...

Asta, I wish my mom would take me on fun excursions to places with interesting foodabuhls, but a) she's a homebody and b) she keeps saying she learned her lesson about that from Marley and Me. Do you have any idea what she's talking about???


Golden Samantha said...

Now THAT's the way to start a weekend! I just read the posts that I missed after the "goodbye" post and am sooooo glad you are back!!! And worried about the Picasa thing, but I'll ask someone who can interpret these kinds of things about what your dad wrote! You look so happy, Asta!
Hugs xo

Gus said...

Happy Weekend. We are waiting for muzzer to get off the 'puter so we can go walkies. Hope you all have a grand weekend.

gussie n teka
(mostly teka, gussie is still awol.)

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you are having a nice relaxing afternoon with your mommi and daddi. we bet all of the people who walk by want to talk to you and make friends with you. you're such a cute little fuzzy butt girlie, who wouldn't fall in love with you! we're glad that your weekend is starting off well.


ScrapsofMe said...

How fun! We are country cousins...our doggie park is a big old field with trees out in the country. We do have wee swimmy pools and a pond for the labs that like deeper swimming. We don't have any outdoor places to sit n snack, unless you stay in the car at the drive in or the fish camp. But we do get boat rides to beer can island on Saturdays. We get to run and play and grab snacks off the blankies. Puffers likes to go to those upscale coffee bar type places, but I prefer a good old dash around the island.
Bonnie - country girl at heart

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Perfect start to a perfect weekend...

I hope it just keeps getting better...

Abby xxxooo

Clive said...

Hi Asta

A great start to the weekend!

I had to sit under the table tonight in the local thai and didn't get anything - not even from the little man - who is usually very good to me!!

I look forward to getting over to New York some day!!

Have a great weekend
Take care

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta Girl!

I am imagining I am there with you frolicking at the run and watching the world go by with occassional breaks for fries in the French peoples' fashion. Of course, if I *was* there I'd be barking at everydog who came by, but then again, that's just me.

I hope you have a GREAT weekend, and tell your mommi her purse is totally STYLIN'!

Goober love & smooches,

Pee S
I left a message for you on your cbox.

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
I am impressed that you allowed yourself to be photographed coming out of the pool without your makeup (like that Lacie did). You look a bit rough.

I know why the pictures are blurry of you nabbing your french fries. They are the best! How could you have controlled yourself?


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Woowowowwoooo dear Asta!!!!!!!!!!
What a agreat time to start your weekend!!!!
Sure you're a modern dog....you know how is the best way to live life....
make exercise in the morning....and have a wonderful happy pawty hour with your humans!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww....can we come with you next time???
Your mommy and daddy look sooooooooooo beautiful and happy with you!!!!
And you look gorgeous!!!
We love you a lot!!!!
have a wonderful weekend!!!
Kisses and licks

bbes tribe said...

What a great start to a weekend - - getting to go with Mom & Dad and watch & meet people. The french fries, and stuff - WOW! You sure are a cute fuzzy girl.
Woofs & kisses
Ernie & Sasha

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I agree with you! That is the best way to start a weekend!
I hope you have a pawesome one!
Kisses and hugs

How is your mom doing?? I hope she is feeling better!

Lacy said...

w00fs, looks like u having a super weekend already....yummmmies....

b safe,

Persephone and Buster said...

sounds like you had a great afternoon of relaxing and playing and relaxing and eating.. and relaxing with your peeps.....
hope the rest of the weekend is most wonderful too.
theBUSTER, Ms. Persephone & ms.Blue too

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Life in the big city looks like soooo much fun!

Tank woo fur sharing!

PeeEssWoo: My mom wants those drinks please!

Lacy said...

w00fs, looks like u having a super weekend already....yummmmies....

b safe,

sir chancelot said...

I just loveeeeee everything about you family

Mack said...

Can you believe I have never been to a restaurant in my life??

Those fries look super scrumptious!

Joe Stains said...

It looks like an absolutely perfect day to us! We sure don't have any place cute and fun like that in our neighborhood!!

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Asta!

Ahhhh, passeggiata. Just the mention of that word makes la mia ragazza all misty and sad that she can't be in Italy again. (It is her most favorite place in all the world ... bet you couldn't tell! Heeee!!!) We try to have passeggiata in mia citta, but most everyone is inside, watching television. Plllbbbbbb!!! You are very lucky to live in a citta where everyone is out walking and talking and meeting -- and very lucky to have fantastico pawrents who give you frenchy fries. Mmmmmm ....

Tanti baci!

Koobuss said...

Same to you, kousin Asta! That sounds like a real good way to start the weekend. I like it a lot.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Asta, It looks like to had a great start to the weekend. Hope it's a great one.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Ziggy Stardust said...

That looked like so much fun. I love french fries. I never got to go to eaty place with my Mom and Dad, it must be so cool.

Have a nice weekend,

licks and sniffs,Sasha

Juno said...

Hello sissy Asta!!

Humans are ALWAYS busy. You know how to make most of our busy schedule...

We have to have french fries!!

Momo & Pinot

Dandy Duke said...

What could be a better start to the weekend then fries and drinkies and relaxation!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Ah comme la vie est belle ! Ton Papy et ta Mamy savent apprécier les choses simples.
Tu sais, Zsofi est arrivée de Budapest pour un mois chez nous ! Elle est très sympathique. C'est la fille d'une amie d'enfance à Véronique. Elle m'aime beaucoup et Dyos aussi....
Bisous, Faya

Colin Harries said...

Hey Asta - how you doin'? Thanks so much for visiting with me in Australia while I'm on my trip in the big caravan. I think I'm doing something quite exciting, but when I look at your NY city lifestyle, I wonder whether I'm really just a "kid from the colonies"! Oh well, I guess we're happy and very lucky to have our mums and dads, regardless of where in the world we live...please keep visiting...love from Colin Harries

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

HA! HA! HA! HA! Mama really enjoyed the start of your weekend. But what does a peaw a teef mean?!?

We need a good laugh because Papa's digital camera is at the shop being repaired for a second time. Have a great rest of the weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. We don't take very many vacations because of Mama going to school and both she and Papa work full time.

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
I think your post is an excellent illustration of the principle that it doesn't matter whether you're a city sophisticate or a country bumpkin, its how you (and your humans) approach life, that makes the difference.
Have a great weekend!
Cheers, H.

TwoSpecialWires said...

...and to think this is a typical afternoon for you! Isn't life wonderful? No matter where you are, no matter what the conditions, you can make every day special.

We're thinking about you, all of you,
Miss Fergi and Jake

Daisy said...

Asta, I am a little bit envious of your wonderful lifestyle. It looks like so much fun!

Eric said...

Asta, what a lovely start to a perfect weekend. Just wondering do you take tommy ketchup or mayo with your fries?

Wiry lovies and kissies, Eric xxxx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, you really know how to start a weekend! Mommy is so jealous...that again...she wasn't there with you!!

Wonderful pictures. Your Daddy looks fab in his "grubby" pants! They look comfy! Your Mommy....just beautiful!!!

Love, uSSSSS

Petra said...

I'd say every day is a vacation day for you, Asta! Having to wait so long for the fries must have been torture!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a great way to start the weekend. Mum say she love the look of the city life you has there!
~lickies, Ludo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Asta,
Wow, you are having a pawsome weekend so far! And fries too?
Mom and I just wanted to come by and say hello and thank you for your prayers for Bear. Long story, but mom has had to let him go. Mom is dealing with a lot of bad stuff with my evil mean ex step daddy and in order to get out of the mess with him, she had to let Bear go. Mom has not been able to keep up with visits with me, and yesterday, we had another hit, when our house we are selling was appraised WAY below it should be, and we were supposed to close this Wed! Mom is beside herself and so upset with her whole life right now. 2009 has truly been the worst year of her entire life, not to mention in 7 months she has experienced more bad stuff than she has in her entire life!
I am trying to comfort my mom. We will try to get back to blogging soon, but at this point, things don't look good.
Thanks again for your prayers, sorry for the long comment, but we thought we would give you a little more info since you have been so great coming back to check on Bear.
You are one nice doggie friend!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

what a great day - we like the villsge too - our buddy lives in tribeca

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sure sounds like a fun way to pass some leisure time - hope you enjoyed your fries.

Woo, the OP Pack

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

that looks like so much fun! Mom says as soon as she retires, we are going to do that every day.
She was going to retire this year, but then everything got so expensive - me and my upkeep included. BOL!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Asta, I was away when you said you were going. I am so glad that by the time I came back you were staying. I have only known you a short while and love your blog. So so glad you are staying..

ith lve GJ xxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Ahhh life in the big Apple. Sounds very enjoyable Asta. We're sure the Village is better than the snooty Upper East Side anyway.


Unknown said...

What a glamorous life you lead, Asta - even a daily walk is an event with fancy drinks and cool cafe culture!! :-) Mmm, french fries...I love those too! :-)

My humans would like to take me to cafes a lot of the time too but often there isn't much space around the tables on the pavement and I can't fit easily under the table! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Life With Dogs said...

It was a great weekend, and I am guessing yours was as well - you were certainly prepared for it!

Unknown said...

Hi Asta
I was getting dizzy.. so glad you got your french fries. Those drinkies looked delicious! What a fun day!

Toffee said...

Okay mom is just salivating because she remembers how YUMMY those fries were!

Thank you again for your nursing help! I really appreciate it!


p.s. mom loves your mom's new glasses!

Fred said...

Ooh--passagiata--what a great word! Sometimes staycations can be just as fun as going somewhere!

The Florida Furkids said...

That looks like fun. We have lots of places that woofies can go to lunch with their beans but none for us cats.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Chef said...

Oh Asta, I could spend the entire weekend doing that! Actually, we do something similar but not at a restaurant. All the neighbour dogs go for walks around 5pm so we hang out on the sidewalk and we meet tons of dogs and people. We play, they talk. But it would so much more fun if there was a restaurant with drinkies and french fries here on my street.

Mama says she loves your Mama's jewellery.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you all had a great weekend. Mummy likes the look of those drinks.

Simba and Jazzi xx

The Furry Kids said...

That sounds like a great way to start off the weekend! Fries!!! Yummy!

Your pal,

Southbaygirl said...

Hi Asta, My mommy really liked the drinks your mommy and daddy were drinking! She may have to go have a hooman drink now!!

Just wanted to come by and say hello!!



erin said...

That does sound pawfect!