a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lonely walk

Mommi and I went out fow a walk

Daddi had to wowk , so it was just the two of us

I was a little depwessed and lonely...Mommi thought looking at the flowews and the watew and the sky would cheew us up

I love the ocean smell

and thinking of all my fwiends acwoss the big watew

thewe wewe duckies having a seisuwely aftew dinnew float

thewe's a ton of wild wose bushes along the walk acwoss fwom us and the fwagwance is bootiful

we awe so lucky to have this wivew pawk wight acwoss the stweet fwom out house

Thewe wewe all sowts of neat smells to investigate

and the sky was soo botiful

the watew was vewy calm and only a few boats wewe out

we walked out on one of the old piews and took this pictoowe looking back towawds the city

that awch is all that wemains of the old Cunawd line entwance whewe Mommi awwived to the United States
just behind it is the new hotel that's two blocks fwom us . It's whewe Sophie LaBwadow stayed on hew wecent visit
mowe duckies gathewed fow theiw evening gossip

it was time to head home

I met a fuw kid..he was nice, but I still missed my fwiends

I like pwacticing my balance beam walking whenevew I can

thewe's cool signs fow all the things hoomans can do awound hewe like bycicling, and getting fwee kayaks to use on the Hudson

I'm waiting fow the light to change so I can cwoss the stweet
hewe's my building

this is what I see while I'm waiting..it's the building on the othew side of ouw stweet, and on the wight is the old Hotel whewe the suwvivows of the Titanic disastew whewe bwought to stay a jillion yeaws ago

Ok, I think we can cwoss now

let's go Mommi

just a few mowe steps and we'we home

I hope all of you awe well and had a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the lovely walk, Asta. The flowers were gorgeous and we could almost smell the ocean:)

Tail wags, the OP Pack

TwoSpecialWires said...

Awww, Asta. You seem a little melancholy, and a wee bit sad. I know you miss your friends and especially your Stanley. I'm sure they (and especially he) miss you, too. You all had such a wonderful time together. We're so lucky to have been able to imagine and enjoy your time.

That little walking tour meant a lot to us, for lots of reasons that we really can't put into words. I guess it's because there is just a specialness to where you live that goes beyond words. Mommy's relatives came here via Ellis Island, and even my Girl came here via JFK. My auntie (I'll see her soon!) lived in NYC for several years, and she has sad personal 9-11 tails she's told me. My people have been to NY and that's where my sissie wants to go after she graduates from her high school. I wish Jake and I could visit with her.

Anyhow... this is turning into an essay rather than a comment, but your post made me all reflective.

Did you know that we might get to meet Stella (and maybe even Stanley) and Gus (and maybe even Teka) in a few days? We're crossing our paws that it will work out. Then, soon, we'll be at the ocean, too! We're about to hit the road!

Miss Fergi (and Jake. he's sleeping)

Kelly said...

Asta, sweetie, thanks for taking us along on your walk. I'm with Jake and Fergi, there is something so wonderful about NYC. I am so jealous that you are there every single day!

You looked lovely on your walkie. I hope you aren't missing your Stanley too much... maybe you two could online-chat or something?

Deetz said...

Oh dear Asta
I have been reading all about your adventures with Stanley. I am so sorry he had to go back home so soon, you two looked lovely together. Your last breakfast together, sharing your toast, and just being in love was so inspiring. You are a good woman any man would be proud to have on their paw.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Thank you Dear Asta for taking us on a lovely walk around your neighborhood. We know you really must miss the "Goob". And we see a picture of the ginourmous diamond in your header. We're anxious to hear the romantic story of how Stanley presented it to you.

Have a wonderful evening.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We can understand your missing your friends, but that is such a lovely walk you took, Asta. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
So sorry that you're feeling a little melancholy, and I do hope that going for a walk to a nice park with so many interesting sights and smells has cheered you up a bit. Or at least made you tired so you can settle down for a night of sweet dreams about Stanley.
Cheers, H.

Faya said...

Oh Asta comme je suis triste pour toi. On aimerait tellement être tous ensemble toujours et toujours...
Les fleurs sont magnifiques et Véronique a dit que si tu écoute, elles te racontent des histoires.
Bisous, Faya

Petra said...

I LOVED the pictures you took on your walk today, Asta. NYC is such an historic place, with so much to see and so much to do!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dear we can feel your sadness and Archie was just saying he wishes his main man was still here as well( and he was only here for ONE DAY!!) It is a good thing you have a lovely place to walk!! Love A+A

Martha said...

Oh dear Asta
You are still sad. We admired your beautiful diamond in you header picture - we have never seen a diamond that size, why it is almost the size of a tennis ball!
Your Stanley must love you a huge amount!
We are glad you went out for a nice walk with your mom. The flowers in the park looked so pretty - we could almost smell them.
It was lovely seeing more of your city - it is just so different from where we live.
The Hudson River is something we see in films or read about in books - we love getting to see your pictures.
We see you like to walk on walls - like Martha!
Asta we think you are going to just need to come over to Scotland for a wee holiday.
We will meet up with Hamish, Marvin and the Dughallmor Beagles and we will all party.
A good Scottish party is what is called for here.
We love you lots.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Gus said...

Asta....it is a lovely walkie retrospective, but tell us about the ginormous diamond from Stanley.

gussie d

Daisy said...

What a beautiful place for a walk! Asta, you are so lucky to live there. It's fun to see what it is like to live somewhere so different from where I live!

Deb Cushman said...

Thanks for sharing your walk with us, Asta! New York is such a beautiful city! We're sorry you were kind of lonely, but the memories of your friends' visit must be wonderful. (And that's a beautiful diamond up there on the banner!!!)

Allison Walton said...

Tanks fur sharing yur walk wif us! We iz sorree dat woo had to be da onlee doggee, but at leest woo got to share wif yur mommee--she wuvs woo furry muchly.

Gus and Waldo

Lacy said...

w00fs, yeaaa asta whats up wiff that big rock..me loved ur walkie..me sorry u missin ur friends..

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

I am sorry to hear you are still missing our friends but it is understandable, they are so special. Your neighborhood is so interesting and it has so much history, we have nothing like that here at all. I certainly hope you are able to cheer up to your old self again soon.

Clive said...

That was a great walking tour Asta - we really enjoyed all your photos and descriptions! Hope you're feeling a little happier after your walk.

lots of woofs

Duke said...

You surely do live in a beautiful area, Asta! We loved going with you on your walkie! Thank you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Aw...poor Asta, I'll bet you're missing Stanley (and I'm sure he is missing you too!) but yes, you do live in a beautiful place! I loved going on your walk with you. And those pink flowers - ! Gorgeous!!

Honey the Great Dane

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank Woo Fur letting me walk along!

I've nevfur been to New York!

The flowers were soooo beaWOOtiful!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I know you miss them! But sure you had a lovely walkie with your Mommy!
Do you have a new haircut??
Kisses and hugs

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so sorry you are so sad and are missing all of your friends!

Persephone and Buster said...

hi asta...what a nice walk we just had with you... you're not alone we all are with you, checking out the roses and the ocean and and and...everything!!!
thanks for the tour, you have a great place to walk about in.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue

Teddy said...

Thanks for taking us on your scenic walk, Asta!! You really live in a beautiful & exciting place. We love the flowers too. Mom likes your balance beam pic because she can see your cute bum bum ;)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely walk and neighbourhood with us Asta! The area that you live in is so lovely and the view is to die for!! *8sniffing the air**.. I am almost smell the roses... almost...

Moco said...

Do not be sad Asta. You have lovely memories from your visitors. You had a wonderful walk with beautiful sights.

i said...

What a nice walk! You are lucky to live in such a beautiful place. The flowers are so pretty!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo do luk a littel loanly and pensiv their on yore wawk maybe me and tucker and trixie and trouble can swing by and entertayn yoo after we drop off flat tony in ohio trouble is lerning sum sort of noo trick to do with a jiant ball of yarn!!! ok bye

Koobuss said...

Super job on the tour, Kousin Asta! You sure have a lovely walk area.

My mom loved your Mommi's pictures! Let's see more, if you can. They are beautiful! We especially liked the ones of the light shining on the water. Your Mommi's artist talents just ooze out of the photographs! Great job, Amii!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta, you have a lovely walk right on your doorstep. We really enjoyed sharing it with you.

We were just watching the BBC news and it showed a new aerial garden in NY, It looks amazing, can you go to it or is it just for hoomans?

Molly and Taffy

Hansel said...

i sorry you miss yoor furrends asta. We luf yoo, dun be so downs.

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looked like a great walk. The flowers are very pretty .

Simba and Jazzi xx

Unknown said...

Oh Asta, cheer up! Sophie and Stan may be back home but I'm right around the corner! And the pools are open at the dog run, what's better fun than that?

Did you know that the Cunard pier is where the Titanic was supposed to dock? I don't know which dock my Granny and Great-Granny arrived at - I think it was further up on the Upper West side. We have an angel for the top of our Christmas tree that was given to Mommy when she was a little girl by a lady who was a survivor of the Titanic. Do you ever see ghosts at that old hotel? It's supposed to be haunted by the crew who died aboard the Titanic. Spooky!

See you at the pool - maybe Lacie will send you a new bikini!

Your pal,


Stanley said...

Sweet Asta Girl!

This is Lisa, Stanley's girl.

We just read your post together and he was so flooded with longing for you that he lowered himself to the floor and bawled like a baby. (We both know he's a big baby at heart.)

Looking at those photos makes us both feel like we're right there with you and your mommi... because we WERE just a short time ago. We both miss your sweet self, and your amazing mommi and silly daddi! I think my goober boy is finally admitting that he is depressed now that he's home. He hasn't even really played with Stella since we've been back (he just stands there and goes through the motions).

I sure hope you two can find a way to love each other long distance for awhile because I'm not in a position to move to NYC. We're going to have to figure something out.

If I get a web cam maybe you two could talk on skype?!

Think about it.

Get ready for this, because I'm sending you love from me, from Stella, from Merv, from Auntie Darla, and of course, from you big goober boy Stanley!


Stanley said...


You can wear any hairstyle and look FABULOUS! (Stanley didn't really notice your haircut through all of his tears. He just saw your fuzz and lost it.)


Fred said...

I always love your NYC pictures! Fantastic!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Awwwwwwwwww sweet Asta........
we're sorry you are sooooo sad....
we would love running throught the ocean and go to you for playing togheter!!!!!!!!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...why we can't do?????
but Thanks for the lovely walk!!!!!!!we feel like been with you....The flowers were gorgeous and we could almost smell the ocean!!!!!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww...thanks for sharing.....we know you miss your friends and especially your Stanley but we're sure they miss you too!!!!!!!!!!
Stay up sweet baby....we love you soooooooooooooooo much and you have your mommy and dad who love you a lot!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!!!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I'm sorry you are missing your friends...

I'm sure you enjoyed your walk with your Mom, though...

Abby xxxooo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Asta, I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much to leave you a few nice words for each post but I did read them all.
I enjoy reading all the posts of your pleasant meeting with your sweetheart Stanley then A&A and M&M, I wish I was there too.
Please don't feel lonely, you always have me smiling whenever I think of you, muahhh!
Love ya lot

Kess And Her Mama said...

Your pics brought back memories of mum's trip to New York last summer. I especially love the picture of the duck in the water. The texture of the waves makes that pic really special. Hope you feel happier after the walk!

Ronin The Pug said...

Astaaaaaaaa! Hi little cutie! Missed you! I'm such a terrible blogger... I didn't visit your bloggie for a long time!
But I see you have so many new photos!! And new adventures! :)

You had a super walk! And those photos! Love them!

Kisses and hugs cutie!

Mack said...

Your walkies are at least a bazillion times more exciting than mine. All I ever see is a ton of hungry mosquitos! You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful place!


Anonymous said...

Hi Asta! It was fun to go with your on your walk. The flowers and the views of the city are just beautiful! But I know you miss your friends. Having them visit was really nice, wasn't it?

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Eric said...

Asta, I loved wagging along on that walk. Wicked photos. And your strip looks beautiful. i get mine this week too.

Loved the story of the hotel,then Petey' story bout his Christmas fairy. A lady survivor (she was a teeny baby)who lives here over the pee, auctioned her items last year to pay for her nursing home fees..sooooo sad.Made me blue like you.

Wiry loves n kissies, Eric xx xxx

Marvin - oh and Jeannie! said...

oh Asta! I felt as if I was walking with you, those were such lovely and informative pictures, thank you for sharing!

My human sissy was in New York last week, but only passing through on her way to Vegas. She was sooooo over excited as she saw some yellow taxis from the airport building while she was waiting to change flights!

So hopefully next time she can stop over in NY! Now Vegas is crossed off her list!! though she wants to go back there too, it was so much fun.

The flowers in your park looked so fresh and lovely too.

And your building looks very nice too!!

lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxxx

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Asta!

Awww ... I am so 'motional after reading your bloggie, la mia dolce amica. Snnifffff.... I wish I could just run right over and take a walkie with you, just to cheer you up.

La mia ragazza's nonna came via ship to NYC (from bella Italia) many years ago and that is where la mia ragazza's papa was born, and where her oldest sorella was born. Alas, I, Lucia, have never been there myself, but la mia ragazza assures me that I would just love it. Maybe some day!!

Asta, cara mia, what a magnifico ring your Stanley gave you! Is there something you're not telling us....!?!?!

Tanti baci e abbracci!

Homer said...

Those fushia colour flowers, are they peonies?


Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

that was a nice walk. I liked seeing where you live. your window is up high!. I would like to look out of that window.

Pippa said...

That was a great walk Asta, and thanks for the history stuff too, that was so interesting.
