a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cheewing up wif the Help of my Fwiends

Look at me, I'm vewy happy

I got a soopew special gift fwom my fwiends the Dughallmow Beatles today

a vewy special cocktail to cheew me up

a sweet note and a fwothy cocktail wif a stwaw and a chewwy on top

pleez gimme Mommi!

Oh My Dog, it's magnificent

and incwedibly delicious!!!!

it put me in the mood fow my vewy special Owangutan that Stanley and his giwl bwought me

he's cwoss eyed and vewy fwiendly

I gwabbed him by the tummy..he makes the most amazing noise..I'm suwe my Mommi and Daddi will love it


I have to exam him vewy closely

what a face!!! how can you wesist

I hope you enjoy my playtime wif him...Mommi offewed me my cocktail again, but twoof to tell, My cwazy behaviow wif my Owangutan was lawgely doo to how many cocktails I had , so I wefoosed any mowe till latew, hehehehehe

I got so many wondewful toys fwom my fwiends..Agatha and Awchie, Maggie and Mitch and my Stanley..when I'm lonely, and it's yucky wainy out, like today, I get twememdous comfowt and love fwom them all....Thank you all my cawing sweet fwiends...I know you awe out thewe and I love you so vewy much.

I also got this bootiful awawd fwom Maggie and Mitch, my sweet sweet fwiends who welcomed me to theiw house wecently..Thank you so vewy much!!! I'm honowed!

I would like to pass this awawd on to all my fwiends..I think you awe all too sweet fow wowds.
If you wead this and answew..it is youw awawd too!

Mommi hasn't had much time fow my bloggie. A vewy deaw fwiend is gwavely ill, and we have to twy to help hew..I know you undewstand and won't fowget me.

smoochie kisses


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh what fun toys woo got!

I'm sure it helped make your mommi smile!

Khongrats on your award!

Please make sure woo give some extra Asta khysses to your mommi - and make some from ME please!


Sassy Kat said...

What great toys you have! It makes them better that your friends gave them to you. That is because you are such a sweetie.
Hope your mommie's friend gets well soon. Will keep praying for a quick recovery.
Forget you, no way!
Congrats on your award.

Gus said...

dear Asta...You and Mommi take your special cheer to your sick friends...we will be here when you are ready.

gussie d

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Ummm....forget the adorable Asta?? No way, how could we? Glad we helped you smile :o)
That orange friend of yours looks like a real hoot (we love how all your toys are orange!)
Hope your Mommi's friend will be ok, we have our paws crossed.
Love and slobbers xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I love the sounds your orangutan makes!
Paws crossed for your mom's friend!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00fs Asta, heehee the gifts were pawsome and congrats on ur award..me sorry ur friend iz sick, me will keep u all in me thoughts and prayers..

b safe,

pps me hopes its not auntie Kawen..

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice pressies and an award too - congrats. That orangutan is almost as big as you - and that noise!!! How long before you silence it???

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Hoover said...

Ooooh! Very nice toys. I likes da monkies.

You live in the place with the rooms that move up and down and you never leave you poop on the ground?

Hoover BPD (Battery Powered Dog)

Huskee and Hershey said...

That orangutan looks like he'd make a great playdate!! he sure makes a lovely sound... I wonder how long it'd last though.. hee...

Oh of course no one will forget you.. hope your mom's friend feels better soon **cross paws**

Faya said...

Les amis sont là pour toi et c'est le plus important. Plus ta Mamy et ton Papy qui t'aiment et c'est le paradis.
Gros bisous, Faya

Juno said...

Asta sissy!!! Oh my, don't say "Lonely Walk"!!! We actually enjoyed seeing at your photos and we feel like having a good walk with you and your mommi. We know we weren't there phisically but we always think of you.

Thanks for your lovely comment on our blog. YES, YES, We had a great time with Toffe's mom and dad and they were gone....

Momo & Pinot

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni Mine!

You know, that Orange Orangutan is your surrogate goober boy. He's extra fuzzy (like me), he makes farting noises (like me), and he will wrassle with you until you fall into a pile together (like me)! Think of me every time you play together!

Your other pressies are AMAZING! I love that cocktail (my girl could use one of those before she goes to work, she said). I bet it was very refreshing and gave you a second wind for playtime with Otto (your Orangutan).

Please tell your mommi that we understand about needing to help take care of your friend. We'll always be here for you!

Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanley

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is a cool cocktayl but be kayrful i hav herd if yoo drink too menny cocktayls yoo mite start seeing things like pink elefants or oranj orangutans or --- oops too layt ok bye

Hamish Westie said...

How very responsible of you, to refuse a cocktail because you realised you'd had enough already. I'm not sure a Scottish dog would ever manage to show such commendable restraint!
Cheers, H.

Clive said...


What great toys you have. That orange orangutan is great - the little man got lots of laughs seeing what you did to him. He was very happy that you don't get near his collection of animals!

We're thinking of your Mom and her friend.

Take care
Clive and gang

Dandy Duke said...

It looks like your new orange monkey might have been hitting the cocktail too much too, Asta!
Give your mommi extra hugs from us, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a wonderful lot of toys you got. Your lovely face was smiling so much. My mum thinks you are very cute. I do too ( for a woofy )

please tell your mum lots of good thoughts and purrs and things and not to worry we will be all here waiting.

Hugs GJ x

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Pawsome toys. Lilly could probably preform surgery on that Orangutan and make it easier on your Mommi and Daddi's ears.

So sorry to hear about your friend. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you as you go through this difficult time.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta, you look so happy playing with all your new toys. You've got some good memories of your time with Stanley.
We'll be sending lots of aire-zen for your mummies friend. Please let your mum know we're thinking of her too.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy x

Martha said...

Hi Asta
What great presents - that cocktail squeaky was so you! We loved watching you shake that orange orangutan - we liked the noise that made anc come over to see you on the computer!
Congrats on your Award too - you are sweet.
We are sorry to hear about your mom's friend - these are always difficult times.
We could never forget you Asta - you take the time to be with your mom - you are always a great help at these times.
lve and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Mack said...

I think Mr Orangutan was a little gassy!

So sorry to hear about Mommi's friend. I know you will comfort her while she helps her friend.



Daisy said...

Hahahaha! Oh, Asta, the 'Rangutan made such a silly noise, I laughed and laughed!

Kelly said...

Hi Asta!
It's so nice to see you cheering up with the help of your friends. You were too cute on that video!

Don't you and your mommi worry about not having blog time right now. We all love you guys and could never forget you!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta....that is a very cool orangutan! He makes a great noise! We are sure that this noise is entertaining Auntie Ami and Uncle George very much!!!

We hope that your friend feels better soon. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers!!

Love, uSSSSS

Persephone and Buster said...

hi asta... great toys!!! that orangeeetang honking at you whilst you bopped it's belly was a hoot! we like that coctail too mmmmmmm. how could we forget our favorite wire?? you tell you mom that we're sending much blue zen to her and her friend in hopes she will be feeling better soon... we're glad you have all your toys to keep you a little busy gurlie...
keep bouncing,
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue hoping the rain stops soon so we can go out and not get soaked!

Fred said...

Finally--a cocktail for puppies! Your orrangg...urangat...monkey looks very nice!

Dexter said...

HEY! That looks just like my monkey. It is a great stuffie. Mine has lasted a long time even though pee-wee ripped one of his arms off, humped it, and shook it about with great vigor.

Better than a cocktail.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Those are great toys, you will get hours of chewing out of them.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Homer said...

Hello sweet Asta!

How are you doing? Sorry we haven't been visiting your blog for a while. You are looking great!

Lots of love to your Dad and your booti-ful mum,


Eric said...

Sweet Asta, How kind of the DB's - just what a girl needs to take the edge off the blues. All those toys are fab Asta, what kindness... and the Goob funky monkey- heheee!!!

Take care of Mom and be back whenever. Sending wiry zen for Mom's dear friend.

Love and kissies, Eric xxxxx

Hollie and Janie said...

I love, love, love your cocktail toy! We should get together for drinks very soon!

Unknown said...

That monkey looks familiar. I think it's a one armed monkey now in the Mango household. Watch out.

I hope your friend is doing better. Pawsitive thoughts coming from me.

Koobuss said...

That was one of the best movies I've ever seen. Asta, you should get an Academy Award for your role as the orangutang handler! Outstanding!! And I loved the soundtrack, too!!

Hope your friend is doing better.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Sabrina de Cutie-Pie :) said...

What a wonderful toys u hv there!


Anonymous said...

Hi Asta! What great new toys! We're sorry to hear about your mom's friend - of course we'd never forget you.

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Princess Patches said...

We'll keep our paws crossed and we're sending lots of healing Aire-zen for your friend!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

First of all Asta, I hope your Mama's friend gets better soon, what a worry it must be for you all.

Secondly, how kind of the Beagles to send you the cocktail, wow, it looked so delicious.

I loved the Orange Utan, I am sure the noise he makes will be such a pleasure for your Mama and Papa!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx

pee ess there are some sunny pics on my blog if you want to see sunshine.....weddings, and kilts!

Plus the Beagles sent my Jeannie a very "naughty" card!

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooops sorry meant to bark here, I will never forget you!

Pedro said...


Oh I hope your mom's friend is doing better. I know how it is not having time to blog or visit friend's blogs because my mom was away on her stupid vacation FOREVER. She even me a couple of other DWB humans who didn't bring their dawgs & cats with them. Can you believe that? I mean, Stanley's humans brought him to see you!


Abby said...

Hi, Abby...

What great toys...

Expecially the Orangutang...I love the noise he makes...I know your Mom loves it, too...

Oh...And, your Diamond is beautiful...

Abby xxxooo

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you have some really super toys there. we want to play too!

don't worry, little fuzz-butt, we could not forget you. just tell your mommi to take care of her friend, but not ignore you too much. we'll sending some B-power to get your friend better fast.


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

what a yummilicious cocktail!!!!!!
Asta.....can we drink it with you????
And how many wonderful toys.....we loved a lot the big orange orangutang!!!
great video...you look sooo funny and beautiful....
and don't worry dear friend....we couldn't forget you!!!!
take care of you and your mommy!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Wowee! Orang utan - we have lots of it in our part of the world...the real ones, not the stuffies. The stuffy looks like the real thing.

Hope your mummy's friend recovers. Take care,

Juno said...

Hi Asta.. just checking in how you're doing. Mmmm... we are thinking to find that cocktail for our mom. She'll love it! :)

Momo & Pinot

Bae Bae said...

What alot of pawsome toys you got there

~ Bae

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those are great toys, and you look like you are having fun.
We hope your mom's friend gets well. WE will send curative purrs over your way so that maybe it will help.
Purrs and purrayers,
JB, Chester and mom

Agatha and Archie said...

THat is quite the stash.....of course it will cheer you up(as well as the cocktail0 Maybe if you let your Mommi play with slome it will help her as well..Love and a squillion A+A

Petra said...

I can see why you're so happy, Asta! The orange monkey helps you beat the blues.

I'm sorry to hear that your mommi's friend is ill. It's so hard to watch someone you love go through difficult times. Give her extra smoochie kisses today.

Allison Walton said...

How fun to have so many wonderful pressies!

Gus and Waldo

Joe Stains said...

We got the email about your Mommi's friend and we have been sending healing vibes, sorry we haven't had time to come by sooner. Looks like your toys are a comfort to you too but I don't know if that monkey noise is very soothing to your Mommi! wow!