a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Belated Wheeley Wednesday

I'm letting my sissie Myrna have the blog today, even though it's not wheeley wednesday.

Hi Evewyone..It's Myrna..I know, I know, it's not wednesday, but I just had to tell you about how wondewful my bwidesmaids have been

I was invited to Pencil Vania to a most bootiful tea house fow my Bwidal showew. My Bwidesmaids, Autumn, Fiona, Josephine and Enid as well as my sissie Asta, outdid themselves.
Knowuing that my favowite colow is violet, all the wheeley giwls dyed theiw fuws a most bootiful shade of that colow.
Dawling Butchy Love flew them all in fow the occasion on his biplane..he has mastewed the awt of skywiting.. and Miss Enid , it tuwns out is an aiwecwobat...............................I was in heaven!

as they flew ovew Lady Libewty on theiw way to Pencil Vania..he dwopped spwakly confetty which fowmed into a gowgeous cawd fow my love Gilbert and me when it hit the gwound

in pwepawation , I was given a wheel baf by Asta's BFF Lacie, wif woses in it..now my wheels awe wunning smoof as silk

We wewe able to take a touw of Autumn's vewy special doll house doo to a supew yummie magical tea that Lacie and Clacie pwepawed..we sang, we danced..some even swung fwom chandeliews heheheh
The gifts wewe bootiful and ovewwhelming..Thank you al so vewy much!!!!!

even the Woyal Mail had a pawt in it

This awwived fwom Enid..bootifully wapped and accompanied by a gowgeous note

I got all teawy ovew this

Miss Enid ..I will tweasoowe this always

Ouw own luggage tags

and a bootiful bag fow my pawsonal items

isn't it just pawfect????
Thank you Miss Enid..you have such mawvelous taste

I also finally unwapped ALL the pawts of my wedgewood tea set fwom Autumn..I was in such a tizzy befowe that I nevew saw the little milk pitchew

and guess what Fiona got me? heheheh..well whe does live wif Lacie. my vewy own lavendew blendew. Now Gilbewt and I will be set fow any occasion

as a sooveneew of this special day, we all got to take home these lovely bwidal "tea" bags

Pleez go and see all the detail of my showew at Autumn, Fiona, Josephine and Enid's sites!

My Wedding is eight days away..I am getting extwemely excited and newvous. Asta keeps putting cool cloths on my fowehead and making me dwink Lacie's smoofies fow theiw calming effect.

I keep wemembewing the fiwst time I heawd fwom my Gilbewt. It was just a yeaw ago.

Dear Myrna,
I know you have more boyfriends than stars in the sky, but I wondered if you might consider me to be one?????
My name is Gilbert and I am an AireWheelie. I'm rather old...a perfect Gentleman....most of the time....
And I would enjoy sharing ur company. If there is a dance at the Wheelie party in May, would you dance with me? Write my name on ur Dance Card...it's G I L B E R T!
I'm plannin' on wearin' a tux.
With greatest admiration,

My heawt skipps a beat evewytime I think of him..he is my hewo, my best fwiend , my twoo love


Wheeley smoochies and thanks to evewyone
I'll be back tomowwow.
smoochie kisses


Lucia said...

Ciao bella Myrna (and Asta!)-

Ah, amore ... such a dolce thing! I am so very much looking forward to your magnifico wedding, Myrna. I just know it is going to be the most wonderful celebration ever! You and Gilbert ... sigh ... destino!

Tanti baci!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Myrna...
I'm so very excited for next week...but I still haven't found anything to wear...whatever will I do??? But not to worry, AireRuby is changing its signature pink interior for a lovely shade of lilac for you. BTW, the RSVP list is up to date!

Lots of Licks and please try and relax, Ruby

Mack said...

When we saw that card that read "To have and to wheel" we all became a little teary eyed...

Martha said...

Hi Myrna
What a very pretty post - and so emotional too!
It is an exciting time!
Martha & Bailey xx

Jake of Florida said...

I'm just a guy, so what do I know about bridal showers and such? But THOSE LUGGAGE TAGS SURE LOOK YUMMY!!!!!

Just Harry

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Myrna, Myrna,

What a lovely time you must have had. Carrleigh and I are sorry we missed it.

Lilly and Carrleigh
1/2 of the Arrrooo Crew

PB 'n J said...

It looks like it was a lovely shower Myrna - you have wonderful bridesmaids!

Kelly said...

Oh Myrna, this is all so touching. Your Gilbert only has wheels for you, sweet girl. You two will be so happy together!

Will you two be living with Mommi & Daddi? Has Mumsie agreed to take you both in? Or will you be getting a home together??

So much excitement! I can't wait to see you wheeling down that aisle!

Persephone and Buster said...

wow....you and gilbert really were made for each other...such a lovely tail...i mean tale. it looks like you had a great time at the pawty and the airplane writing in the sky....wow! I'll have to remember these things! can't wait to hear about the wedding...i think we missed the date to reply but we will be there in spirit.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone <---sigh, and Ms.Blue too

Gus said...

We are so looking forward to the wedding, and really have enjoyed reading about the bridal shower. You must try a bit of doga for the centering and calming effect. It doesn't work for Teka, but then neither did drugs


The Black and Tans. said...

Oh how fabulous. The wedding is going to be superb we are so looking forward to it.

Molly and Taffy

Petra said...

Myrna, you and Gilbert are just the perfect couple, and I couldn't be happier for you! Soon your heart will be beating as one with your hero, your bestfriend, your true love Gilbert. Weddings always make me teary-eyed!

Dandy Duke said...

Autumn is still buzzing about the shower! She really had a great time with you and the other bridesmaids, Myrna!
We are really looking forward to the wedding! We know it will be just fabulous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Myrna.I'm so wagging your enjoyed your special day. Where are you living after the wedding Miss Myrna??? And going for your moneyhoon?

Fancy Fiona giving you a blender, wheelie useful. And the Wedgewood Teaset from Autumn is pawfect for romantic rose teas with Gilbert. Can't wait for the wedding.It's going to be the wheelie pawfect.

Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xx

Moco said...

This will be the wedding of the decade if not the century.

Noah the Airedale said...

Myrna, we're so looking forward to this wedding. It's going to be huge.
Your bridal shower would have been wonderful. You look beautiful.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Myrna...I had such fun servin' you and the other maids at the shower...I'm surprised that none of you cept for Asta had ever had Long Island Ice tea before...I mean, you like live in New York...isn't Long Island up there somewhere??? It was hilarious watchin' you Wheelies try to wheel when you were um well a wee bit tipsy...it gave a new meanin' to the words "trainin' wheels"...you might need some of them the next time you indulge in my special tea blend....

Fiona seemed to have a very good time...she's hasn't awakened since....

Gilbert is counting the days down on his wheels...he's going to be such a handsome groom....

Love to you and Asta, sweet girl...


Joe Stains said...

You had the most wonderful shower!! I can't believe the wedding is coming up so soon! We sure hope we look ok for the big event!! The blender is a perfect gift, but BE CAREFUL heh.

Juno said...

What a cute post, Myrna, we're so behind to catch everything up on our frirnds bloggy but today we're SO happy to learn about your wedding!! We're looking forward to your BIG day!

Momo & Pinot

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Your shower and trip to PA looked like a blast.The rose petal foot bath was a nice touch! What cool gifts you've received so far.
Looking forward to meeting all our buddies at the wedding.Seat me next to someone handsome okay??
love, Baby Rocket Dog

Girl stuff, but looked like fun, sort of. Can you seat me next to Agatha at the wedding? We are becoming good friends.
WelshieHugs, Hootie

Anonymous said...

Oh Myrna, that was such a beautiful shower. I love your luggage tags! I hope you and Gilbert will be very happy together.

See ya!

Rhonda said...

Hey Asta, its Joe Stains' Mom. The Wellness food is perfectly ok and has great ingredients, they just manufacture the food using the company Menu Foods, the folks who were responsible for the deaths and sickness of so many dogs and cats when they used the tainted gluten. We just don't feel comfortable getting food from any company that uses them to manufacture their food.

Agatha and Archie said...

Ahhhhhhhhh love in spring time.....We are so glad you had such a lovely time....We can not WAIT for the big event..Love and kisses A+A

Unknown said...

Hi Darling Asta! Hope all is well with you in the big NYC!!! Guess what I hear??? That you may be having a SUPER exciting guest coming your way the end of May!!!

Talk soon!

Love, Hercules

Simba and Jazzi said...

What thoughtful gifts. You can't beat wheel love.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Myrna -

You are such a lucky wheelie - unfortunately Mama did not make reservations for us in time so we will be at your wedding in spirit.

Mama loves the card Gilbert made for you with all the confetti - it is beautiful! Thanks for telling us all about the shower.

We love you all.

Hershey and Kaci