a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wheeley Wednesday

photo by Butchy and Snickers

Hi Evewyone..This is Mywna..and as you can see Spwing is finally hewe
(look at the cow in the meadow hehehehee fooled you, it's not weal..we don't have cows in NYC)
I decided to woll awound the neighbowhood..Mommi won't let me go vewy faw cause I'm still a baby, and she has to come wif me, but I convinced hew, it's only faiw ,since I didn't go to Washington DC wif my sissy Asta,this way I get to see chewwy blossoms and othew spwing flowews too.
I'm not vewy good at going up steps plus Mommi had me on a tight leash...she's no fun at all
This is my Stweet, and we have ouw vewy own chewwy blossoms..so thewe..and two lips too
now this is what I think is a nice fwont yawd..at least in the city it is
I think Spwing is soooboootiful..maybe the bootifullest season of all
I wondew if anyone would notice me picking a boo-K of these loveley nawcissuses...
ouw whole stweet looks happiew in the spwing ..don't you think???
well that's all the toow I can give you, cause I'm being dwagged home..nap time aweady....
and latew I want to play wif Asta and heaw about hew twip

she came home fwom Washington..and got some pictoowes developed
photo by Koobuss

This is a gwoup pictuwe taken at the capitol. A trip to Washington would not be complete without a group photo. From left to right we are: BabyStan, Asta, Dewey, Aggie, Stella, Sadie, Koobie, Scruffy, Lacy, Asta Marie, Toby, and Maggie.
photo by Koobuss

Asta says that twemendous fun was had by all, and they nevew even got awwested fow anything.


Anonymous said...

We are happy your spring finally showed up! We've been enjoying ours to a while. Happily we got some rain today so our hills will stay green a bit longer.

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs Myrna, ur street is bute ti ful...all dose flowers..glad ur sissy asta had a pawsome time on her trip...heehee at least dey didnt all gitted put in jail...

b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Myrna, your street looks so pretty. I think Spring has finally arrived here in the UK too, hurrah! J x

the many Bs said...

hi Myrna, your neighborhood looks lovely in the spring. we love all of the flowers and cherry blossoms. we even have some of those where we live. we hope that those narcicciccicciccusssessessses don't make your nose sneeze. heehee. sometimes we sneeze at them.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Your neighbourhood looks lovely in spring! What beautiful flowers! It is sogging wet here and we haven't seen the sun for days.

Asta sissy sure gets around! Love the car!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Don't you look cute sitting with the flowers.

Simba xx

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

those flowers are awesomely beautiful! Do you eat them too? I like spring time 'cause the flowers and the bushes have a particularly good taste!

How was Washington? Did you all mark the White House? claim it in the name of four legged humans!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Duke said...

You look so pretty strolling along your neighborhood sniffing all the flowers, Myrna!
We love spring too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Spring sure is nice Myrna.
So did you bring any of those pretty flowers homw?

~ Girl girl

Pippa said...

Mistress loves spring too - she thinks it is so full of promise and new life. And silly flowers of course.


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Myrna -

Mama has to agree with you NYC is pretty in the spring. She would go on all sorts of trips to NY and would see all the pretty flowers.

We are finally getting some spring weather but it is still a little cold temperature wise. Mama and Papa have daffodils and tulips coming out in the front yard. Then in May there are some iris plants and peony plants.

Your Mama cares a lot about you - there is an awful lot of traffic in NYC. I (Hershey) also have to walk on a leash because there is some vehicular traffic where we live and sometimes I don't pay attention. She doesn't want me to end up in the street.

Kaci is lucky - she has a run the size of her front yard and runs on that. Some neighbors take her out for walks too. But when she comes here we take walks together with Mama. It's lot of fun!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Amber-Mae said...

Oh the flowers are simply gorgeous. I hope you enjoyed your stroll around park...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Patches said...

All the flowers are very pretty, Myrna. We're glad you enjoyed you day out! Spring is our mom's favorite time of year...until fall gets here, and then THAT'S her favorite time! She can't make up her mind. She just doesn't like the hot summers or cold winters. We're glad Asta made it home safely from DC. We hope she told some of those idiots (I mean nice people) in Washington how to run a country properly!

Poppy & Penny

Deetz said...

Those are beautiful flowers, Asta. My mummy loves flowers. I can't wait to see your Scary Eye photo..hehe
I think you are the greatest!

Stanley said...

Myrna Girl!

You are one sweet little wheelie pup. I'm glad you're getting out and about and finding your way around the neighborhood. Soon you'll be as famous as your sissy, Asta.

I don't know how fast you can roll, but I think you could take your mommi for quite a ride if she's leashed up to you. Next time try it.

Goober love & springtime smooches,

Gus said...

Myrna! So nice to hear you are getting out and about. When do you get to visit a sidewalk cafe with Asta and the gang?


Daisy said...

You sure live on a pretty street!

Moco said...

What a lovely neighborhood you have. It is raining really hard here right now, but we can still see some of the spring flowers.

Mack said...

Wow what beeyootuful flowers around your place!

Springtime sugars,

Weeny&Daisy said...

Aww it looks very pretty there! All those lovely flowers..we hope you had a nice roll around the neighbourhood!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Peanut said...

I am glad you got your mom to take you outside for a nice stroll in your pretty neighborhood.

Petra said...

I LOVE the cherry blossoms and the pretty flowers, too! Isn't spring the greatest time of year when everything comes back to life?! I LOVE to be outside and run in the grass and enjoy the beauty of each new day.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...it really does look like spring is sprung! I think you should totally pick some flowers!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Noah the Airedale said...

Myrna, what a lovely street you live in. Spring flowers are just beautiful.
Oh could you please tell Asta that our pinky will be home from Sydney tonight and will get some good photos of Australia sent to her.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

PB 'n J said...

That looks like it was a nice walk Myrna! And I love your special Wheely Wednesday graphic!


Joe Stains said...

I sure am glad you don't have allergies, you'd be sneezing up a storm. Your street does look beautiful! It is supposed to be almost 100 degrees here this weekend so our spring is about sprung and on to summer.

Koobuss said...

Hi Myrna,

Looks like you had a great walk. (Or what is a roll?) You walk and roll! Hehehehe.

Your pictures are beautiful!! My mom would love to see more spring pictures of NYC. We love spring, too.

Say "Hello" to kousin Asta for me.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

meemsnyc said...

Those are nice wheelies!!

Agatha and Archie said...

It's about time spring is here!!!! Its here tooYEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you had a nice roll around town! Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Myrna!
Sure you had a very nice walkie!
All those flowers are beautiful!
Hurray for the Spring!
Kisses and hugs

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Beautiful pictures! Happy rolling! Next time you come to D.C., stop by and see us!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Hey Asta!

Guess what!

I love DC!

Eric said...


How do you do? Let me introduce myself.I'm Wally Wednesday.

I sque- eee- eked over here to visit your big apple blog. I'm 'specially partial to apples and your bite of the apple looks very beautiful indeed. Wish I could rock-n-roll around it with you one day. I'll see if my Mom can arrange it sometime. . .

By the way I belong to that fuzzy boy who's - er - well- a touch wired . . . Eric Square Dog.

Bye bye Myrna. See you soon. Wally Wednesday.