Do you remember Janie, the cutie little wire girlBussie and his pawents are fostering for Schnauzer/Fox Terrier of Florida rescue? Isn't she just the cutest?
Janie is sick, and rescue just does not have the money to pay for her vet bills. We are all sad, because Janie's transformation into a loving little doggie is so special.
When Janie first came to stay with THEM she was so, well, we didn't know if she could ever be a normal dog. Janie was rescued from a puppymill - she had spent her whole life in a cage. She did not even know what a toy was! Janie was super afraid of you-mans and would run away so fast if anybody even moved toward her or said anything to her! NOW SHE LOVES TO CUDDLE AND STEAL BUSSIE'S TOYS AND IS A LOVING LITTLE GIWL.
Janie suffers from pancreaitis which is controlled by a special diet - this is due to her awful puppymill experiences. Over the past week Janie has a had a severe pancreaitis attack and is not getting any better even with her medicine. Unfortunately acute pancreaitis can kill doggies.
Bussie's Daddy is driving her way far away to a special vet tomorrow so he can do tests and stuff and see what he can do to help her. We are so afraid that if she does not get specialized (read expensive) vet care she will end up over the rainbow bridge.
WE had asked fow donations, but now Bussie said they awen't allowed pleez pway fow hew!!!! and cwoss youw paws, and think positive thoughts!!!!!
Bussie Kissies
Buster and smoochie kisses
Oh la pauvre.... oui je vais faire quelque chose pour elle. Je te gratouille l'oreille Asta chérie,
Bisous, Véronique (J'attends Faya qui était à une fête...)
Oh no, poor Janie. I hope she gets good news from the specialist vet tomorrow. I'll keep my paws crossed and get J1 to send some cash via paypal. J x
We gave a little bit via paypal, it makes us so sad. We wish Mom had a million trillion dollars to help all the sick and sad doggies.
Oh Asta,We are on our way to PayPal,We are soo sad for Janie.We'll keep all our paws crossed too.Love A+A
We'll help, too....
S & L
Hi, Asta.
Poor Janie. Sure she deserves all the help we can give to pay her vet bills.
I have my paws crossed for her.
Oh, the girls and I will help, too. We have some money socked away!
Sweet Asta Pup!
That is the same vet who took care of my Stella. We're on the case, and will send something to help sweet Janie Girl!
I'm going to get my girl to post about this too.
Truckloads of goober love to you,
Your STanley Boy
I just copied your post and put it on my blog in its entirety. I hope that you don't mind and that it is okay to do that.
Poor Janie. She's had such a hard life and now this!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
We're sending major Aire-Zen for Janie! She's just too adorable to be so sick! She's just got to get better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh My Asta! I am feeling so sad. Funny enough I had a dream about her the other night.
I am crossing my paws for Janie. She has to get better.
Momo xoxo
Is there anyway to arrange with the rescue organisation that rescued Janie so that any donation to be transfered to them and donor to state clearly that the amount donated is for Janie and the organisation can use the amount to give Janie better medical care.
Sending out prayers and positive thoughts for Janie! We will be making a donation via pay pal as well! I hope this little cutie gets the best medical care, and feels better very, very soon!
Your pal,
woofies asta girlie, heehee my paypal iz kinda poor rite nows, they should get my check by friday...luvs ya..hope da lil girlie gets better soons..
b safe,
Oh no.. Poor Janie.. I'm keeping my paws crossed for her. She sure is a sweet doggie friend to Buster
~ Girl girl
Sending best whippet wishes for a fast and complete recovery for Janie.
Patience and the waggle
We are keeping our paws crossed for little Janie.
xoxoFour Pugz
Dear Bussie
Mum was going to donate a little money via Paypal but Asta said this isn't allowed. If we can contribute a little bit, please let us know. Mum is hoping the specialist vet is an holistic vet because they seem to have much more success than traditional vets. Benmore was bitten by a snake when he was 13yo and suffered acute pancreatitis about 6 months later, but fortunately he lived, and he lived until he was almost 18yo. We really hope Janie will be fine too. She really needs your love more than ever. Mum worries so much that this is what has happened to Beau, that he was stolen and he is being used by a puppy mill somewhere in Australia. We will be crossing all our paws and praying real hard for Janie to come through this.
Love from Hammer, his mum and his family
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