a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Simba's secwet agent pawty

I heawd that Simba is having a secwet 007 pawty tonight...I decided to dwess up and go cwash it,hehehe
Can you guess which Bond giwl I am???????


Sophie Brador said...

oh my.

Boo Casanova said...

omDOG omDOG! asta!!! omDOG omDOG! i'm so *speechless* now after seeing your 2nd pic... omDOG omDOG!

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

ooooh wow! ummm...wow?

Simba and Jazzi said...

this party is going to be great!!!!

Simba x

Ben & Darling said...

Hey sexy, will you be my bond girl?????

Duke said...

hummmmmmmmmm we don't know quite what to say??!! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Oh my Asta. Enjoy the pawty and remember - not too many martinis!

Katy x

Stanley said...

WHOA, Asta!! You're such a rebel!

I have no response except to say I'm sorry I won't be crashin' that pawty with you!

Listen to Oscar's mummy - not too many martinis, k?

Goober love & drool,

Bella said...

your the bond girl who gets covered in gold paint are you?
See you there.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Asta...that is so...wow!!! You go you little Bond girl you!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm not sure which Bond girl you are. But I'm sure you'll be very popular at the pawty. :) See ya there

~ Girl girl

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Let me see, you must be Jill Masterton (Shirley Eaton) who gets covered in gold paint in Goldfinger (should that be Goldpaw?). You'll always be my Golden Girl! J x

Gus said...

WooooWhee! You are surely a 24 karat terrier there. Have a good time and not too many martinis. Remember the headache the last time!


Daisy said...

Asta, Asta! HI! I saw you on Sophia's blog. I am glad you are her NOMSS friend. You are cute! And guess what? If I were a dog, I think I would look just like you! I am a dilute calico cat with curly furs! Nice to meetcha. I am going to sign your guest book!

PreciOus said...

Oh my Asta, you're gonna be dazzling at the pawty covered in gold!


Koobuss said...

Oh boy, Asta,

Thanks for the invitation to crash the party. Sounds like lots of fun to me! What time do we meet? Let's Go Party!!!!

P. S. Are we old enough to drink yet?

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
You friend Koobie

Jake of Florida said...

Whoa, Asta!!!!! Even though we are, ahem, surgically modified, we are still -- pant, pant, pant -- real live guy dogs!!!

So, how do we crash Simba's party? We told Simba a while back that our Dogdad is a Bond addict -- and Mom is mad about the new James Bond, Daniel Craig, So -- pawtinis all around, from NYC to SoFla???

Jake and Just Harry

Sir Chance-Lot said...

You are just tooo much ..hehe
I don't know what to say either~I don't even know who "Bond" girls are....Is it a new Dog breed?

Asta said...

Hi Chance
so nice to see you again!!
The Bond giwl are all the giwls fwom the James Bond Movies ovew the years. I'm supposed to be the giwl fwom Goldfinger, hehehehe
smoochie kisses
glad your girl is back, hope she had the bestest time

wally said...

Whoa. This makes me want to put on my Emma Peel costume. I know she's from the Avengers but while we're being sassy ladies...


Miss Reina said...

Gold dust the wrestler? :p

My dad made me said that!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Golden girl??? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta! Thanks for visiting my blog. Any friend (girlfriend) of Stanley's is a friend of mine.

Faya said...

Alors ? Tu étais la star de la soirée?.... si jamais tu mets un sac avec de la glace sur la tête (pour le mal de tête) et sous tes pattes (pour avoir trop dansé)....Bisous et bon week-end, Faya

the many Bs said...

Asta, you are absolutely stunning in those photos. But we like you when you look like a cute little fuzz-butt girl also!
Cute Cute Cute!

Hammer said...

Hi Asta
I think you're a bad girl Bond girl .. but this is okay though. Just don't drink too many martinis.
Love from Hammer

Brandi Mills said...

Hey, I've seen that movie! Hope your party doesn't end like that yellow lady's did.

Asta, I read your comment on my blog and sure you can link to it! I'd be honored. I'll add you to mine, too, when Mom takes the time to update my blog.

Hope you had fun at the 007 party.


Anonymous said...

Hey Asta - I have a link for your NOMSS photo. Can you send us an email at adivakitty @ gmail.com.

~Fiona Bun

Bogart H. Devil said...

Party on Asta!! Woo-hoo!!!


Frasier said...

Cheers.....Asta !!
That was so funny!!!You know a naked golden Bond lady would appeal to Mr Bond !!Mommy loves him...the idea of James Bond and also Daniel Craig.she gets a glazed look on her face when she sees Mr Craig

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...


My mum is a huge James Bond fan - what a gweat pawty that must have been!

Shaken, not stirred, Asta down under

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta, I've only ever been covered in mud! You look so er...pant, gulp, um...attractive. Hope you had a FAB time at the pawty. Scruffy

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hahah.....wat a secret agent u r...