a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, August 19, 2007

OK so it's another weekend, another dinner pawty, ho hum...we cleaned all day and cooked a whole lot of stuff, and hewe's the stuff on the table...what awe you guys waiting fow...let's eat!
So this is my Mommi's plate, she took some of evewything..I think she's a piggy
I need to taste test evewything to make suwe it's OK fow the guests

This was the dessert,it's hawd to see, but it's a plum clafoutti..yum yum!
After all that food a good tummy wub-tickle suwe feels good
I'm covering my face, it's getting late and a giwl can't stay up two days in a wow and sill maintain her looks
Licking my face in anticipation of getting smoochies fwom Daddi before bedtime
I pawtied so hawd at Simba's and danced all night with all my doggie fwiends...this was just too much fow a little puppy giwl...I have to confess I was tiwed out....so sweet dweams to all you pups.
I hope you had a gweat weekend. I'm going to be taking it easy the next few days...nothing but playing, eating , sneeping....what a life!


Stanley said...

Asta, Sweetpea!

I *have* to ask, who was giving you that fanTABulous tummy rub/tickle?? You looked like you were in Asta Heaven!

Your mommi sure knows how to do a good spread - the table settings looked good enough to eat!

Take it easy now, girlie. You're gonna have to rest up from your weekend. Hope your historical daddi gave you plenty of smoochies to last you through your dreams!!

Gooberlicious love & kisses,

DK & The Fluffies said...

I'm not sure about plums, but Fiona Bun says they are very tasty. I'd rather have some of your mom's meat.

Joe Stains said...

you really do have a great life!! that food looks so good I am about ready to come visit you!!!

Bella said...

Hi Asta,
The dinner Pawty looks fantastic, yum yum yum.
After everydog & GG has recovered from Simba's pawty maybe we sould have a dinner pawty at Asta's place.

the many Bs said...

Hi Asta, Brody finally admitted on our blog today about his crush on you. You have so many doggies that like your little fuzzy-butt! You dinner party looked wonderful. You certainly are a very nice hostess for your guests.


PreciOus said...

Hi Asta!

Goodness, you always show the best food pics on your blog! I'm gonna drool all day long. *Grinz*


Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
What a delicious spread of food! Your Mom really knows how to entertain her guests.
You have a really cute belly!! :)

Faya said...

Une si grande fĂȘte pour tes petites et jeunes pattes.... Repose-toi, fais des siestes (j'aime aussi)... Gros bisous, Faya

Simba and Jazzi said...

Look at all the cuddles you got, you lucky thing. That food looks yummy.

Simba x

Duke said...

hummmmmmmm this might be a better deal then that measeley hamburger and half a french fry that we had last night! Your mom sure knows how to cook Asta! yummy!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh those food looks yummy! You're so lucky to get to taste test all of them

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova said...

look at you asta, you are sure enjoying the tummy rub, didn't you. you even show your teeth!

wet wet licks


Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

What a fabulous pawty! It looks amazingest! I bet the food was tastiest and the company were funnest! Talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Its always great to see all that yummy food that your mom cooks! You sure are a lucky girl. Belly rubs, aren't they great??
Have a nice day

Koobuss said...


I hope so. You must take it easy for a while. There is nothing wrong with that. I like it a lot, actually.

That looked like quite a dinner party you had. Everything looks delicious. I hope you got a lot of tastes and tickles from the guests. How can they resist you? You are so cute!

Enjoy your rest.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Ruby Bleu said...

You are certainly the society girl aren't you!!! I didn't know you had belly spots just like me Asta!!! I was tired too yesterday...too much fun from pawtying I guess!!!

Have a great week, girlie!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Sweet Asta,
My oh my... all those food pics is making my tummy rumble.. And I must tell you that you have the cutest belly spots!!
Simba's pawty was great wasn't it.. but I think I had one martini to many..

Gus said...

Yummm. Puts my tacos to shame. You and your Momi are fantastic cooks! And you deserve your rest this week. Just don't forget to keep in touch with your friends and admireres, OK

Agatha and Archie said...

Well,You get clafloutti,Maggie + Mitch get hamberg + french fries,Gussie gets tacos...you know what we ahve eaten so far????? Oatmeal,ground chicken,and squash!!! Now I ask you ... clafoutti or oatmeal,,which would you pick?! I think it is time to speak to PL2.Get some rest you are the little party girl!!!LoveA+A

Agatha and Archie said...

Well,You get clafloutti,Maggie + Mitch get hamberg + french fries,Gussie gets tacos...you know what we ahve eaten so far????? Oatmeal,ground chicken,and squash!!! Now I ask you ... clafoutti or oatmeal,,which would you pick?! I think it is time to speak to PL2.Get some rest you are the little party girl!!!LoveA+A

Agatha and Archie said...

Well,You get clafloutti,Maggie + Mitch get hamberg + french fries,Gussie gets tacos...you know what we ahve eaten so far????? Oatmeal,ground chicken,and squash!!! Now I ask you ... clafoutti or oatmeal,,which would you pick?! I think it is time to speak to PL2.Get some rest you are the little party girl!!!LoveA+A

Agatha and Archie said...

Sorry,Archie hit the button twice.....A+A

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
Aaaah that lovely food !Drool,drool,drool
Belly rubs are great for digestion !!!
PS:I love your kangaroo!

Tadpole said...

I know how you feel Asta-Baby, and I didn't even have to host a dinner party after the 007 party! You sure must be tuckered out! Be sure to rest up and get your beauty sleep. :-)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta, I don't know how you keep your svelte figure...it must have been all of those calories you burned Friday night. I'm not sure what you exactly were doing Friday night, but because I'm only 6 months old, Mommy said I shouldn't ask. But, I wanna martini too!!! (Frankly, I like cosmos better; don't tell!!) When Scruffy saw your tummy spots, he had to go lie by the vent in the kitchen to cool off. He didn't say much; he was just fanning his face with his paw. Lakie licks, Lacie

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
We miss you already...
I just saw the Rockin dog blogger and will put it on my blog

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, J1 was drooling over the plum clafoutti! I was drooling over everthing else! Jx

Juno said...

Asta, this is my favorite part of your blog, all these FWOOOOOOOOD on your table! :) :) I am very curious about a plum clafoutti. Is this another yummy hungarian sweet?? (My hoomans say this name sounds like Italian.)

Momo xoxo

Ben & Darling said...

Oh sweetie, you always have great dinner & outing...Im sooooo jealous ler....especially those food. Slurp~~

ChaChi Lu said...

OOOh, your Mommy knows how to throw a party! I think you were just missing a little "pink champagne"....

ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne *wink*

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Thin Twin,

We love dinner pawties, hic! xxx Asta down under