a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My last day at the lake

My last mowning I went suwfing again( I guess it's not weally suwfing like my Twinny Asta does it in Austwailia, since this isn't the ocean, and there wewe no big waves), but it was fun pwetending..by now I wasn't scawed, my tail was up and I even did "hang eight"
I talked to my cousin Cawina about what to do fow the west of the aftewnoon

We went back up to the house for an aftewnoon of lying awound and welaxing
OMG I found a stickie..I've seen many of my fwiends playing with them, but i've never seen one..they just don't have them in NYC, but I'm on vacation in the bestest place , and they have evewything
I couldn't help stopping fow a few minutes to think about my sweet Oscar,I hope he has a big pile of pawfect stickies over the rainbow bwidge

This was bliss..I loved my stickie...I thought of my fwiend Oscar the whole time

Look what I found! appeawantly my fwiend Gussie has a line of soda! pawfect..you go Gus!
It's dinner time again...and yes that's doggie food in the bowls, but never feaw, I always manage to get my shawe of the yummies the hoomans awe having, hehehehehehe
This is the onliest pawt of the dinner I can show you,cause Mommi was so busy stuffing hew face that she fowgot to take piktuwes of the west..this was peach cobler..miammmmmmm
Goodbye bootiful lake..I hope we get to see you again sometime

Watching the last sunset on the dock with my Daddi..the next day , it was time to go home
After dinner, the Hoomans all went down to the swimmy dock to go look at the zillions of staws in the sky..unkel Burton had to dwive some down(like my wussi Mommi) cause they were too scawed to walk in the blackest night,heheheh


Anonymous said...

wow asta i just went through all your vacation pictures and what a vacation!! so many nice hoomans and good food and stickies. i would love to get a stickie to myself one day. we don't have that here where i live either.

you're a natural at swimming :) i have never tried that.

and what a good idea that flexible leash thingy!

i think i need a vacation too. but first i need to think of what i need a break FROM, not so easy to convince HM


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Asta Girl,

Kowwa bunga surfer girl. Hehehe... you didn't bring the ball back, neither do I until I'm ready to chase it again. Stickies are the best, we have lots of stickies on Long Island. If you ever come out to Long Island we can go find stickies together.

Nice picture of you and Dad watching the sunset. Mom's leaving for Florida in a couple of days so it will be just Dad and I for a couple of days.

Dads been busy working on the boat, if not for this year at least for next year.

Luna Licks,


PreciOus said...

Oh Asta! You were swimming! Sorrie I didn't manage to catch up with your adventure till now. You are a natural born swimmer! And the food is tempting enough without showing us all. Thank doG for that else I'll be drooling all over my keyboard. Hehe.


Boo Casanova said...

omDOG omDOG! i'm going ga ga over your self-exposed photo. more of those please!!! i think you promised you gonna post more belly photos rite? more more more please!

wet wet licks


the many Bs said...

Hey Asta, you sure look cool on your doggy surfboard. You are really having fun with your stick too. That's nice of you to think of Oscar. We think of him too. You sure have been having a fun vacation. Good for you, little pup!

Stanley said...

Asta Sweetpea!

I'm with Boo. I loved your travelogue and seeing all you did your last day, but my ALL-TIME FAVORITE THING was that belly pic of you on your back wrasslin with the stick! Your tummy spots are lovelier than ever, girl!

You look like a surfer girl in that first photo, and you seem to make the rounds with all your family. They must LOVE you!

Do you really think your mommi is a wuss? She was drinking - so of course she shouldn't be walking. Didn't you know, hoomans have a law about that (I think).

Love you, girlie! Thanks for sharing your vacation.

Goober love,

Faya said...

Superbes vacances ! Vous les aviez bien méritées ! C'est sympa de partager ton bois avec Oscar.... moi aussi je pense à lui tous les jours... Merci pour ce magnifique reportage : Asta la journaliste.... Gros bisous, Faya

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
Wow, your vacation really looks very FUN! I mean the lake was bootiful indeed and I really enjoyed those piktures of you with the stick. :)

Duke said...

What a fun vacation you had! All of your pictures have been so lovely! My favorite is that one of you on your back with the stickie in your mouth! hehehehehe

Love ya lots,

Bella said...

Pawsome holiday adventure by the water. You look great surfing & will be ready for the waves in no time :)

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a wonderful time you had at the lake Asta. I wish I could have join you there too

~ Girl girl

Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

What a fabulous last day at the lake you and your Mommi and Daddi had! This was one fantastic vacation! I bet you can't even wait for next year!!! :))) Talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Hammer said...

Dear Asta

You have the prettiest face, and you are so brave. I would never have stood on the blue thingy in the water. I'm bigger 'n you, but I'm still real scared of water. Oscar knows you are thinking of him. He'll be chasing sticks in Heaven with the other DWB doggies and FuFu will be trying to hide them from the doggies because FuFu is so smart. I'm sorry I haven't visited your blog much lately .. I've missed you heaps.

Love from Hammer

jaffeboy said...

Oh my dogness. U look like U had so much fun. I love a surfer bitch, I mean chic. U look hot.

Sticks sticks sticks. I love sticks too! Aren't they the bestest?!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Thanks again for sharing the pictures of your vacations! The one where you are with your Dad watching the sunset and of course the one where you are playing with the stick and showing your belly!
Have a nice day

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
What a perfect vacation!You pose really well !I never realised that you would never have seen a stick!That was funny.There are piles here !Please remind your mommy that we live to see the food and to please take pictures!!!

Tadpole said...

What a perfect way to end a fabulous vacation - watching the sunset over the lake with your dad. Ahhh.... So glad you have such a wonderful time!

Agatha and Archie said...

Hi Little one, We are back to earth after being on cloud 9...Aren't sticks the best ever??!!! That was a mighty big one too!! You look like a real surfer there too!! All you need is Beach Boy Music in the background!!! It looks like a grand time was had by all!! Love A+A

The Airechicks said...


What a wonderful time you must have had...

That last surf pic - girl you got it going on -

You and the stickies...great snap..

We know you'll be going back next year.

Thank you so much for sharing you vacation - we we could have been there too - waht a PAWTY that would have been ...

We miss Ocsar too - but how very nice of you to have a stickie for him...

Gus said...

OH, what a beautiful vacation for my beautiful puppy gir Asta. Yummy food, lots of time with the humans, and a great time in the water. Many Happy Returns.

ps. I will have to start looking for "my" soda! looks yummy

Daniella said...

Loved all the pics and videos. I am most intrigued by your "pulley" system ensuring you didn't escape with the stick! Can you tell us readers more about the system? you looked like Tether dog for a while but then I saw the leash was attached to some sort of contraption between the trees? I of course don't need such a thing cos I am "reliable off leash" - gloat. I am an anomalie in the wirey world according to my mom who isn't even sure she is using that word correctly.
Best, Ax

Joe Stains said...

we just love all of your vacation pictures, you always look like you are having so much fun.

ChaChi Lu said...

The Lake looks wonderful! You must have enjoyed yourself so much...I see wine in the last picture when you were riding in the dark. Looks like my kind of Pawty! Yum!

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne