a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, August 9, 2007

More Lake vacation Fun

Good mowning lake!...........isn't it bootiful? this is the fiwst thing we would see evewy mowning
In the mowning it takes the hoomans a while to become awake..so we have bweakfast on the deck..Daddi looks gwumpu, but ,heheheh, he just hasn't had enough coffee yet..OK, Daddi let's go to the dock and twy this swimming thing I've heawd about fwom Asta twinny and Stanley and all my accomplished fwiends.
Fiwstest, you have to pwactice suwfing on dwy land....then
OK everypup and GG, this is how I got wet in the pwevious video..watch what happens

After all that excercise..we decided to go back to the house .I was super hungwy by now, so I was on the lookout fow the food....................this shot is for Stanley my Goober Love, heheheh
Dinner time..Yeahhhh!!!!! all that swimming makes a puppy hungwy..I managed to cajole every hooman to give me some yummies fwom their plate , befowe I had my puppy food
I just know there must be mowe ice cweam left in here..this is my special at the lake technique, you'll notice it's quite diffewent fwom my city ice cweam eating manners, heheheh
I had to finish evewy lick
Another bootiful day ended with a gowgeous sunset..there's still mowe installments..hope you awen't sick of my vacation yet..I'm haveing fun weliving it..goddnight all my sweet fwiends


Daniella said...

Yeah, you swam and you looked like a very good swimmer too. Well done Asta!!!
That food looked yummy too!!

Gus said...

Good Job swimming. And good job eating Ice Cream! Looks like lots of fun.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I was kinda worried for you in the water. You looked a bit nervous! Was it fun or did you prefer to lounge on the float? Good ice cream skills! J x

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!!

Woooo Hoooo Hooooooooooo!

You are a natural! Now the question is... did you like it or was it pure survival? All I could tell was that you were speedy fast and raring to go! (Your daddy sounded a little concerned you might run away from them in the water). I am SO SO proud of my FB.

Your cabin looks so cool and inviting, and what a place to wake up!! I don't know if I would ever leave!

Keep the vacation installments coming.! I love reliving them with you. And, like always, your family knows how to EAT (and they're not stingy with the eatables)! Seeing the food, and your vacation eating techniques, makes it that much more fun to watch!

Nice booty shot, sweetpea! Was that really for MOI??? Mwah! I may have to frame that one! (Is the aire conditioning on the fritz? It's definitely hotter in here all of a sudden)!

Goober love & hugs,
Your Stanley Boy

Duke said...

OMG Asta! You were just about outswimming your mom! You go girl! Were you pooped? Did you need the raft or could you have kept on going?
The ice cream looks delicious! Hey, you're on vacation! No need for city manners!
Keep the vacation shots coming! We love them!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

you are so excellent at swimming!! however, that fish you had for dinner is the best looking thing I have seen in a million years or so!!!!

Putter said...

OMG! Asta! Your are amazing! That swimmies video is the BEST!!!!!! I still can't even get over how you balance on that raft!!!! You are MY hero Asta!!!!! I will talk to you soonest AND Mommy and Daddy will SEE you soonest!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow! You looked like Esther Williams swimming!! You could even do synchronized swimming in the Olympics!!!Way to go little one!!! Archie is really impressed because he only gets his toes wet but I would swim with you!!!!! Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You are a great swimmer! Glad you had fun there!
Good shot for Stan!!
You had everything there, swimming, yummy food, yummy ice cream, beautiful sunset!
We will be waiting for the next part!
Have a good night

Faya said...

Super Asta ! Tu es la meilleure, c'est géniale de savoir nager....et ça fait du bien quand il fait trop chaud. Et pour finir une glace...tu étais au Paradis ? Gros bisous, Faya

Nugget said...

Super swimming Asta! Looks like you had great fun.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

u looks like a great surfer...

wonder how u manage 2 hold up d ice cream cup...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you're so brave to be swimming. :) I like how you eat ice cream hee hee

~ Girl girl

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Twinny,

Us Asta's are gweat swimmers! If only we could go swimming together, we could do a water ballet!

xxx Asta down under

Jake of Florida said...


That video is awesome -- you really were swimming! Was it fun?

And your vacation place looks beautiful -- wish we were there.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa, Asta!! That was amazing. I've only swum once and that was in my life preserver and I fell out of the canoe!! I think your Daddy should have shared one of the water noodles...ya coulda floated on it and puppy paddled! You are one cute pup!! lakie kisses.....Lacie

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You did so well !!You looked like you could compete in the doggie Olympics !!
I was going to remind you to post some food pics since you guys have the bestest food !!I am glad you did,it looks so yum.Mommy and I are on a diet and we look and drool !!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Oh Asta, that looks so beautiful... the cup-on-the-nose ice-cream-eating technique is PRICELESS!


Ben & Darling said...

This place is sooooooooooo bootifol and the FOOD is super yummylicious!!! Lucky gal.

Gwyn Valentine said...

Wow Asta,
its a beautiful place! and you are really good in swimming, i think the hooman had a hard time catching up with you!
