a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm naked

After awwiving back home, I was taking a lovely nap on the couch, dweaming of all the adventuwes I had had on my vacation
When without wawning, aunt Beth shows up...that can only mean one thing.....a haircut!!!
I was plopped on the table, and my bootiful cuwls disappeared...I am now naked!!!
I was soo upset, that I took out my anger on my good fwiend ....
The pictuwe is bluwwy, cause I was having a fit, and wanting to kill something, unfowtunately fow Mr. Weindeer, he was in the wong place at the wong time

The wesults of my fwenzied attack on my poow innocent waindeer, who has been my fwiend since kwistmas..I'm mowtified by my behavior
I have a weally good xplanation, honest Mommi
Twying to slink away fwom the evidence...I'm deeply ashamed of myself
I wefuse to let you see my naked bum
Daddy gave me some cheese to cheer me up
I'm still too shy to look at the camewa (those are aunt Beth, my gwoomer's feets in the backgwound), she was twying to get me to show off


Joe Stains said...

I have never ever had a haircut but it does NOT sound fun so I do not blame you for acting out like you did!!

Stanley said...


You look simply bootiful, sweetpea! I'm guessing you'll be strutting yourself and working the camera by the time someone breaks it out again for a few Asta photos. (And make sure you get a good booty shot in for all of your admirers. ;) )

The crime scene photos of your weindeer make it look like serial stuffie rippers made their way to your house (it actually looks like ZZ and I paid a visit to dear Mr Weindeer). I'm sure you're sad on one paw, but maybe just a little proud on the other?? Your stuffie was there for you and gave his life in the service of his Asta's mental health! He did not sacrifice in vain.

Hope you get to go back to the run soon. I bet they're missing you!

Goober love & kisses,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw Asta, but you look so beautiful and very grown up. Hopefully you'll feel better by now.

It must be a bad week for reindeers. My beloved Roger lost his head the other day after a particularly good game of tuggy, sniff.

Oscar x

Duke said...

But it's so hot out and you have to be so much cooler!
I think your haircut looks lovely! I like it!

Love ya lots,

Kien said...

Hi Asta.. dun worry bout haircut.. it will grow back just nice for you in no time... but poor Mr Reindeer...u just shouldn't... but hei!... puppy power..we bit and trash things..hahaha

Golden Rossi

Finnegan said...

You are still beautiful with short hair! I hope you were able to repair your friend!


Gus said...

Asta sweetie: You look lovely! I am jealous of your lovely wirey fur. And we can see your face (well, the part you turned toward the camera anyway)

Do not worry about mr.reindeer. His purpose in life is to make you happy, and keep you from taking out your anger on $300. shoes. Tell your aunt beth she did a gooood job

Frasier said...

Poor Asta,
It does not sound like fun,getting your hair cut and all!!
But you look bootiful .....

PreciOus said...

Be sad no more, Asta. You are a beautiful girl and a beautiful haircut brings out the bestest look in you. Smile girly. =)


Snowball said...

Hi Asta, Looks like you have a really good nap. Hope you are having fun with your toys.


Faya said...

Asta ! Tu es jolie comme un coeur ! Et puis ici on a lu dans le journal qu'il fait très très chaud à New-York. Alors c'est mieux si tes poils sont courts. Gros bisous, Faya
PS : demande à ta maman combien de centimètres fait ton tour de cou ...

Tadpole said...

Oh Asta, you still have about 12,579,846,527,985,412 times more hair than I do.... *sigh*

Murphey said...

Oh, we terriorists are really good at destrying toys we lorvvvvveee. Good job, and I think the haircut looks fabulous!


Duke said...

Hi Asta,

I left my email addy on your c-box.
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes in my comment section! This is just fine - honest - cross my heart!
You're so sweet!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Poor Reinder!! I hope he can be fixed!!
Don't be mad. Its just hair and it will grow again soon!
You look beautiful!!
Have a nice day

the many Bs said...

Wow, you really did destroy your reindeer. We like to do that to our toys just for fun! and we get haircuts all the time too. it's not so bad. You do look cute!

Ruby Bleu said...

Asta...you still look so bootiful hairs or not! Please show your pretty face!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Stuffies are made to be unstuffed!

Sadly, I will be getting an allcut soon too. I prefer looking like a mini sheepdog.

Bussie Kissies

Emily and Ike said...

If haircuts are like baths, I'm not interested!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Actually I think you look good with your new cut.. you look just as sweet and lovely to me!

* Sorry on the 'demise' of your reindeer though

Ben & Darling said...

Poor Asta, how dare your aunt Beth cut off your hair?? Nvm, someone have to pay for it so poor reindeer. Im bet autn Beth will get you another stuffie coz she is the one indirectly kill the reindeer. No worries Asta, you still look cute.

Putter said...

Oh Asta!

I know just how you feel! I have destroyed a toy or two after a haircut too ... and the slinking part, yup, that too! :)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Asta,

What a sexy entry!
Oh, and a nice job done on waindeer. Now waindeer is free from FATS :p


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

Your twip looks like so much fun and you look bootiful wif your haircut! I wish my pawents would take me on a twip!

xxx Asta down under