a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, February 8, 2008

MyBFF Lacie tuwns One and Tia's birfday rerun!

Today is the day!!! Lacie tuwns ONE!!!
look out wowld, hehehehe she has benn waiting to be gwown up fow quite some time now, Mumsie is punishing hew, but allowed me to sneak hew out fow just a little bit.
so I took hew out fow a vewy gwownup birfday dwink last night..I knew that today she would want to be with hew bwuvvews Scruffy and babyStan and Mumsie to celebwate.......................................................................................................................................................................

Sitka had evewything planned fow a fabulous pawty in Jamaica, and many of us wewe aweady in ouw bathing suits and weady to go, when the wowst thing happened....TIA got vewy sick and had to go to the hospital..


Tia is home and much much bettew finally, and my sissies Momo and Sassy thought why don't we ask the Mom of the house if it would be all wight to give hew a suwpwise pawty wight in theiw house.....she said suwe!!

My cat sissies Sassy and Momo picked me up with a plane...(Momo had to help fly it because the co-pilot got sick)...meantime Sassy and I enjoyed the fiwst class sewvice

we landed in Geowgia..and gathewed ouw stuff.............we had quite a bit of luggage...balloons, pwesents, cake Sitka picked us up...to take us to the suwpwise pawty fow Tia

pictoowe taken by Sassy

We can finally all celebwate!!! Tia,Happy belatedBirfday fwom all of us..stay healthy and happy fow a long long time!!

this pictoowe is of Sitka,Momo, the birfday giwl TIA with the pawty hat on, Sassy, and me
evewydoggie go by and wish Tia a happy Birfday..Sitka is so vewy happy to have Tia back!!


Amber-Mae said...

Wasn't it sad when the trip to Jamaica had to be canceled? Poor Tia got sick...But good thing you guys had a big big belated birthday surprise for her! She looks happy in the picture!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

We're so glad that Tia is home and mending and getting stronger by the day! That was sure sweet of you to head to Tia's and celebrate her birthday, even if it was late! We know she appreciated it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

That's a great thing you did going to Tia's for a belated birthday celebration, but we have one question...you were in Georgia and didn't stop to see US?

We are very glad Tia is feeling much better! Sitka must be soooo happy to have her home!

Poppy & Penny

Patience-please said...

We're glad Tia is better, even if she is a C-A-T.

wags from the whippets

Sassy Kat said...

What a wonderful surprise for Tia and a lovely party. Thanks for introducing me to Tia and helping me plan this belated birthday party for her. It is always fun to get together and celebrate happy times.

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD I can't believe I missed that!!! Wow! All because my Mom is working so much. I might need to fire her!!!

So glad you had fun!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

the many Bs said...

We're so glad to hear that Tia is better now. we'll go say happy barkday to Lacie too!


Jan Price said...

We are glad you three gave Tia a belated surprise birthday party. It must have cheered her immensely.

jans funny farm

Daisy said...

Asta, Asta, guess what? I just met Lacie! She is very nice. I will have to go wish her a very happy birthday, and go meet Tia, too.

Ferndoggle said...

How nice of you girls! I would love to have gone to Jamaica though


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what a lovely tribute to my Barkday...and we had a fab fab time last night....wow...to be in New York...with one of my bestest friends....we did look very gwown up didn't we??!!!

Don't worry too much bout my philosiphizin'...um...they say ur personality is formed very young...don't think I can change ALL that much! BTW, do you think I am weady for a LTR with Archie? I mean, I don't wanna flirt with Everydog, tree and stone now...well...a little...and he is so strong and handsome...and well...blush...I mite be a teeny bit in....grin...love???!!! How do I know if this is the real thing?????

Befuddled in love,

Thank you sweetest Friend, for ur pressie...we'll post bout it soonest!

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta,
We have some awards for you to pick up at http://blog.ourdoglog.com

Hope you enjoy them!
Abby & Rosie

Joe Stains said...

We are so glad Tia was finally able to celebrate! I can't believe lacie is a grown up doggy already!!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, looks like you celebrated Lacie's birthday in style. What a lovely surprise you planned for Tia. I'm glad she's feeling better. J x

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
I am very hurt!You came to Georgia nd did not call me ???????
Unless you went to the Georgia in Russia or thereabouts

Maya and Kena said...

So many barkdays!
That was so sweet of you to throw Tia a surprise pawty!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Jan Price said...

Hey, Asta,

We gave you an award. Come by and pick it up.

Jans funny farm

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Happy Birthday to Lacie!
I read Stika's post about the party! I know Tia was soooo happy celebrating with you all!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Whew! Glad Tia is home! That looks like one fun celebration! Look at all those pressies! I can't believe there weren't more popparazi at the airport taking your pictures!

Love, Hercules

Maya and Kena said...

You are totally right!
Can't wait fur the pawty!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Willie and Waylon said...

We think it is great Tia is home!Another reason for a paw-ty!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

you have the funnest social life ever! the black cat in the last photo looks like my naughty tt.

happy 15th birthday and i'm glad tia is back for sitka!

Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

You are so busy, I don't know how you do it.

It was so nice of you to take Lacie under your paw and welcome her to adulthood. And it's also nice that you guys were still able to have the pawty for TIA. Sitka, and all the rest of you, did a great job!

Happy Birthday to all the Birthday girls!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

T-man Angel said...

Asta, you really get around!! Your social life is so exciting!

PerfectTosca said...

I'm glad Tia is better. I bet she was glad to see a party animal like you show up to celebrate. I mean you Rock, right?

Mack said...

I am so glad Tia is feeling better! Me and Mom love that last picture of the celebration!


Weeny&Daisy said...

Hooray! We are glad Tia is better! We love the pawty pics that you put up!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy Birhtday to Lacie! Thanks to you and Sassy, Tia's surprise party went without a hitch and everyone enjoyed it immensely! My sissies are just the best party organizers, which is good for me because I'm a party kitty :)