I met up with all my fwiends and stawted on all the fun things Gussie and Joe had planned fow usSnickers and I wewe in chawge of the spa you can see they wewe magnificent...evewyone was weady fow a little pampewing and welaxation aftew the long flights ..she and I owganised evewything...hew Mama made us the most bootiful wobes, to weaw 

Ruby was so exhausted fwom taking cawe of all of us on hew plane that she fell asleep with the soothing coocumbews on hew eyes...Stanley and I whispewed so as not to wake hew
Gussie couldn't keep his eyes off Snickews even at the spa
The mud baths wewe the best!! skin is soft as silk! and Stanny got to be wight next to me...sighhhh
Othew than, eating dwinking wunning back and fowf fwom Gussie's house to Joe and Tanner's.......I sat awoound , gossiped with my fwiends and got pampewed at the spa..and if you want to heaw what else we did and what we ate go to Gussie ow Joe's bloggie to see
gotta wun now thewe awe so many mowe things to do..what a glowious weekend!!
Talk to you latew
smoochie kisses,Asta
Looks like you all had a great time at the spa.
Simba x
I am so jealous of your totally relaxing day of beauty! You all look so comfy in your robes!
Love ya lots,
You are sooooo funny, I laughed and cried at the same time. Tell Mommi I am coming for pooter lessons.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs and smoochies
Wow, you guys are getting pampered & all! Hehehe, Lola ate one of Tad's cucumbers...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Looks like ya are having a wonderful time. I must say I did notice that no kitties were there, hum. Anyway ya all have a fun time.
ahhhh I love the spa...I really do!
Hey...let's go to Spain...I'm sure we can sneak away for a few hours to celebrate with Verdi & Gaucho!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That mud bath looks very relaxing!
oh it certainly has been a fun weekend. I brought my suitcase with me to Joes and sneaked in some Scottish beer!
I love the spa pics! I bet the cucumber was yummy!
love and pawty licks, your pawty boy, Marvin xxxxxx
pee ess Ruby is a great pilot and she runs a wonderful airline!
We are so glad that everyone is having a good time! Muzzer says she is going back to that spa when all the doggies leave, and taking Joey's mom too, so your Mommi can come. They will have a people only day at the pet spa....hehehe
How relaxing! Looks like you guys had a really good time at the spa!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
My sister's name is Rubye and she lives in Arizona! Wished I was there too!
You guys look like you are being incredibly spoiled at the spa with the cucumbers and masks and mud baths! lol
you're dang cute, Asta!
Oh no Asta I am not upset that there are no kitties at the spa. I just noticed that it was doggie's day out. Nothing wrong with that. I never get upset, well almost never. Especially with my sissy.
Hi, Asta!
That spa day sure is great... and its just the begining of a wonderful weekend!
Kisses and hugs
I am going to have to hire a cleaning service, there appears to be ketchup, mustard and hot dog juice on EVERYTHING, but I am glad you guys are having fun.
Joe's Mom
looks like you had a great time!
hi Asta, you look like you are having a great time at the spa. we think we should spa too, since we are all broken. well, i, Baxter am not broken, but i have to suffer too.
Ahhhhhhh, I needed that spa treatment. Wasn't it heavenly??? I hardly care about the football game anymore!
It sounds like you all are having a great time. Don't over do or you will all be sleeping before its over..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
That looks awfully relaxing...hmmmm, bet you all dropped off to sleep.
The mud bath looks the best though.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Looks like you ladies are having a dandy time at the spa!
oops...and gentleman too!
Sissy Asta, looks like you are having a fun and relasing time at the spa party!
Thankyou so much for your concerns over my cousin Charlotte. We are all so relieved and happy that she is back home.
Oh, does that look like fun. Taking care of Jan all week has been exhausting. We could use a spa too, but we still have work to do.
Have a great weekend!
Jans Funny Farm
I could use a spa, too, but don't tell the girls here. They would pester me to take them there! I'm just getting embarrassed by my Mom who makes me pose for silly pics. Check out my Valentine's headband shot on the breed club website slide show, www bedlingtonamerica com. I felt so silly!
Lola ate her cucumber!!! Asta you are too funny! Lindy Loo couldn't sit still long enough for the facial, so she was swimming laps in the whirlpool chasing all the bubbles!
The rest of us just snoozed in the sun... aaaaahhhhhh yes.
wags from the whippets
Yes, Asta. Wasn't that just wonderful!! I was so relaxed that I didn't get up today until 11:16! It was so nice to snooze in the warmth with all my friends.
Love ya!!
Koobuss Kisses,
OMG - Asta - this is a hilarious post! I love it!!!! Doggies with cucumber slices - awesome!!!! I am sure you all had the utmost of fun!
Hey Asta, you can't beat a bit of pampering, can you? I hope you're ready for the big game! J x
wat a great day-out at spa..
mudbath is the best... i alwiz do it at the FOC rate at the field...
Wow that looks like a lot of fun! Can we come too next time! hehehhe!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Asta, you no need beauty treatments, you be so pretty already!
Cassidy x
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