We went to visit auntie Kawen and I looked out hew window..and this is what I saw........
Mommi and Daddi decided to go celebwate the snow by going awound the cownew to Pastis
I wasn't allowed off leash, but it was still fun to stick my nose in the snow and lick the fwesh white stuff I know it won't last, and most of my fwiends have been buwied in this fow momfs and awe sick of it, but I'M SOOOOOO HAPPY
You got it! I know how much you wanted it! I hope you get some more to enjoy it!
I don't know why but my mom is drooling!! Maybe it is due to that delicious apple pie?? The fries??
Kisses and hugs
HOORAY!! You got some!! And we saw you about to go crazy in it like we do!! We are expecting sleet,rain and some snow..blech at least your looks pretty!!! We are DROOLING over the fries(and the cake!!) Can't wait for the pahhty!!!! Love A+A
woofies Girlie, yummmmy on dat cake and burger n fries...heehee mama says dat pawtini lookies pawsome too...yesss, u gots snowwww... way to go...me iz happy fur u....
b safe,
pp's u lookies pawtastic in u coat....
Oh Asta...you finally got your snow. We are so happy for you. Enjoy it and send some our way please
We got snow today too and it was PAWESOME!! But then the rain came and washed it all away. Boo Hoo!
Oh kousin Asta,
I am so happy for you. You finally got to play in the snow. We got some new fresh snow today too. It was great! Snow is so pretty when it is fresh. It's so much fun to run and play in.
The pie your Mommi baked for my pawty looks delicious. I can smell it all the way out here. The burgers and pawtinis look good, too. Your pawents sure know how to celebrate snow. And, so do you, from the looks of your video. It was fun watching you and seeing how happy you were. I really liked your red pajamas, too. Bring them to the pawty.
Will be seeing you soon, sweetie!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
You finally got snow and you look very happy in it. Yummy FOOD!
Congratulations on the snow, Asta! :) better late than never! were you allowed in Pastis too?
wow i have a lot of catching up to do after being away for so long. i scrolled down your page and i was overwhelmed by all the bootiful and colorful pictures you took in Venice and all over! i've gotten my booty sleep back after staying up for chinese new year, but i still have no mood to blog cos Baby is still missing.
Hey Asta, you certainly looked like you enjoyed the snow. And you got to wear your lovely snowsuit too! J x
you look so happy hopping around in that snow!! I am glad it has finally arrived. I think you may be getting even more if the weather moves away from my Aunts house in PA toward you, she got clobbered with snow!
wow, asta, u better don't pray for snow. t-man was complaining too much snow and it just doesn't stop! a lil bit of snow to play with is good, too much is not.
btw, did u make yellow cone?
wet wet licks
Woh, the snow sure looks fun. And you look so pretty in your snow suit
~ Girl girl
Pinky wants to jump through the computer to give you a big fat cuddle. You look so cute in your red outfit.
We're so glad you finally got the snow you so desperately wanted.
Have fun.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Asta, you lucky duck! You were having such fun and looked cute as a button in your red snowsuit!
Right, I am off to find a snack. That cake and the burger and fries have made my tummy rumble!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Yes, Asta, you're right...snow does make everything look better! And brighter too!
See you at Koobie's party. Our peemail address is: airedaleheaven@comcast.net
PeeEss: We love your snow suit! Very stylish!
Poppy & Penny
You look gawgees in your snow jumper and you sure had a fun time in the snow.
Keeper said she will get me a coat so I don't get wet.
The pie looks yummy Keeper said she wants a slice please.
Thanks for donating each day, Keeper is still looking for a real doggy.
See you at the Pawty, can't wait to meet Myrna
I am so glad that ya got your first snow of the year, that is always excitin. If there was a way I would send ya some of the white stuff, we keep getting snow, snow, and more snow. Out where I live I think most all are ready for warmer weather and no more snow.
I wasn't able to take Pearly out for the snow fun, it's raining today and pretty much will melt all the snow.
You look really good in red! We got a lot of snow yesterday. It seems like it's always snowing here lately. Love, Martha
Ohhh you were getting ready to do baby Asta Zoomies!!! We saw it!
We dibs bites of that apple cake!
wags from the whippets
Snow? What's that?
Waaaaaa I wanna see some snow!!!
See you tomorrow at the pawty!
I hate louisiana. We don't get snow.
Asta - I don't like the snow but I think your photos are superb. I have a had a little lookie at your blog and I love love love your NY photos. I will come back to see some more because it is so different to where I live. Even my Gibkennelflat is nothing like NYC - although we do get big ships.
Anyway I do like toast. VERY MUCH. I like it with butter and I like it with olive oil and garlic. I share half and half with master, but mistress is not eating it at the moment so I am Missing Out. She would like the olives out of that martini glass though.
Un besito desde España
Pippa x
Hooray for snow! Asta, you look adorable in your little red snowsuit. I thought the cutest part of your video was how you got so excited at the end and ran around fast as the wind!
Asta if you're ever needing snow you can come over to my house - we've got lots!
I tagged you for a meme over on the kitties bloggie!
Hi Asta!
Whew, you sure have been busy! Sounds like you are having a really great time - and horray for the snow!! Isn't it sooo fun to play in? I love our snow, even though my mom is getting a little tired of the cold weather...
Love Clover xo
Asta c'est génial ! Je suis super contente pour toi....enfin de la neige....j'espère que tu pourras en profiter un maximum....Gros bisous sur ta truffe pleine de neige, Faya
You look so cute in your snowsuit, Asta! Our snow is all washed away by the torrential rains and eaten up by the fog! DARN!!!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hope to see ya a little bit tomorrow at sissy Momo kittie's place for the cruise party. I have my dress picked out, do you like it?
Yay, you got snow! That's great! Isn't it so much fun? I like all the pictures! Unfortunately I can't watch the video, 'cause our computer is too slow.
Hi Asta
So glad you finally got some snow !!!
We got some last month and I am happy!!
OMD look at how happy you are. I'm so excitered for you!!! And that burger looks so yummy!!!
See you at the pawty!!!
Lots of Licks,Ruby
OMG! Asta! You are too cutest ever and Funniest ever! I don't like the snowy as much as you do! Nope I do not! But we will still have fun in the snow Kooby's pawty, right???? Oh and Mom says those are the BEST EVER fries that your Mommi and Daddi ate last night! :) Talk to you soonest!
Putter ...:)
Be sure to stop over to my place before ya get too busy on V Day. I have a special card for my siblings and gifts for all. Have a fun day!!!!
ahhhh Asta! You look GREAT in your snow suit, it's so cute and so are in your little video. i wished you could come and play with Gus Bob in our back yard in the snow! He loves it too! You won't have to be in your leash!
you are quite precious!
Asta...what a fab looking snowsuit...could I borrow it for a few minutes at the party? Not that I'm trying to impress any dog in particular...I just wanna see how it looks...(Isn't Archie soooo cute?????????!!!!!) Um...you look so excited about the snow...we love snow...mumsie looked a lot more excited at the site of ur rents pawtinis and burgers...
Can't wait to see you at the party!!!!!!!!!
Snow is so much fun, isn't it. can't wait to see everyone at the pawty.
Asta, I can't believe you didn't get any snow till now! Ooh, I wish we could trade weather conditions...I'd love to get rid of all the snow we have here :)
You look very cute in your red snow suit!
I totally love that snow suit! I wonder if Buns can wear those? ~Fiona Bun
YOu look super cute in your snowsuit! And it looks like you were having a ton of fun playing in the snow. I liked the spinny thing you did toward the end of the video. :)
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