Gussie had owganised a nostalgic fowties dance evening..we wewe supposed to imagine, we wewe in some bootiful movie and dwess fow the time, and then dance tha night away to the sounds of a wondewful owchestwa..undew the moon,
with a handsome boy in oonifowm.(ow if you'we a boy..with a bootiful giwl)
Katie and Taffy pwetended to be the giwls of the fightew pilots' dweams..and I think they suwe wewe bootigul!!

What is thewe to say when you see couples enjoying a nostalgic evening of dancing to moosic fwom the fowties..
I know we'we all heawd Gwampawents talk about that ewa ow watched Casablanca ow the Thin Man sewies of films and imagined being in love witha hewo fwom Wowld Waw tonight, thanks to Gussie and Muzzew , we got a chance to live ouw fantasies and dance to the bootiful moosic with ouw boyz....sigh!! what a night!!! the staws wewe out, the moon was bwight, and we all wewe in love with love!

smoochie kisses
Woo Hoo - Yes I had the time of my life dancing with Ruby! Thanks for posting our picture!
awwwwwwwwwwww how sweet! We love that Joey is sneaking a kiss from Sophie while they're dancing! How romantic!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ah, what a fabulous and romantic evening you had!
Give us a C
Give us a O
Give us a L
Give us a T
Give us a S
What does that spell?
Uuh, c-o-l-t-s, oh yea
Looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends! We really love all of your photos! What fun!
Just wanted to wish you a happy super duper bowl sunday!
Opus and Roscoe
Whos gonna win?
Who isn't even in the game?
Who are we going to cheer for anyway?
One more time!
We can't hear you!
Asta -
You are such a darling and thanks to you and your mum for catching all the fun and splendor of our SUPER Superbowl weekend!
Cheers to you both!
Dory and Liza
I'm surely glad we at least got to sneak in a dance.
I'm surely glad we at least got to sneak in a dance.
everyone of u are lovely couple..
i'm jealous....sob sob..
what a cute pic of all the couples! You all you great!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
AHHH the 40s were the best! That Big Band music is at the top of my music charts! Wished I could have been there with you!
Hi Asta!
Come check out our blog!
You received an award!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Asta, I wanna dance with you too!!!! Im jealous jealous over here.....
I'm so jealous of the dresses that were worn back then, i mean look at how fancy they all look!
You were all in love :)
Peace + Paws,
The Zoo Crew
Did'ja pat Betty Grable's posterior on the B-17 before the big mission? That's 'sposed to be good luck...
Sounds like a "jitterbug-'til-dawn" evening!
Sephie & Buster
Aww how sweet!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
oh dog that was the best night of my long life! I sure can't wait for the game, I want some SNACKS?!?!!
Hey Asta, I'm so glad Stan let me have one dance with you! I'll be dancing on AIR for the rest of my life! Did you see Lindy Loo with Jake from Florida! They were WILD!!!
The Arizona sun is sure good for the Very Old Dogs.
Our Servant is having a little trouble with Separation Anxiety back home. I am worried about her, but that's my job.
politest wags from your friend-
Sammy I Ammy whippet
Pee Ess- I'm just glad that big Stanley Scaredale didn't bite me!! Please tell him thanks again
little Sam I Am
Cute photos! Looking forward to seeing you cheering!
Sissy Momo
Gosh...I sure hope stanny wasn't too jellyfish!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
So sweet!! Bootiful B/W photo!!
Momo & Pinot
Love the group picture at the end. It is terrific!!
Great job!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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