when I got home..a messengew bwought me these photos fwom the celebwation aftew the awawds....
fashion by Ruis...photo by Sassy
from left:YaoLin,Trixie,Sanjee,Percy,Asta,Momo,Tigger

Photo by: Official Cat Naps in Italy photographer
Skeesix in the middle pwesenting to the talented winners of Little Pwoductions
Ruis and Karl on the left, Opus and Roscoe on the right
my sissy Sassy up fwont
when I got home...I took off my gown and just kept my bootiful golden wibbon on fow my last walk with Daddi
Daddi and I discussed the evening and agweed that it was a gweat honow to get this awawd
my favowitest place to sit..in Daddi's lap
sweet dweams evewyone
smoochie kisses

from left:YaoLin,Trixie,Sanjee,Percy,Asta,Momo,Tigger

Photo by: Official Cat Naps in Italy photographer
Skeesix in the middle pwesenting to the talented winners of Little Pwoductions
Ruis and Karl on the left, Opus and Roscoe on the right
my sissy Sassy up fwont
sweet dweams evewyone
smoochie kisses
Woh that pawty sure looks pawsome. You look so cute and cuddly in your daddy's lap
~ Girl girl
Asta I don't know whether you look more adorable on daddi's lap or hiding in our huge toy box.
Pippa xx
Hiya Asta
Wow that was some award you received. You are one lucky little lady. How sweet do you look sitting there on your daddys lap.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
woofies Asta, congrats on u awarwd...u lookies sooo sweet sittin dar in u daddi's lap...
b safe,
You look so sweet sitting in your daddi's lap, Asta! If Mitch was a wee bit smaller, that's where he'd be too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
C'est très joli toutes ces cérémonies mais on est mieux sur les genoux de nos parents non ?
C'est fou comme on les aime...
Bisous, Faya
Daddy's laps are great places to curl up.
Simba x
Asta, you look soooo comfy in your Daddi's lap. Sometimes we try to get in our Dad's lap, but we are slightly too big! Sometimes, I, Poppy get in Mom's lap, but I can't stay too long because I am too heavy and I can't sit still. Mainly, it's the not sitting still thing that makes Mom make me get down.
Poppy & Penny
Woofie! You are the only dog among the cats! Nice outfit for everyone.
Wow, what a fantabulous pawty!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I love to sit in my Dad's lap...doesn't matter that I weigh 40lbs. I fit just perfectly.
Asta...you are such a star and so deserving of your award! Congrats!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You have so many friends, Asta --- how can you keep track of them all?!
My favorite place to sit, when I'm READY to sit, is on my dad's lap, too. His lap is bigger than Motch's and it's perfect for me!
You look very beautiful and glamorous in your golden ribbon!
Yes, the party was fantastic, Asta!! And with all the excitement of the aCATemy Awards it was great you could talk about it with Daddi before going to sleep.
Oh Asta, that is a great picture of you with your golden bow sitting in your daddys lap....you are sooo sweet.
Lovely pictures, congratulations on your awards, and on your loving parents. Lucky dog
Congrats on the award, Asta! teehee, you daddy's lap looks comfy!
Amber :)
Wooo! YOu are truly an award winner.
Thank you so much for your very thoughtful burpday gift! We dogs can change the world if we put our paws to it.
Congratulations to my sweet sissie for receiving the presticious aCATemy Award. You are so deserving of this award. You always are helpful, happy, willing to always go the extra mile if asked, watching out for others, and a friend to all. You are the most sweetiest sissies any one could ever have. I am so proud of you and proud that you are my sister.
OOPS, I typed prestigious wrong, darn paws.
Hey Asta, I like your gold ribbon. You look so nice and comfy on your Dad's lap. J x
I know Asta..My daddy said mummy looked all over for Boogie when he came up missing, but we never stop looking she said. I will go and check out your boytoy's blog "Stanley"..That is so cool he lives in Kansas too. Love you too Asta.
Hey sissy, we were standing next to each other in the group photo, Sassy didn't forget. You look so comfy on your daddi lap. Your gold ribbon looks very smart too.
Yep, storm stuck again yesterday and SS was caught in it again. Sheesh!
Asta, you were the most beeyooteeful! You are a star! Love, Martha
Asta, you were the most beeyooteeful! You are a star! Love, Martha
You and your friends are such fashion plates!!
Hey, Asta did you hear about the award I won? It was one that wasn't seen on TV, but I got it at a special luncheon at the Wilshire hotel. It was "Messiest Mess" ever on screen or in person. I feel SO honored!
Congrats on your award!
Concatulations Asta, yoo are one wonderful woofie. Zippy sez she would join yoo on yoor daddies lap anytime cuz it looks furry comfy.
Nothing like our peeps laps...I sleep on the lady whenever I get the chance. Wish I had a toy box to sleep in, I would love one to get away from hyper Reilly.
You look so cute up there!!! ANd your ribbon looks smashing.....All in a day's work huh!!(but there is no place like home....) Love A+A
well, yoo look nice and happy on yer daddis lap!
omdog I can't believe you didn't get asked on a million dates that night, you look so nice. BUT I guess daddy's lap is probably the best place to end an evening.
Sweet Astaroni Fuzzbutt!
You are truly the most bootiful, saucey, talented, and well-loved pupgirl in the world! You deserve all of your awards, and then some. I was expecting to see you on the best dressed list on the cover of People Magazine (but, they descriminate terribly against furkids).
I wish with all of my goober heart I could have been there with you for the award ceremony, but then again, you are surrounded by those who love you wherever you go.
Can't wait for the day *I* get to snuggle up on your daddi's lap with you. I bet he can't wait either. hehehe
Extra juicy goober smooches and all my goober love,
Your Stanley Boy
Hi, Asta!
Sure you had a nice chat with your Dad!
Great pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations Asta !!!
But what is with all thse cats ??? why aren't you chasing them or they you?
That gold ribbon if so you. I am a lap sitter also. Congrats on the award.
Aw, it's nice to see all the attention and praise hasn't gone to your head.
jans funny farm
Awww.. I love the pic of you cuddling up on your Daddi's lap!!
It's good to know that some cats and dogs DO get along!
Congratulations it is Pawsome news!
Keep the Wire name high!
Lots of kisses
Hi kousin Asta,
You look beautiful, as always, kousin Asta. Congratulations on a wonderful evening.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Asta, You are a superstar. I hope you realize that you can know start demanding absurd things and your people have to bring them to you. That's apparently how it goes. But I would strongly advise staying away from the booze and pills. You don't want to end up in rehab.
Aw, Asta, you're so sweet. Thanks for the kind words. But there are so many who do so much more to help other kitties and woofies.
jans funny farm
Hi, Asta, You are so kind to want to help Pepper in some way. But we hope you did catch that Pepper's Jan is not our Jan. We just wanted to help Pepper and her Jan however we could.
jans funny farm
Dilly KNO Asta be star!
Dilly luv Asta's BOW!
Dilly luv bows. Be pwinsessy. Asta be pwinsessy doggy.
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