I have excellent news!!!
Charlie the big dog(Opy's sissy) is doing bettew and with all ouw pwayews and good wishes I hope she will wecovew!
Baby is safe at home!! so we can expect a wedding (Huskee Boy) imminently.
I've been pwetty wiped out since Koobuss' ski twip .
even though the twip was ovew..thewe was lots to do..Ruby and I had to monitow ouwStanley evewy two houws all night long, cause he got a concussion when he twied his backwawds no ski skiing..fow detail see Scruffy ,Lacie and babyStan's site
I'm happy to wepowt, that with ouw loving cawe, he has made a full wecovewy!!!
All the othew invalids at Mt. Haiwy Hospital awe doing vewy well and playing fiewce pokew non stop....as fow me, I'm finally home and sneeping!!!!
My Heawt is buwsting with pwide and gawatitiude ...my fwiends Abby and Rosie the doggies at Wilcatsthree gave me these awawds!!! They awe so vewy special and the thought that my fwiends view me with love and humow and cawing means evewything to me!! THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH!!!!!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU, AND AM HUMBLED BY YOUW GENEWOSITY!

I would like my fwiends(you now who you awe ,hehehehehehe,) to accept these awawds!
I always think a joy shawed makes it so much biggew and bettew!! so if fow some weason you haven't gotten these awawds yet..Pleez take them and display them pwoudly! I think you all desewve the,, youw wowds and pictoowes bwighten my days, make me think and smile and cwy and cawe about my fellow fuwwy fwiendz evewywhere!!!!!

We're tired out just reading about your festivities. No wonder you've taken to your bed. Sweet dreams our dear friend.
Rosie & Abby
those are some awesome awards! No one ever gives me awards but that's okay - I have Ikes' love. Love, Martha
You deserve EVERY SINGLE ONE of those awards... and MORE! :-)
Great shots of the vacation, too!
You and Mommi did a grand job of documenting our wonderful ski holiday, now both of you deserve some rest.
G'day Asta,
You totally deserve all those awards. Well done matie!!!
You go back to sleep, you need to rest up. You've been so busy to help looking after Stanley and taking loads of piccies at the Ski Party no wonder your exhausted.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi, Asta!
I am so happy that Charlie is feeling better and that Baby is at home now!
Sure it was a great weekend. I wish we could be still there!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs
We can't think of a better doggie to get all of those awards!
Hi Asta,
You look so cute all snuggled up in bed. You needed some rest after that crazy ski trip that you had. Who knew dogs could cause such chaos when they get together? I hope all is well with you. We got more snow (yet again) here. I (like you) waited so long for snow, but now I'm ready for spring and yummy flowers to eat! He he!!
Your pal,
My! What a lot of awards you manage to accumulate in the short space of a few days. What's more you deserve every single one of them! Congratulations!
Have a good rest , sissy!
Congratulations on all of your awards. Ya are so deservin of them all!
I noticed what a beautiful bedroom and comfy bed that you have. Wonder where your poor mom and dad sleep, ha, ha, ha.
Looking forward to seein ya soon in NY.
Wow, Asta...what cool and well deserved awards!!!
You look like ya barely made it through the post before ya fell asleep...poor Asta...
Bruvver just called here...Babystan was left for 5 minutes in the care of a roommate. He ate a box of lightbulbs, then went upstairs and OPENED Bruvver's CLOSED door and chewed on a battery and apparently blew a lighter up in his mouth...no injuries. And this isn't virtual.
Mumsie felt very vindicated...that dog can get into trouble sooooo fast...
We're all going to bed. Mumsie was scheduled for an 8 hour shift and got 4 hours overtime. She's in a b aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mood...
Later, Sweet Girl!
you guys really are the best nurses out there, I almost wish I would have wrecked just to get some of your care. we are so happy that there is some good news in the dwb world. congrats on all of your awards.
Pauvre petite Asta ! Entre le ski et les émotions je comprends que tu te repose.... Et puis toi je sais pas mais moi j'aime pas le lundi....
Gros bisous, Faya
Oh dear, Kousin Asta...
You need to sneep and get caught up on all your west cuz you were very busy all weekend. Me too. I was wiped out all day today.
Congratulation on all the awards. They are very beautiful, and very well-earned.
I am glad that Stan and all the others have recovered. I think they need to stay away from hills or mountains for a while. Hehe..
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Ooh, that bedspread looks SO comfie!! After all that partying, I think you should veg out for about a year..or until the next party :)
You sure look comfy on the bed. Have a good rest Asta.
*kiss on your forehead*
~ Girl girl
Hey Asta, blimey, that's a SHEDLOAD of awards! Of course, you deserve each and every one of them. Hope you get lots of lovely shuteye! JX
It is great news about Baby. Thats a lot of awards, congratulations.
Simba x
Asta, you look very exhausted! I hope you get some good rest. Congratulations on all your awards; you so deserve them!
Congratulations on all of your awards, Asta! You deserve them all!
We're so glad that Charlie is on his road to recovery and that Baby is back and thinking about her wedding to Huskee!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good Morning Sweetie Asta
You absolutely deserve everyone of those fabwolus awards. You make my day every day.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs(very soon) smoochies and
Opal & Nanny
Wow -
Look at all those awards!!
Hi Asta
You deserve all the awards!
Wow, lotsa awards! You must be sooo exhausted, Please rest!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Asta!
Congrats on all your awards!! Who wouldn't think you deserved them!! You're a pawsome friend!!!
And we don't remember if we already told you, but we have an award fur you to pick up at our bloggie! You might have to scroll down a little though.. sorry!
And we're exhausted as well! Yesterday, we slept a LOT... almost the whole day!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Asta,
Hee hee.. thanks fur the comment! And yep, you're absolutely right, it was an experience not to be missed!!
Well, back to our nap time!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
You soooooo deserve all those awards! Congratulations! Have a very good sneep. You deserve that too! You have worked really hard letting everyone know about all the fun we had at Mt. Hairy!
Poppy & Penny
Congratulations on all your awards. You deserve them all!
Enjoy your beauty sleep.
Big Cold Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
My goodness, you are the queen of rewards --- and you deserve each of them!
Rest well, sweet Asta.
My goodness, you are the queen of rewards --- and you deserve each of them!
Rest well, sweet Asta.
Thanks for voting on my site!! You should enter your cat in my next tournament! You could win some cash! =) Anyway round 1 is over. Round 2 starts today, I hope you vote again.
Aww... sweet Asta. We've missed you, but just haven't had time to drop by as often as we'd like. Great to see your wiry face, though!
the Wriggles
Wow, you all had a great time, I would be sleeping too! I get tired just watching Reilly run around the backyard, skiing would have done me in.
OMG - you got showered in awards!!! Congratulations, you deserve every single one of them!!!
I saw the pictures fomr the ski vacation and I am not surprised at all that you are tired, hahahahahaha!
And I believe you have visitors coming soon - so better get some rest!
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