I guess I'll play with my Valentine pwesent fwom Mommi while I wait..I'm not vewy patient
We finally got hewe..
I was so impatient, but as oosual,Ruby's flight was above class in comfowt and sewvice
Thank you Ruby!!!!!
KousinKoobuss welcomed all of us with open paws..she made the most wondewful awwangements fow all of us..she thought of evewything..
Koobuss gave us all a touw of the facilities..you can see all she did on hew blog!!pleez go see

photo by Koobie
Stanley and I decided to stay at the smallew Bed and Bweakfast..we wan into Miss Snickews and hew Valentine Gussie as well as Snowball..this is going to be the bestest weekend evew! I can't wait to meet up with evewyone else and hit the slopes..but I think we'we having a welcome dinnew fiwst.....and I fow one plan to have a few doggieChoklits and champagne in my woom.
Evewyone stawted awwiving..we wewe so happy to see each othew, and had so much to say, that no one minded the wait fow the check-in..
the Lodge even had a bellboy to help us with all ouw tons of luggage..Lowenza bwought so many clotheses that hew suitcase buwst open..... hehehehe
photo by Koobie , edit by Asta

we immediately met in the cozy lounge to wawm up by the fiwe, and have some wefweshments and Valentine tweats.. the giwls wewe all fussing ovew Archie( he weally knows how to play up the "invalid" cawd), heheh (fwom left to wight: Koobie kissing Archie,,Laciegiving him a massage,Ruby,Asta,GirlGirl_whilpewing in my eaw-Stella,Lola,Snowball,Lorenza , and fwom the whippet waggle,Sweed William, LindyLoo, and Sam I Am lookiing so at home and comfy on the soft pillows)
LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's going to be the best weekend ever, kousin Asta. Thanks for all your help with the arrangements.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
My favorite part.....
Getting to see Ruby in her snow suit!
Wow,Check out the old Arch man!!1 Wait till PL2 sees this!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! Love A+A
Hey there dear Asta!
Happy Valentine's Day first of all!
And once again, we'd like to thank you fur taking us along with you, we don't know how else we would have made it to the pawty. We kind of got lost as soon as we arrived at the pawty though, and so we hadn't registered up until right now... woops... but we think it'll be fine! Can't wait to join in all the fun!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta
Thankyou for being my valentine,I was beginning to feel like the boy in Psycho !!
That looks like fun.
Hi, Asta!
Nothing better than to be with friends to celebrate this special day!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Asta!
You bet we were anxious to go skiing and stuff! But then we realized we had no equipment, so we had to go back and register and so on..!
Happy Valentine's Day once again!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Asta, You certainly get around.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Jan's funny farm
Oh Asta...what a darling photo of us...I wonder if Girl Girl gets nervous with all of us dogs...we would never mean to ea..hurt her...but she must move fast not to get stepped on! Don't the whippets look comfy??!! Oh..and the bell hop...that carried Lorenza's suitcase?? I wanted to let you know that he should be outta the hospital soon. It was just a severe back sprain....no herniated discs or anything. That Archie...I'm so glad I had the massage/back care class in nursing school. I wonder if Arch is unconscious from our attention or all those drinks from that flask Agatha "borrowed" from PL2. He does look warm and happy!
Huge kissies to you Girl....we'll talk to ya soonest!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta! Looks like you've had a really good one with all of that puppy love! here are some more puppy licks for you -
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta!!
Seeing you, and your friends and the fun you all together have, always makes us smile! :-)
Headbutts & nosekisses from us.
Wow, that looks like a super fun party!! Did you win big at the casino??
This is the BEST resort EVER! Glad we got there in time for some fireplace comeraderie! We brought extra coats with us if any of the less harriers get chilly! We brought two for Lorenza, just in case.
The pictures are sooo wonderful! Thanks to all the dedicated hard working pupparozzi!
happy wags from the whippets
Looks like a lot of funsies there on the slope! Thanks for taking the trouble of teleporting over to my cruise party. What a hectically busy schedule you have, sissy!
What a pawsome pawty. It sure was fun whispering to you hee
~ Girl girl
Hey Asta, I'm looking forward to getting cozy in front of the fire! J x
Looks like great fun. I hope no one breaks anything on those ski's.
Simba x
We're having such a good time! Everything is so plush here!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofie! I had so much fun. See how I manage to doze off with the room full of dogs who are still wide awake?
WOW! What a luvy-duvy fun-filled weekend ahead of you guys! Wished I could join ya! Have fun! Happy Valentines Day!
That Valentine heart sure does look tasty! Have a great weekend, Asta!
Asta, I am so glad that you had such a wonderful Valentine's Day. I love seeing your little videos because you always seem so happy and high-spirited.
Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you had a great one.
Hiya Asta
Isn't this place just great!! I nearly skied into a tree yesterday. Hopefully I'll have more control today.
Sorry I'm layte!
Sissy Asta!!
What a bootiful way to spend your Valentine's Day!!!
Have a good weekend!!! :)
Momo & Pinot
Ohhhh, Astaroni!!!
Congratulations on the loss of your wartlet! It couldn't have happened at a better time!
You are the BEST roving reporter, and are still able to have yourself a blast in between keeping tabs on all of us pups!
Thanks for all the snuggles and smooches so far! I'm having a blast!
Your Valentine Goober,
I sure am having a great time. Tanner stopped off at Lillie's but he is here now, not that I have seen him anywhere!
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