she has bootiful witing,and she's such a young giwl..I guess it's cause hew Mom was a teachew
Just look at all these wondewful pwesents I got!!!! A lambie(he's cuwwently in hospital I'm afwaid..he had an accident..I don't know how it happened....A leapawd weally flat...a heawt(Mommi hasn't let me take it yet), A pink Diva thingy fow my collaw(we couldn't get a pictoowe cause I'm moving too fast), and two ount them TWO tweats to eat!!!!!KOUSIN KOOBUSS
Mommi told me to wait, but being a bad giwl I didn't..I gwabbed the flossie and wan with Faya would say "Miammmmm!"
I was so happy with all my stuff ,I couldn't stand still..I was jumping up and down..THANK YOU MY SWEET KOUSIN KOOBUSS!!!!! You made me vewy happy!!!!!!
she is toadally Awsome!!!!!


to see all the fashions go to
the redcarpetbuzz
What a lot of presents you have! Congratulations on the award too. I also got one form our sissy, Momo-dog. See you on the Red Carpet. Don't we all look glamourous. What a pity we can't vote for Karl and Ruis or Opus and Roscoe.
woofies Ms Asta, heehee how many toys dose u haff in da hospital now....dat wuz sooo nice of Koobuss to send u all of dat, and tweats tooo...u lookies pawtastic in ur dress....and congrats on u awarwd, u iz pawsome....
b safe,
Oh wow! Koobie is sooo nice to send you all these great stuff! You lucky pup!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congratulations on your award! And what a wonderful package you received.
And thank you for voting on the Red Carpet Buzz. You cast a vote for Opus and Roscoe in the male image edited category - unfortunately they are not eligible for voting....
You may cast that vote again!
Little Productions
Hey Asta, You are always so busy! We'll probably be watching the Oscars tonight too, but we won't actually be there. Maybe we'll see you on tv.
I find it hard to believe a sweet little thing like you can be such a demon toy destroyer! Cassidy doesn't seem to have worked out she can yet. Ma is glad as a lot of Cassidy's toys are Oscar's. He was always so careful with his too.
Enjoy the Oscars!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Asta! Woot! I got the same leopard plushy bone as you got! I love that thing! I carry it around all the time. Don't forget to get a lot of spit on it cause it squeeks better!
Those are nice pressies from Koobie. Destroying of old toys will let you get new ones faster. My toys last me foever. Do you believe it if I tell you that I still gave my very first toy in 1 piece but it has lost its eyes and nose almost 10 years ago.
Yay, Asta! Those are some very wonderful presents you got. And I can see that you are very excited and happy about them! Koobuss is nice.
I miss you Asta, is great to see you doing fine and happy :D
What lovely pressie from Koobuss! Have fun at the Academy Awards!! :)
WOW! you r beautiful in your academy awards dress!
and your pressies look like so much fun!!!
Wow, what wonderful presents ya got in the mail, how nice. And speaking of nice you look lovely in your Red Carpet Dress. Thanks for spreadin the word about it and tell all of your friends to vote. Congrats also on your award, ya are so deservin of each award that ya receive.
Hi, Asta!
Looking at your pictures I can see how excited you were getting all those presents from Koobie!
You look so ready for the red carpet! Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
Those look like some wonderful gifts! What wonderful friends you have!
We just wanted to wish you luck at the Red Carpet Contest. We don't think we are allowed to vote since we are on the Little Productions crew, but we do want to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.
Ci vediamo sulla tapetto rosso!
See you on the red carpet!
Tanti baci,
Opus and Roscoe
Kousin Asta,
I'm so glad that you like everything that I sent. Have fun!
Congratulations on your award, and thank you for passing it on to me! You certainly are awesome!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
At least your mom gets a bit of a picture of you moving.
Mistress is just too slow to get my faster moves.
Wow look at all those treatsies!
You will definitely have the most beautiful dress at the Oscars tonight Asta!
Whoa!! Jackpot!!(the leopard "bone"is too cool) See you at the Awards!!! (dress is STUNNING) Love A+A
Asta! You got a lovely box from Koobie and you have a bootieful dress for tonight at the Oscars. have a great time.
You look fabulous Asta!
Happy day for you with all your presents there. Yippee!
Glad to meet you Asta, thanks for stopping by.
I love your gown...It's simply gorgeous!
hi Asta, wow, you were really excited about your pressies. we don't blame you. you look lovely in your oscar dress too.
woofs!'s WAS OUT OF MY MIND! I don't mean cuz I was crushin' on you...I mean I'd be in my right mind if I were..Oh heck...I'm diggin' myself deeper and deeper...I mean...I am not in love with's Cassidy....the drugs got me all confused and I thought it was you in the bikini...but it was her,(oops, grammar check) I mean she...I GIVE UP.
Anyway, thank you soooooo much for your card and ur wishies...Lacie, for some odd reason, has been very sweet. She must want something. I don't need my pain medicine anymore and my tummy's all better, thank Dog.
Thanks for tellin' Cassidy that I'm crushin' on her...I'm sorta in awe of Harry and I was 'fraid to say anything her being a baby and all...
Pee Ess We got a box from Koobie too and Scruffy also killed the sheep...sheepie needs some Birchurst wires are somethin'.
Ummm.. may I ask what happened to the lamb or should we just leave it at that??
Oh sweety, your post are a joy to watch and read! All those great presents from Koobuss..., and the lamb is already at the hospital, hahahahhaha.
Congratulations with the "awesome" award, you are a PAWESOME girl!!!
Koobuss is so sweet sending that big box of pressies Asta. You did do a good job helping her out by being the offical photographer. Well done and congrats on your award.
hugs & tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
That's really nice of Koobie to send that box of pawsome gifts. You sure move very fast in your photos
~ Girl girl
oh I hope you enjoyed the Oscars Asta!
Sorry I not been around I have been sick over the weekend!
How kind of Koobus!
Love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
How sweet of Koobie! You do move like lightning, don't you Asta?! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What great presents that Koobuss is a good gal
Congrats on your award. You certainly are toadally awesome!
And what a nice bunch of presents. Sounds like they didn't live long, though. Hehe. They don't last long around here either.
jans funny farm
Hey Asta, how thoughtful of Koobie! They look like pawsome gifts! J x
Je dirais même plus : miam miam miam....
Amuses-toi bien avec tes nouveaux jouets !
Bisous, Faya
what great pressies, sorry one of the stuffies is not feeling so well. I hear there are some viruses going around that make your insides come out, I am sure that is what happened. YOu look great going to the awards!
great gifts from koobus..
i hope u won the 'best dressed' award from the oscar...
That is one fancy outfit!!!
congrats on your award, too!
wags from the whippets
Hey Asta!!
Sorry we haven't been around... as you can see we are very far behind on posts..
That was so sweet of Koobuss!! And your red carpet dress is amazing!! You should so win!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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