a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, February 28, 2008

soup days and a wequest fow help

I just got back fwom my walk, and I almost fwoze my feets off..I had on my nice coat, but it's fwigid out thewe!!!!..you get an ice cweam headache, without the benefit of yummie ice cweam..so stay in evewyone!!!
I had Mommi soak the pinto beans ovew night, then aftew making a base of sauteed ,diced onions..we added a little sweet hungawian paprika...now we'we weady fow the west of the stuff..cawwots, pawsnips, and beans
A good chef has to move quickly and be evewywhewe in the kitchen
You have to add the soaked beans and ham hocks(if you'we a vegebawian, please excoose this pictoowe)
testing the fweshness of ingwedients is vewy impowtant
Mommi makes these little dumplingy thingies..I didn't help with the mixing..you need fingews, hehehe....you mix eggs and flour and cweam of wheat and a little salt and make a hawd dough, and then pinch bits off and twist in youw fingews if youwe a hooman ...then you dump them in the soup
I pwomise it tastes bettew than it looks..miammmmmmmmmas Faya would say
Time to go eat!but fiwst I want you to please go to Jan's funny fawm and wead about a little kitty who needs ouw help..PLEEEZ...thank you and stay wawm!


Jan Price said...

Oh, Asta, first you make us hungry and then you make us cry. Thanks for the link to help Pepper. Our Jan knows how Pepper's Jan must feel. And your mom evidently does too.

jans funny farm

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looks yummilicious! I just loooooove seeing Mommi's wonderfully delicious cooking.

*Wail*, SS, why can't you cook like that?

Pippa said...

Yum.. we have those bean foods too. I love them for my breakfast with my biscuits.

You must help as much in the kitchen as I do.


Deetz said...

Asta, that looks so yummy. I need to tell my mummy about that soup...can your mum tell my mum how much flour and egg to use to make the doughy stuff....Yummy!!! I am so sorry you froze your lil paws off....kisses on the paws....
I met Stanley...he is very cool.

Deetz said...

Thanks Asta, I will tell my mummy when she gets home from work. It is warm here today, so I am out laying in the yard, waiting on mummy. I pray for poor pepper..I placed a link for him on my blog.

Hammer said...

Hi Asta
I've missed you !!!
Your soup looks delicious .. I love eating mum's home cooked meals.
Mum is helping me try to catch up with what everyone has been doing but the compooter internet connection keeps dropping out all the time. Mum is trying to sort this out now. Compooter drive her crazy .. if it's not the power board, it's the connection or the modem, or something else.
Take good care of yourself, sweet Asta.
Love from Hammer

Anonymous said...


I will bring you some booties for your pawsies next week, we can't have you catching a cold. Mom's soup looks yummy I had Nanny make soup today too but our is chikkens noosles.

Stay warm

Love, hugs, belly rubs (how about Wednesday) and smoochies


Opal & Nanny

Daisy said...

Asta, that looks even more delicious than Lizard Stew!

Moco said...

That looks yummy for a very cold day or just a cold day. I hope you wore fur lined boots on your walk.

Tesla and Hansel said...

Yoo are the best chef!

PB 'n J said...

That sure looks yummy Asta!

Duke said...

OMG, we both had soup for dinner! We had New England clam chowder! Your soup looks delicious, Asta! We're off to Jan's to read about this kitty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

woofies Asta, me mama is fixin corned beef and cabbage wiff potatoes fur supper...it smellin goood...bol u lookies sooo cute runnin around da kitchen...and me already seed about dat kitty, me has to email dat lady to c how me can help by check...mama and paypal r still at odds...dey tookied her 15.00 and wont gived it back...

b safe,

Gus said...

Asta: We need to get you some fur lined boots like Maco said. Do you think you need two or four? Or maybe mittens for the front feeties?

going to read about the kitty

kisses to your poor toesies

Juno said...

Asta!! Congrats on the Award!! It was a very pleasure to work with you and all the CCSI casts!! :)

Yes, we also need this yummy hungarian soup!!! OMD, we're drooooooling. (that dumpling is our mom's favorite.) It's been freezing here we need to warm up ourself. :)

We're glad you still fit in that cute house.

Stay warm, sissy.

Momo & Pinot

Islay said...

Asta, you're very lucky today - just keep an eye on that ham hack when the humans are finished with it!

licks & slobbers

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Here "we" eat "frijoles" (beans) almost everyday! Mexican diet!
Sure that soup your mom makes is yummy!
I am going to visit Jan right now!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

the soup looks amazing!! mmm ham hocks, sounds like something i could really dig into! :)

does the soup take long to cook? :)


Snowball said...

The soup looks nice and you are a great cook!

I will go read about the little kitty now. You are so kind to help spread the words.


DILLY said...

Aww Asta, the foto ov Asta goin wownd an wownd kitchen mayke Dilly larf so much, Dilly fall off chaire! FNARRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Dilly think dinner look taysty. Dilly like paprika. Dilly help Mummy mayke strogonoff wiv paprika. YUM!

Sad bowt poor kitty... Mummy's cats not well too. Fluffy hav bad kidneys, Scooter hav bad lots things. Mummy luvs cats an crys wen cats not well.

Dilly go hug Mummy.

Thank for fotoes! Dilly think Asta be star!


DILLY said...



Joe Stains said...

I feel so bad that it is so nice and warm here and its totally freeezing there. At least you got some yum yum soup! Mom is mostly German but I swear she must have some Hungarian in here because she sure loves to put sweet or hot paprika in everything!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your soup sure looks yummy. I think those dumplings look cute

~ Girl girl

Ruby Bleu said...

That soup looks wayyyyy yummy! You stay warm girlfriend!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Faya said...

Oh oui : miam miam !!! Véronique a la nostalgie de ses vacances en Hongrie ... miam miam..... et bon appétit...jó etvagyat...
Bisous, Faya

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, that soup looks pretty goooood! Let me have a sip of it...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Mmmmm, that soup looks delish! Will go to Jan's site and read about the cat...J x

Harry said...

That looks like a delicious hearty soup, just the thing for a winters day, yum!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Sounds like just the thing to warm you up Asta. We wouldn't mind some soup ourselves. It's pretty chilli here at the moment. The last day of summer and we had a high of 13 degrees (that's 55 f) in the mountains...thats cold.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Girlfriend!!! I couldn't get to the puter yesterday...Mumsie left here at 4:30 AM and put me (obviously) in charge of the boyz...it's so much work...but everyone behaved...I made sure no dog terrierized the dog sitter...I told ya we killed off the last one on Tuesday...she'll never be the same again...
That soupie looks fab...so noorishing and delicious!!! I bet it smelled heavenly while it was cookin'! One of the nurses at Mumsie's work made a huge vat of veggie soup and brought some in for her...we hope to share in that fortune tonight!
We need to trot over to Jan's and see what's up with the kitty....

Keep ur feetsies warm!
Pee Ess...Mumsie walked Stan last night and he froze his paws off the big baby...wouldn't move in the middle of the sidewalk...she had to bring him home...

Mack said...

Hello sweet chef Asta!

That food looks absolutely deelishous!!

Your momma is so lucky to have a sous chef like you!!

Friday Sugars,

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you sure are a good kitchen helper. that soup looks really yummy. we hope that you got a big bowl of it!


Patience-please said...

Dee-lish!!! BTW our Servant is up for adoption, if you know of a new one we can have. We posted on the Bone Zone awesome blog award about it.

embarrassed wags from the humiliated whippets (notice how the word humiliated has the same root as human?)

Ferndoggle said...

Our Mom is eating a hot bowl of soup right now...but it's out of a can. She want to come to your house for dinner!!

Stay warm.


Lenny said...

That looks really tasty, Asta! And congrats again on your award! You look gorgeous!

Your friend, Lenny

Lenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Paw snips in the soup! Oh Asta you really do give your all!

Bussie Kissies

Weeny&Daisy said...

oooooo that soup looks yummy, we wished we had smell o vision (smell o computer?!) so we could sit here and sniff the air for ages!
Love Weeny and Daisy

Balboa said...

I am drooling over the keyboard, that food looks soooooooooo good.

Frenchie SNorts

Anonymous said...


That soup looks super duper good. What all is in there? My Mom hasn't ever made me soup. Do you make dinner for your Mommy every night? She is SO lucky to have a great chef like you in the house!

Love, Herc

Rudy said...

My Mom makes something similar to that soup only she won't let us eat that, she's afraid she'd regret letting us eat the beans... (ahem!). So Mom should leave 'em out, how simple is that?
It's so cold outside here too -- good thing I'm half Swedish and have this nice coat that's thicker than the rest of my crew!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Wow that does look yummy. You certainly do move quickly in the kitchen.

Simba x

Anonymous said...


Guess what I is coming for Nanny to gives you bellysrubs on Fwyday and I gets to meet Myrna yeah
I soooooo sited I jumped into Nannys perse and ams all weady for the twains wide. Is it Fwyday yet?



Agatha and Archie said...

YUMMY!! We are all drooling..It is snowing and raining and blechhy here...WHERE IS SPRING???Love A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

YUMMY!! We are all drooling..It is snowing and raining and blechhy here...WHERE IS SPRING???Love A+A

Koobuss said...

Wow!! That looks great! You (and your Mommi) are such wonderful cooks. Not like us here. My Mom is waiting for spring so she can cook on the grill. She cooks a lot better outside than she does inside.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You look like you are a great cook!
We love the way that you move around the kitchen. Mama loves reading about all your adventures.

Love -


Hi, Asta -

You seem to be a good friend. I hope we can meet someday.

Love -
