I know I'm supposed to wite about something..some awawd, some questionaiw..an intewesting stowy ow two, but..my mind fell asneep...I'm finally pooped
and so is Mommi
(I don't know what hew pwoblem is..she didn't win any football games, ow cheew hew heawt out, ow eat a thousand hot dogs and all the gouwmet eatables at Gussie's..ow touw all of Azwizona, ow fly to RIO........)
Anyway..I can bawely lift my head off the sofa
this is what I look like fwom above
fwom the side
ow the othew side
This is all the enewgy I have left
Sleep well gorgeous girl!
Toodle pip
Harry x
You're sweet Asta. Have a good rest.
Here's something that might interest you. We have a couple staying in our B&B tonight from the USA and the lady told my pinky when she was young she grew up with Wire Fox Terriers. We immediately thought of all our new WFT maties.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
It's hard work being as pretty as you are!
Rest up and take it easy for a while.
Bark at ya later,
Hi cutie cutie girl! you look good from all those angles! lol
and i'm sure you are tired. take some good naps with your mommy.
love your "dont forget to vote" sign!
love loves!
ms. c
I hope you get your energy back soon! Enjoy your rest while you can. Love, Martha
Rest up, Sweet Asta! We'e pretty pooped too, but we've got 17 humans coming for dinner tonight, and then tomorrow night is Maria's 13th birthday! No rest for weary whippets!but lots of yummy plates to lick!
wags from your friend-
Sammy I Ammy
Asta Sweetie: You and your Mommi deserve some rest. She may not have been cheering, but she spent some time chatting at the gallery I am sure, and she coordinated all your photos! Someday we will have to make an album.
Do not worry Asta, sometimes it is good just to take it easy and relax.
You have a nice long nap, you'll feel better for it.
Simba x
I think you might be ready for another spa day!
Guess what? Momma bought The Thin Man because she had never read it. But we don't like when she reads (because it takes her attention away from US!!!), so we haven't let her get past the first chapter. hee hee
Aw, you're one pooped pup! When Georgie is busy she needs time to "recharge her batteries" - but then she's back to her crazy terrier self! Rest well!
OMG! Sweet Asta!
I hope you get some goodest ever sneep so that you get your energy back again!
Putter ...:)
Asta, I haven't seen you in ages! For some reason, your bloggie is so hot it freezes my browser. Mom had to go use another one, just to see your sweetie little face. Hope you have a great nap.
Momma didn't know anything about The Thin Man until she read about it on your bloggie. Oh, and she thinks WFT's are waaaaayyyyy better than schnauzers. hee hee
WE ARE POOPED TOO!!!!!! We had a bath today,ran CRAZY CRAZY around the house, and now we are too tired to even raise our heads. What a weekend huh!!( except for one part...) Love and kisses A+A
Rest up Sissy we have a surprise birthday party to go to on Friday.
Asta, you look like one happy dog - remember: dogs are happiest when they are lying around! (take my word for it)
Have a good rest, cuz Asta! I really don't know how you and Momo can have so much energy flitting everywhere. That Rio carnival was a scream!
OH NO! Sweet Asta! Please don't be saddest ever that your Mommi did not paint ME ... We can always talk about that once MY Mom has replenished her ME funds ... I know that your Mommi would do an awesomest ever painting of ME ... And of course I could never have too many paintings of ME ...:)))))
Putter ...:)
that last picture of you is so dang cute, Asta! you have great ears!
Well, it's about time! Even at your age, all that activity and excitement catch up and you need to rest.
We'd hate to lose Jan too, but she does have a problem keeping up with us youngsters sometimes. We hope these new leashes will do help keep her moving - and on her feet.
jans funny farm
Hi, Asta!
These past days have been all excitment! Sure we all need some rest... to be ready for the next party!
Kisses and hugs to you, your mom and your dad.
Sweetaroni Asta Mine!
You have been running on fumes, girlie! I and your public need a healthy Asta Girl, so take care of yourself, and you and your mommi can snooze together for the next few days. What with jet lag and all of the cheering and partying, you're in need of a little time off from the social circuit.
Just let yourself rest up, and dream of goober snuggles and smooches!
Goober love & extra smooches,
Your Stanley Boy
Hi Asta,
You sure do look pooped! Nothing beats a day of rest. I hope you relaxed and had sweet dreams. Can't wait to hear what else you've been up to!
Your pal,
Asta...you have huge dark circles under your eyes and they're all puffy. Honey, you're gonna get sick if you don't get some rest and eat some warm chicken broth with some noorishing noodles.
I am assuming what happened in Rio stayed in Rio.
Be gentle on urself dear Asta....
Asta, you look very tired! Hope you and your mom get plenty o rest! and sweet dream :
HEY Asta!!
I am very sleepy too, hope you get all the beauty rest you need!!
lots of love!
I am still pretty pooped too, I hope you feel better tomorrow!
u seemed knocked out...hope ur energy will recover soon...
You look really exhausted, Please rest Asta...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Us Divas need our beauty rest! I'm sure you'll be all refreshed & rearing to go this weekend.
Enjoy your rest... and take it easy!!! Then you'll be back to full-speed in no time at all!
Peace + Paws,
You sure have the right idea, kousin Asta. A good snooze is what you need. You look so comfy on the couch. I sneep there a lot with my red blankie. It's one of life's simple pleasures.
Besides, you have to rest up for the ski pawty next week. Have you seen our accommodations yet? They are on my blog. Do your prefer the main building or the bed and breakfast? You have some time yet to make up your mind. So sleep tight, sweetie.
Love and Koobus Kisses,
Hey Asta..you look very comfy. Make sure you get lots of rest.
We wish we had a sofa like yours to lie on.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
The 'net ate my comments - I left one and now it is gone!
Rest well, sweet sissy and mommi!
Hi Asta! Rest well. I hope you get your energy back soon!
At the airport waitin for ya and Momo. What a fun day we will have on Friday!!!! Another party. Hope everycat/doggie that stops by our places on Friday will to to Tia's to wish her a belated Happy Birthday.
Hey Asta, hope you caught up on your beauty sleep! Jx
What a sweetie pie! We hope you enjoyed your beauty sleep!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
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