the time diffewence made it possible to accept my sissy Momo's invitation...and now I'm weady fow Koobuss's pawty,
but fiwst I wanted to sent this Valentine to my fwiends who didn't get one yet..
I love all my bloggie fwiendz ! You make my days bwight and full of love.......
fowgive me if I've neglected answewing you quickly..Mommi has been helping me with the pwepawations for the ski twip..I'm the woving photogwaphew..and I wanted evewything to be pawfect....I pwomise to get awound to all of you as soon as I can

I wanted to show you some valentine's I got....I got bootiful wishes fwom so many of you, but I know not evewyone can send pictoowes..I appweciate all youw love.
Fwom my Sweet vewy fiwst Valentine!!!..he was my fiwst love and always will be in my heawt!!

Isn't this a wondewful Valentine fwom Randi?
Wishing all of you a very kissy & licky Valentine's Day!
Love & Licks,
Wishing all of you a very kissy & licky Valentine's Day!
Love & Licks,

DeweyDewster and his Mom AstaMarie sent me this Valentine..they'we coming to Koobuss'

This is what I was dweaming ..Stanny's Giwl is vewy busy and can't wite to us now, but he still manages to send his Gooberlicious love, and Youll all get to see him at the ski pawty!
and my fwiend Daisy the cuwly cat said:
and my fwiend Daisy the cuwly cat said:

She was wight!!!! I'm delewiously happy!

I hope I see you all thewe!
Happy Valentine Day Asta sweetie!!!! So who are you going to date today?? *BenBen's paw pointing oweself*
Happy Valentine's Day Asta. We are going to have the best ever time at Koobuss' pawty. See you on aire-ruby!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Happy Valentine's Day to you Asta
~ Girl girl
Buon san valentino bellissima! Have a wonderful day! It was great to see you on The Love Boat!
Tanti tanti baci!
Opus and Roscoe
Will you be ours?
Hi Asta,
Thank you for your kind words about Baby.. I am still hopeful that whoever who is keeping her will return her to her family (and ME!).
Happy Valentine's Day to you. I just tagged you for the Valentine's Tag. Check out my blog!
Happy Valentine's Day Asta.
Molly and Taffy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy valentines day.
Lots of love Simba x
Gosh, that's some collection of Valentine cards you have seet girl!
Toodle pip
Harry x
You surely have lovely cards, you deserve them Sweetheart Asta!
Happy Valentines Day from me, Marvin xxxxxx
What super cards. I haven't got one from Randi and she is one of my girlfriends and it is such a lovely card too. Pooh. Sad Pippa.
Anyway hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day.
Pippa xx
Happy Valentine's day, Asta! Have fun on the ski weekend.
Joyeuse St-Valentin petite Asta ! Quelle chance tu as....
Bisous, Faya
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta! We are patiently (ok, NOT so patiently) waiting for Aire-Ruby to pick us up. We can't wait to see everyone!
Poppy & Penny
Happy Valentine's Day to you Asta, and thanks so much for our card - it was so thoughtful of you.
And tell your mommy not to worry about passing on the awards - we had them for over 2 weeks before mom got to them. They're yours to savor like a good bone.
Abby & Rosie
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta! I hope you get lots and lots of extra treats and kisses today!
I'm on my way and Happy Valentine's day!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy VDay!
Happy Valentines Day!
Many thanks for the lovely card.
Pats & pets
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Girl you got cards from all over the world!!
Hope you have the best V-Day ever!!
PeeS: Check your pee mail!!
Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Martha
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta.
Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie. See ya on the slopes.
So much love for you on Valentine's Day Asta! Have fun skiing. : )
Hi Asta, thank you for the valentine that you sent us. we can see why so many doggies and kitties love you. our mommy hasn't been helping us much on our blog lately. she's been busy on the phone and fax machine and vet appts. about poor little Benson. now they say Bailey needs surgery too and Brody needs to go to a doggy dermatologist (very expensive). so mom is stressed and we are neglecting our blog while we help her.
Wishing my sissy the best Valentine's Day! Looks like ya are having such a fun time. I sent ya a Valentine's card with all of our sissie and little bro on it, I hope ya got it. It has moving hearts on it. Great seein ya on the cruise, was a fun time!!!!
We gave you an AWARD!!! Sammy I Ammy was so excited about it he did zoomies in the TV room which is Not Allowed!
See you on the slopes!
wags from the whippets
Hi again Asta,
We got so engrossed in reading your post and looking at the pictures, we forgot what we came over for....we're giving you another award - "You're toadally awesome". And don't worry about it if it takes you rush at all. It's at
Abby & Rosie
Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you so much for our Valentine card in our PeeMail, it was so very nice to see your happy face in our inbox. We can't wait for the ski trip!
Happy Valentines day!!
Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for praying for Maizie and for visiting the Dog Park Days blog.
Happy Valentine's day, Asta! You got some awesome Valentines!
See you at Koobie's pawty!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Have a Bunderful Valentine's Day Asta!
Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Asta, you sure are popular, see you at the pawty.
Love,hugs,bellyrubs,smoochies & Wheelies
Opal & Nanny
Hey Asta, I'm so glad that Chad sent you a card. I got one from Harry today who I also sponsor. Happy Valentine's Day! J x
Hullo Asta! Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day Asta!
Happy Valentine's Day, sissy! You have a lot of valentines there. Try and pop back in to the dinner party later. I will have everyone's photo up as well.
woofies Girlie, u shure gots a lots of valentines....heehee u iz shuch a sweetie...
b safe,
Hi, Asta!
Happy Valentine's Day!
You got lots of beautiful cards!
I got yours too, Thanks a lot!
See you at the party!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my...that first picture of you is worthy of a PlayDog centerfold! You look so coy, so full of mischief, so mysterious. You certainly are a grown up wirey girl now.
Hey Asta, thanks for the beautiful Valentine!
Your friend, Lenny
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