some of us took a flight to Spain to go to Gaucho's suwpwise Birfday pawty that Vewdi is thwowing fow him..we all wowe bananas, and ate tons of ice cweam,
then huwwied back to AzwizonaAWE YOU WEADY FOW THE FOOTIBALL???
(even though I know nothing about the game, I got cawwied away with the spiwit of my fwiends who do)
I could bawely squeeze into my cheewleading oonifowm aftew the incwedible food this weekend at Gussie 's and at Joe and Tanners'...but the day of the game has awwived, so we'we weady!!
Evewydoggie is cheewing fow whoevew they want to win..I"m cheewing fow Dogs with Blogs!!!! I'm cheewing fow fwiendz and life!!!!!
We'we all vewy good cheewleadews, but I think the boyz will be mowe enthoosed about Lacie's oonifowm than the west, hehehe

Even my Sissy Myrna leawned a few cheews!
This is the day!

As pwedicted, they needed my help, hehehe

Ouw cawefully choweogwaphed team of cheewleadews fowming theiw extwaowdinawy Piwamid fow the finally!!

THANK YOU GUSSIE AND MUZZEr, JOEY AND TANNEW AND YOUW PAWENTS, and Butchy and Snickews and theiw Mama..I had the best weekend evew!!!
smoochie kisses,
Awesome pictures....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hey there Asta!
Nice moves! And Myrna really does know how to cheer!! Go Myrna!
By the way, we told Bruno that you wished him a happy barkday!
And we're sorry we couldn't go to the pawty.... which stinks, because we've never been to any pawty...(well, we were supposedly at the howlloween one, but we weren't able to make it)
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
woofies Asta, lookies like u weallly havin fun at da super ball pawty...yummmmy such good foods...
b safe,
SUCH GREAT PICTURES!!! You are soo talented!!!
My mama wants to send you something - a sample of the yummy dog treats we're making (it's doggie jerky!) - if you want some, just drop me an email with your address cause mama lost it (my email is bogarthandsomedevildog@yahoo.com) and I'll get ya some right out!
It was such a pleasure meeting Myrna.
Yes, it has been quite the weekend. I wish it would never end!
Hey, Mumsie had to stay up till 1am to watch the rerun of the terriers for the Eucanuba Show...don't squeeze the Charmin, huh...Great name for a doggie! Everyyear for the last 3 years, Mumsie has another breed to cheer for...there better NOT be anymore doggies here next year!
Are DWB's going to Westminster? Just read the Airechicks Cbox message to ya...what a good idea...
Cheerin' has been a blast. I didn't even care when you guys all dropped me...think the pawtinis still had me relaxed from dinner....gotta run....
Those are some great costumes - you dogs have spirit! See you at the party!
Hey Asta!
No problem. He said he'd check out your page.
And yes, we always miss skipping out on pawties...but it's just that our humans are always so busy and they wouldn't be able to help us with the typing.. :( But even they wish we could go.
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Asta!
Thanks fur the comment on our new layout...we spent a while on our html code just testing things out and voila..we were able to put that pic there. We're glad you like it!
And you are adorable too!! We love you Asta!
And we would so love to go with you to the Valentine's day pawty! Would it be okay if we went with you? Because mommy still doesn't know if she'll have plans and stuff... is it really ok? :D
Oh Asta, you are such a sweetie!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Asta ! Alors ils ont gagnés les Giants ? C'est cool.... enfin pour vous....
Bisous, Faya
We figure you're going to sleep for a week after this weekend! You must be floating on the clouds before the sore muscles and the hoarseness set in from all the cheering and yelling, not to mention all the eating.
How you had the energy to cheer and still help win the game is beyond us. We think we'll go sleep on it. You've made us tired just thinking about doing everything you did in one weekend.
Congratulations to your team for winning. We are sorry for those whose team lost.
jans funny farm
Hi, Asta!
I am so sad about the Patriots! but sure we had a great time together! That was the best part of the weekend!
Kisses and hugs
That's OK Sissy, it was a good game - a pity the Pats lost after such a good season. You did well with both cheering AND playing in the field. How did you manage to do it?????
Oh well, that's why it's a game - you win sometimes, you lose other times. Just have to be philosophical about these things. I think I should follow our sissy Sassy footsteps and retire from cheering since both of the teams I cheered this season went from favourites to losers. Bummer!
I was asleep for a while but I am back up now to say bye to all my friends. I had the best weekend ever!
Cool moves girls!! (And I love your outfits!!)
You sure look awsome in the cheerleader suit. What a pawsome pawty
~ Girl girl
Give me an A, A!
Give me an S, S!
Give me a T, T!
Give me a A, A!
What do you get, Asta, go Asta yay!
Cassidy x
What a fun-filled weekend you had from beginning to end,Asta!
We have to tell you that we love where you put you animal rescue site button! Every time we visit your blog, it reminds us to click! You're very smart!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It sure was a great weekend! I loved being a cheerleader with you, Asta. I'm so glad we could help the Giants win!!!
Hi Asta, i hope you didn't get a stomach ache from eating too much ice cream. did your team win the superbowl?
Asta, you led your team to victory! Hooray!
Hey Asta, you all make great cheerleaders! Have fun at all the pawties!!
Amber :)
Asta!! We are sure you had a fun day! :) You and your friends look so cute in the uniform. :)
Momo & Pinot
Hi there!
Really, really enjoyed the Super Bowl pawty posts, even did a couple of my own ones, with some borrowed photo's - TY for use of yours.
I've tagged you for a new game.
Pats & pets
Hey Asta, I loved all your outfits, including Myrna's! What an action-packed weekend! J x
We hope you don't get a tummy ache from all that food. You all look very nice in your cheerleader outfits! Wow, even Myrna got to cheer!
Poppy & Penny
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