My fiwst post was on Febwuawy 15th of one noticed , no one answewed, A few posts latew I got a weply fwom Cairo the boxer cause we know his pawents...but my fiwst weal fwiends wewe my twin Asta la Vista fwom Austwalia and Jackson my sweetheawt fwom England..all this didn't happen till the end of March..I almost gave up..I figoowed no one wanted to be my fwiend.

My Mommi knit me a sweatew and I got to taste my vewy fiwst was glowious!My fiwst post was on Febwuawy 15th of one noticed , no one answewed, A few posts latew I got a weply fwom Cairo the boxer cause we know his pawents...but my fiwst weal fwiends wewe my twin Asta la Vista fwom Austwalia and Jackson my sweetheawt fwom England..all this didn't happen till the end of March..I almost gave up..I figoowed no one wanted to be my fwiend.
My Pawents loved me and consoled me and said "don't wowwy little Asta, you'll make some fwiends someday"
Oooo, so we started our blogs one day apart! Happy Blogoversary dear Asta! Maybe next year we should have a joint celebration? J x
Happy Blogoverary Asta.
We are so glad you did not give up hoping that somebody would reply to you. Your Mummy and Daddy were so right to tell you to be patient.
We think you look adorable in your red jumper when you were a little girl.
Molly and Taffy
woofies Ms Asta, u no when me first started me bloggy, me too wuz sad no body came to seed me, till me meeted wuznt untill u tolded u fends about me did i have any comments...u made the difference...u and Ivy were the 1st bloggys me kept up wiff b4 i started bloggin...dats y on me bloggy i tell everydog, kittys and hammies bout sum of the new dwb's...likies barkdays and stuff like dat..i nos we all blog cause we like to, but me has to tell u the comments on posts do make a nos everdog cat or hammie cant post comments all da time...dats y me luvs ya girlie, U made the difference of me keepin my bloggy up to date, or just letting it go...i fank u and me luvs u...
b safe,
;)lacylulu and mama...
Thanks for visiting all of our blogs too and offering you friendship.
Happy blogaversary, Asta! 1 year, eh? That's great! I started blogging about a year ago, too. I never knew I'd have this many friends! DWB rocks.
Happy Blogiversary, little Asta! I wish I could have known you back then.
Happy Blogoversary, Sis! You were such a cutie pie of a pup, you are still cute, only bigger. Love ya, too!
Oh, Asta, you were such a sweet little pup, not that you aren't adorable now, but those photo's are sooo cute.
Glad you stayed blogging, we 2007 blog babies have to stick together.
Love,pats & pets
PS - Shame on me!
I forgot to say Happy Blogaversary!
Happy bloggoversary, Asta! We're sure glad you didn't give up on your bloggie! We never would have met you in person if you did! We hope you have many, many more bloggoversaries!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Blogaversary Sweetie. We feel like you have been our pal for much longer than a year, and are very glad that we met you (and your pawents).
congratulations and many kissies
Happy blogiversarygirlfriend. How very exciting! I can hardly believe it but it will be my blogiversary in April already too! I'm sound glad we found each other!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
woofies Again Asta, me furgited to say happy bloggyversary girlie....
b safe,
Happy Bloggyversary!
What a cute baby you were, Asta!!
Happy bloggyversary Sweet Asta, I would be most saddest if I had never met you. The sweetest WFT I have ever met.
Love, hugs, belly rubs (very,very soon) smoochies
Wow, Asta, you were so very very cute when you were little! now you have grown into a really cute adult! happy anniversary and i'm sure glad you started coming to my blog and mine to yours!
hope you are having a good anniversary!
ms. creek
Happy anniversary, Asta! My Mom squealed when she saw your puppy picture - you were too cute! Love, Martha
Hi, Asta!
Happy Bloggoversary! And many more to come!
Thanks for being my friend!
Kisses and hugs
PS That picture of you with your ears up is great!
Happy Bloggaversary Asta, you look so cute in the red sweater a year ago. And you're still a cute girl now. I'm glad you're my friend
~ Girl girl
Happy Bloggoversary, Asta!
I started my blog 1 month after yours. I sure am glad that I have started to blog cos I got to know so many great friends here in blogsphere.
Hoppy Blogiversary!
I am so glad ya started bloggin because if ya haden't I would never have met ya. I cannot imagine not havin ya in my life as my Sissy. Ya are such a sweetie and always put a smile on my face. When I read your posts or e mails I always have the m om of the house read they outl loud as you have written so I can her the right way ya are talking. The dad of the house even listens and smiles. He thinks ya are pretty cute too. Thank you so much for first being my friend and now my sissy. Oh, the mom of the house is gone but I am telepathing my thoughts to her and she is sendin them along to you!!
Oh, Sweetaroni Fuzzbutt!
I am SO HAPPY that you are a blogging pupgirl and that you didn't give up! We met through your blog and DWB, and I can't imagine life without you and your sweet love!
That crazy hairdo you have going in your 2nd photo is FABulously hilarious, girl! I want to see some more of that do please!
Extra juicy goob smooches for your mommi & daddi for encouraging you!
Gooberlicious love & hot hot smooches,
Stanley Boy
Happy happy Blogoversary Asta sweetie!!! wow how fast a year goes by! :) i don't even remember my first post :p i'm glad you persevered at the beginning because now you bring alot of smiles and interesting NYC tidbits to us
Happy Blogoversary! We are so happy to havemade so many new friends too!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Sweet Sweet Asta fren!
You are an inspiration to me... so bootiful, so sophisticated, so talented... and you are MY fren!
I'm so glad we have hairy STanley. If it wasn't for him I may have never met you. I love sitting at your paws under your tutelage. Thanks for being my mentor too!
Goobette love & tiny kissies,
omdog that photo of you in the sweater i s the cutest thing EVER! We sure are glad you stuck with blogging, we love having you as a friend and reading about your dinner parties and fun walks in the city!
Happy Blogoversary. Congratulations on a whole year blogging.
Simba xx
It breaks my heart to think that you thought no one wanted to be your friend! You are the cuterest pup Asta and one year on, you have got loads of friends who love and adore you!
Joyeux blog'anniversaire Asta....Véronique rigole beaucoup en regardant la deuxième photo : elle est absolument géniale ! Grandiose ! Comme tu as changée. Tu es une adorable demoiselle maintenant....
Gros bisous, Faya
Happy blogaversary Asta. You had the cutest puppy fuzzy hairdo!
Cassidy x
Yeah! Happy Blogaversary Asta Fantastica! I love that wild & crazy hair, er um...fur you had!
We're so glad you kept with it. We didn't have any friends for over a YEAR when we started our blog!! DWBs rules.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Congrats Asta. What a milestone!!
Happy Bloggyversary!! Now we have to look back and see when we started ours. We atarted,stopped and then Jax egged us on again!! Your hair(as well as you) look SO ADORABLE in your first snow pic!! Love A+A
Happy 1st Blogiverssary! Oh, you were such a scraggy little pup when you were younger but cute!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congrats on your blogoversary, Asta! Those pictures of you in your little red sweater are adorable! I'm so glad that you stuck with blogging because I love reading the stories of all your adventures. And just look at all the freinds you have now!
Happy Blogaversary! We LOVE YOU ASTA!!!!!!!!! Never forget it!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Congratulations Asta! Keep blogging because I love reading it! You look really precious in your little red puppy sweater.
Your friend, Lenny
Wow i'm glad you didn't give up too!
We're so glad you didn't give up too!! It's nice to know there are other people crazy enough to handle us terriers!
Happy Blogaversary!
George (PB&J's woofie)
Hi Asta
Truly what a differance a year makes !Mommy blogged about me on her blog and then changed over to this present blog.
Happy anniversary,you look so small!
Aww.. happy Bloggoversary Asta!!
We're so glad you didn't give up!! Because then we wouldn't have met the wonderful doggy Asta!! :D
You looked so cute (and you still do!) when you were a puppy!! And the red sweater is adorable!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy Bloggoversary, Asta! I haven't known you for very long, but I'm sure glad I met you because you are a GREAT friend.
You have so many friends you probably can't even count them all!
Oh Asta girlie..a whole year of blogin'...Happy happy Blogoversary!!!!
Those pix of you in ur little sweater look like you mom washed ya but forgot to put the fabric softener sheet in the dryer!! Your fur was amazing...did you use some sorta puppy mousse?????
Babystan's out there with his leggies crossed...and NONE of us can have food snacks or we don't make him feel bad. I think I'm gonna starve.
Hugs to ya Girl!!
We're glad you didn't give up either, that's for sure! Happy anniversary!
celebratory wags from the whippets
Belated Happy Blogoversary!!!!!
ASTA!!!!! HAPPY BLOGDAY!!! I absolutely am very sorry for not acknowledging earlier but my SMS is totally slack...and she keeps on blaming work! BLAH! I think your mommy did a wonderful job on knitting you a sweater! SO GROOVY. GREAT COLOUR too. Red is such a hot colour, the redder, the better! You do look very nice and warm!
Charlotte x
Happy Bloggoversary! We are glad you didn't give up on blogging too! Our mom has been reading your blog since not long after you started it, but it took her awhile to figure out how to leave comments. She's technology challenged! She's getting better, though. We love to read about your adventures!
Poppy & Penny
Hey Asta!
Thanks fur the comment!! And we agree, some humans don't understand terriers at all!! Hee hee!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
this is the 1st time u experience winter??... how did the snow taste like?? do they had different flavour at different place??... i wonder...
btw..happy anniversary...
sissy Asta!!
Thank you for not giving up your blog and we're happy to have met you!!! :)
Are you watching Lipstick Jungle? We missed first two episodes (We set up timer but didn't work.) and we finally caught it last night. It was good and NYC of course reminded us of you and your family.
Have a paswome weekend!
Momo & Pinot
Oh Asta
We can't believe you didn't make friends the minute you started your blog. Thank goodness you didn't give up. We're really glad we met you, you're a sweetheart!!!! Now look how many maties you have. Those baby pics of you are too cute for words.
Hugs and tail wags
your friends
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
We forgot to say
kiss kiss kiss kiss
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Kousin Asta,
Happy Whatever That Is! Mine is coming up next month.
Your puppy pictures are simply gorgeous!! You were such a beautiful baby, Asta, it is no wonder that you are so beautiful now!
I am thrilled to be your friend, Asta, and that you are mine. I love you.
Kousin Koobuss Kisses,
Happy belated blogoversary! We're glad you're blogging.
jans funny farm
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