but I 'm getting a little newvous..I looked left, I looked stwaight fowwawd, and I looked wight
.........................................................I can't see aiw Ruby anywhewe

I'm not weally taking sides
( I and my team of cheewleadews will be cheewing fow bof sides)
I love too many of my fwiendz who awe wooting fow the othew team...but if they weally need me to help out, I can be a kickoff -wetuwn specialist to help the Giants out...the Patwiots have an unfaiw advantages having Archie as theiw special consultant to the coach, so this is the least I can do.

On a diffewent note!!!!! I'm honowed yet again!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sassy sissy , and Karl of the catrealm gave me This Blog is Rated E for Excellence Award. I want to thank them both for honoring me with this award. It makes me so happy to think that that's how fwiends see my bloggie.
I now need to send this to ten Blogger writers of outstanding style and ability.
I would like to give this award to :
Scruffie,Lacie and babyStan
Joe and Tanner
Stanley and Stella,
Harry and Cassidy
Patience Please
Butchy and Snickers
Bob T bear
I have about a dozen mowe I can think of , but the stoopid wules say 10, so I guess they will have to pass it on to all the othew fabulous blogs!
All these Bloggers have wonderful outstanding styles and a fantastic ability to keep us thinking, amused and entertained.
We are going to root for the Giants since the Packers are out and that is our favorite team.. Go Giants. Enjoy your day....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Have fun at the Superbowl party!
Congrats on your other award too. Ya are deserving of all awards that come your way. Fabulous in your football uniform; wait until ya see what I have planned for the game!!!!! I will post the meme photos tomorrow sometime. Have fun at your Super Bowl party.
Hi Asta!!
Congrats on the award! You REALLY deserve it!
And have fun at the superbowl party!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta...
Ruby and I are routing for the home town team! Hope you girls have fun and I can't wait to tell her about the award!
Ruby's Mom
Oh Sweet Asta! Thank you. We are pooped after two worry days, but Very Old Dog is back to his dear old self now, and Fat Charlie is back from getting his biopsy, and so we are all a good happy tired.
We will proudly post our award tomorrow when we can keep our eyes open!
grateful wags from the whippets
woofies Asta, me hopes u has fun cheerin at dat super ball pawty...and congrats on u awarwd....
b safe,
Bon je vous laisse entre vous ce week-end. Je ne connais rien en football américain. Ici on joue au hornuss !
Bisous, Faya
Bless you for helping the Giants out, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on your award Asta.
We don't know anything about the teams playing in the game, we're just there to catch up with our blogging maties and to have fun.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Congratulations on the Excellence award. You deserve it.
jans funny farm
Hey Asta, congrats on your award, you so deserve it. And I'm very grateful that you passed it onto me! Thanks pal, much appreciated. J x
Thank you for the award Asta! Sorry me has been quiet, but me has no news cos me no be allowed to do ANYTHING!!!
Cassidy x
Oh gosh! WOW! Thanks, Asta! Sorry it took a wile to get heer... waz off line a few dayz lookin arfter Mummy agen!
Thanks so much for this! I'm glad yu like my blog! I think the pikchers on yors ar fantastik an wish I knew how to tayke wuns like that!
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