Obviously a doggie!!
The building they lived in wefoosed to let them get one...jewks!!!!!, plus Mommi was weally sick and tiwed of not having any weathew, and she was homesick fow Euwope and a weal city whewe you could walk awound, (In LA , they pwactically awwest you if you'we not in a caw)
she wanted to bump into fwiends on the stweet and have theatwe and stuff and, well since she couldn't go back to Euwope, she thought..why don't we move to NYC!!!!!!

So they got an apawtment in Manhattan's Faw West Village, looking nowth(as a bonus you can see the Hudson wivew and all the big ships goung to Euwope..plus wight outside ouw window is whewe Mommi fiwst stepped on Amewican soil..isn't that cool?)
Of couwse the fiwst thing they did aftew unpacking is wun and get a wiwe fox tewwiew..they named him Nikki, then came Nowa, and then Charly..then they wan out of the hooman names and had to get obvious and named me Asta
so now this is what we look like hehehe

So that's how come my pawents have wft.I guess it's mostly cause my Mommi is nuts and ummm, well, so awe we fwankly.
Thank you all fow wishing my Mommi a speedy wecovewy..she's been in bed all weekend, and is a pwetty bad patient as expected..but My Daddi and I awe nuwsing hew, and with ouw cawe she should be fine soonest
Now one mowe impowtant thing!!!

I thank them vewy vewy much and would like to pass it on to my dawling little Kousin Koobie, who can make my day by just giving me one of those adowable looks that make me laugh and want to wun to hew house and hug hew lots
Hi, Asta!
I hope you had a good weekend nursing your mom wishing she is better now.
Thanks for sharing this Second Part of the story. I loved it!
Have a good night
Asta ... we are glad your parents are a little crazy and love Wires...otherwise, we might never have met all of you.
Tell Mommi we hope she is feeling better soon .
gussie and muzzer
thank you for your well wishes,Asta :) i can't wait for the bumps to clear up
oh it's great to hear the rest of the story! hee i wonder if your daddy was from europe too! does he prefer LA or NYC? having been to both, i think HM prefers NYC too, but it's all personal taste i say :)
great to hear that your mommy is on the mend :) i just saw your little house. wow your parents really pamper you! i wanted one of those but HM says maybe if she strikes lottery. she doesn't even buy lottery!
That is such a nice story. I want my parents to buy me The Thin Man on DVD. Hope your Mom feels better soon.
"Luna Licks"
Hi kousin Asta,
Thank You for the great award, Asta. You make my day, too! I am so happy that we are kousins.
Cool story about how your pawents got a wft, Part 2. You have such an interesting family. I loved the two videos that you included. WFTs just have so much personality.
I hope that your Mommi is finally feeling better. Bummer that she had to spend the whole weekend in bed. It's good that she didn't go outside though. It is cold!
All of New York must be very happy about the Giants. I am too. It should be a great Super Bowl. I want to wear a football shirt to Gus and Joe's Super Bowl pawty. Do you know where I can get one? Since I am Koobuss IV, I guess I should have a number 4. Brett Farve won't be using his number 4 for a while. Maybe I can borrow his shirt.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kouisn Koobie
pee ess More Koobuss get well kisses to your Mommi XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Oh Asta that was ever so very much fun!
We wish your mommi was all better already. We KNOW you're doing your best to make her well. We are trying to help our manservant get better, too, but he's not so hot.
Maybe they will both wake up tomorrow and feel all perfect! That's what we are concentrating our hardest on.
wags from the whippets
Hello Asta. My sisters and I surely did love your parent's story about how they came to adopt WFTs.
I am the first WFT that my mother has had live with her, and after talking to many other crazy humans, they all tell her that once you have one, you can never be without one. BOL!
Get well wishes to your mother. I cannot wait to see everyone at the Sooper Bowl Pawty!
Those videos were great but you are a much more entertaining Asta! we are glad your Mom is feeling a bit better, hopefully soon she will be 100% better!
hi Asta, that's a very interesting story. we think that some humans are meant to have wft and some humans are meant to have poodles. it's just in their blood, or something. your mommy is a wft human and our mommy is a poodle human.
we hope your mommy gets well soon. tell her to take her vitamins and drink orange juice.
Hey Asta, thank you for sharing the rest of the story with us. Congrats on your award, and I hope your mum is feeling better today. J x
Crikey Asta,
Those clips from the Thin Man were great fun. We're going to make a big effort to get those movies off the internet. Now D wants to add a WFT to the tribe.......I think B will have something to say about that.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Me enjoyed part 2 of story. Me liked film clips too, whee!
Me is not good patient either, me be so bored being in bed. Me has sympathy for your mummy.
Cassidy x
Your mom tells the BEST stories, Asta! We're so glad that you're one happy and crazy family - just like us and we hope your mom is feeling better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
oh my where you live looks so glamourous!
I am sorry your Mama misses Europe, I am sending some European Scottish Hugs and Light to her!
Get Well Soon Asta's Mummy!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
That was such a cool story!
And you are MUCH prettier than the first Asta!
Take good care of momma!
hi asta! We saw you over at Frasiers Blog and thought you were adorable! We love your blog and have added you as friends!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hey Asta,
I'm glad your mom's feeling better.
Oh Asta, hope your mom get well real soon! I bet you're a good girl nursing your mom. Asta from the movie looks very much like you. I have great news on the puppy, she is now taken care by a kind lady, who has rescued several abandoned dogs. Mom is positive the pup is much happier there.
Amber :)
We totally agree with the 4Bs. Our mom had two WFTs in the past and now us-two poodles! Have your parents ever rented old episodes of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir tv series? There was a WFT on it called Scruffy.
Asta, that is a great story! You have such a fun and sophisticated life. Is that the actual view from your home? Gosh, that is very beautiful!
Once again, great story! Glad to hear that your mommy is feeling much better. Oooh, those martinis look sooo gooooood!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Our Mommy says you have to be just a wee bit crazy to own a terrier! Which is true, cause our Mommy and Daddy are crazy and so is George (our Airedale Terrier - though we call her a terrorier!).
We hope you mommy continues her recovery!
PB&J - and George
Tell your mommi to feel better very soon! Our mom would like a WFT, but the 2 of us Aire-heads are enough for her to clean up after!
Poppy & Penny
Ya have the most interesting stories, I like findin out about your mom and dad. Hope you share more of their stories. I e-mailed you today but haven't heard from ya yet. I was wondering if you could spend sometime at the cheering academy, there is a spot for ya if ya want it. Not too much studying just field work tomorrow. Should be fun. Let me know.
Hey, Sissy-Asta, I am so sorry that your Mommi is still unwell. Love the story though. I think my SS and your Mommi would get on well. They are both a bit, well, crazy in a nice way and love the 'tinis. Charlie's mom and SS try out all sorts of 'tinis concoctions.
Never mind about the football. I am the official cheerleader for the National Feline League and cheer for any team that the other kitties ask me. Miss Peach has enlisted my service for the coming BIG game between the NY Giants and the NE Pats. We can wave to each other across the field! Frankly, I don't fancy getting my big floffy butt frozen out there in the cold. Much more civilized to do it in a heated lounge room, in front of the TV!
Purrrrrrrs to your mommi,
woofies Asta, me sooo happy u mama and daddy got u...and we cood all meeteded u...cool videos...dat puppy wuz sooo funny...
b safe,
Hope Mommi is feeling better today.
Your story was awesome and the video's are soooo cool, but I must say your are a lot cuter than that Asta, and I bet you could do all of those tricks she does and better.
Opal wants to meet you very soon, can she bring her brudders and sissies too.
Love, hugs, belly rubs & smoochies
Nanny & Opal
Thanks ++++, Asta! You're such a thoughtful sissy. Momo dog is my sissy too. So by extension, you have two sissies!
PS I do nice headbutts and purrrs, so these are for your sick mommi.
Hello Asta girl Our new sissy!! :)
We're very sorry to hear that your mommi is not feeling well. Is she feeling better? It's freezing here that means your weather is cold, too. Please tell her to stay warm. Asta, give her lots of lots of hugs and kisses.
You're cool NY girl! :) We haven't watched Cashmere Mafia yet but it must be so cool to see your neighborhood on the TV!!
Momo & Pinot
Hey, Bloogger (named for blooper) ate our comment. We're glad your folks picked you. None of us are famous or named after a movie star.
jans funny farm
Oh Asta...i do hope ur mom is feeling much better. Babystan and Scruffy have volunteered to come and nursie her if she'll give them some of those hooge dogtini's from the picture.....I don't think they will be very good nursies....
I hope Cassidy does't need our services...I can't believe she hurt her knee too...and just a little girl...
Archie seems happier on his wheels...
I have to go and help Mumsie clean up. Babystan peed ALLLLLLLLL over the place last night. Um...he's in a crate tonight...Hee Hee..
Very, very interesting story of living in Manhattan and looking north to see the Hudson River! I would LOVE to see that part of the world!
Awww... be luvly story!
Dilly think Asta be pawfekt nayme for Asta!
Asta, I always thort yu lookt like a film star doggy!
I'm glad your parents moved to New York and got you. It sure sound more fun that what they were having previously
~ Girl girl
Congratulations to your award, Asta! I am so sorry to hear that your Mom is still not well - we send lots of healing purrs over to her!!!
The maid wanted to let your Mom know that the dog she was visiting all the time in NY died last Sunday. We are all very sad!
Looks like a pretty good life style to me.
Simba xx
Hey Asta - your a cute wired haired fox. I think you are really cute for a dog.
I'm so glad my SMS is back cause she is staying up til really late and she never did that before she went on holidays. I have someone to play with at 3am but I think I might have a nap on the stairs now....*yawn*
Sweet Asta Girl!
Astaroni, I am just thankful your mommi and daddi knew you were the girl for them when you picked them that day at the breeder's house. And, I'm glad they changed your name from "Girl with Shoulder Spot."
Obviously, you're all crazy together there in NYC, and you all LOVE it, and each other.
Sorry I've been gone all weekend, but my Aunt Kelly needed bellies to rub and booties to scratch and somedog to keep her warm whenever she sat down. We had a BLAST with her but we hardly picked up the camera. I think we have 1 or 2 photos with her and us. I'll see if we can post them.
Please please give your mommi all the healing goober smooches she can handle. I want her to be WELL and to stay that way!
Gooberiest love & smooches,
Your Stanley Boy
Dearest Little One,PL2 was laughing at the clips and says that even though she has seen them a zillion times they always make her laugh!!! We think your Daddy looks just like Nick.....Don't you have to be just a pinch nuts to have a WFT!!!!???? hee hee....I am on my way to vist today.I am taking the Acela train so I can get in a bit of reading( I haven't read the latest Dog Fancy magazine) I need to go to Bloomies to get some makeup....Love Agatha
Dear Asta, When Agatha visits you can you make sure that she doesn't lose the jewlery she is wearing? She "borrowed" it from PL2 and PL2 will get REALLY mad if she lose it. Love Archie
Hi Asta,
Thanks for sharing with us! I think I like 'Asta' more than 'Girl with Shoulder Spot'.. Hehehe...
Hi Asta! Thanks for the great story and those great Asta videos! Did you know my name was "Skippy" before I was named Lenny? I'm not sure if I'm movie star material, though.
Your friend, Lenny
Oh, I think your parents are cool, not crazy!
Tell your mom to feel better.
hey city boy,
i bet u enjoy ur life at new york to the fullest...
wat a sophisicated lifestyle u had there...
That is a great story, Asta! We learned so much about you and your mom and dad. We hope your mom feels better soon!
Sissy Asta, your mommi is my mommi by extension. So, she is most welcome to any amount of purrs and headbutts from me. I do good snuggles too!
Hi Asta!
This is a really great story! You and your family seem like you are really fun!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Hope your mom is feeling better now! Give her a hug and a kiss for me, ok?!
Hi Asta! Are you taking good care of your Mommy? I sure hope so...Give her a wet kiss for me!
Love, Hercules
Hey, Asta,
It's nice your mom would like to live where she could have as many pets as Jan has. But Jan says we're exhausting!!!!
jans funny farm
Glad that your (our) mommi is feeling better. I like calling her 'our' mommi because I never call SS my 'mom'.
Weather has fine up and I have been just lazing in the back garden the whole day, watching birds.
Asta is an excellent role model for you, you know!! My Mom LOVES to watch Thin Man movies...she may have to try and rent a few since she hasn't seen them in a long time!!!
Lots of Licks, ruby
We loved your history lesson! ;)
the WriggleButts
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