ta-dah!!! we all of a sudden met up with a wiwe! This is unoosooal..especially when it's in a pawk two blocks fwom my house that is used by kids to play baseball and basketball and it has no doows to close...I nevew get to play thewe, cause I could (and pwobably would) wun out on the stweet (Mommi says I pwobably wouldn't
stop till I was at Stanley'a house in Kansas) anyway...I digwess......
So this wiwe ,named Hamlet, six yeaws old, is so well behaved, that he can play off leash in a pawk with no gates...that is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
We had to stop and say hello and tell thm and his Dad how tewwific he was.
He gave me a big kiss
We played a little..it was hawd cause he was not being held and I had to be on the leesch..but Mommi won't let me be loose at anytime on the stweet, cause i'm totally unweliable when told to come.
Natuwally he had to check me out fwom head to hmmmmmmm, you fuzzy butt
Hamlet's dad was twying to convince us to sit down and pose, hehehehe we just talked back to him, ...."why should we??"
We wewe finally convinced to both sit at the same time, but Hamlet was alweady looking at his Dad asking" when can we get back to the impowtant ball playing??" so we said bye bye and went ouw way..
I love my walks because we always wun into intewesting doggies and hoomans on the way
wemember all my fwiendz! don't twy to wun off leash in dangewous stweets and go leave a kiss fow Maggie Queen of So Cal..she 's getting home fwom the hopsital...MUWAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Hi Asta,
Your new matie Hamlet seems like a really good guy, hope you get to meet up again soon.
We can't be trusted off lead either but it makes it difficult meeting new doggies when we're on lead because we go nuts....sigh.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
how cool you met hamlet. he must be really well behaved to be able to be loose like that.
I know Mommy would never let you off your leash NYC is a big crasy city for people never mind doggies.
Hamlet is very handsome, but you are still to young to date.
Here are some more hugs and belly rubs
Smoochies too
Very handsome friend you have there! You look so cute together.
You and Hamlet look good together. Perhaps your parents should think about getting you a sibling! So reassuring that you are NOT quitting blogging.
Sweet Astaroni!
Are you going to get to see Mr. Hamlet again?? I hope so, since he obviously knows how to treat a sweet pupgirl such as yourself, and he's wiser in the ways of off-leash living in NYC.
I am not jelly, because of course, Hamlet, being a pup of refined tastes, can't help but plant a big juicy smooch on you after he met you! You deserve the admiration.
I SO WISH my girl and I could just show up on your street and surprise you someday while you go for your walk! Wouldn't that be funny?
Promise me you will learn to listen to your mommi more when she calls you. PLEASE??
Goober love & sweet smooches,
Stanley Boy
Hey Asta!! I have to stay on my leash most of the time too...I'm pretty good off leash but Mom doesn't like to take any chances. Your Mom just loves you & doesn't want you to get hurt.
i'm not feeling envy...
he's obedient becoz he is 6 YEARS OLD!!
we're both still young and adventurous...can't blame us, right?
Looks like you had a GREAT walk! So nice to get out, isn't it, and be grateful your momma loves you enough to make sure you stay on that leash!
your new friend is bigger and wiser...you'll be like that once day!
kisses to Maggie!
woofies Asta girlie...me cant go off leash anymore either, me cant hear so good, me use to come back pretty good, but not no more..me alweady had one brudder killeded on our road...dey takies no chance wiff me...watt fun it wuz meetin Hamlet...and of course he wants to sniffy u cutie little butt...
b safe,
Hi, Asta!
Sure you had a great time with Hamlet! Like you, I never go out off leash. We've never tried other way but sure my mom doesn't want to make experiments!
Have a good night
How very cool! My humans won't let us off leash either!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hamlet sure is a sweet boy for giving you a kiss Asta. It sure is nice to meet new friends on walkies. And your mom is right to hold on your leash. The road is a very dangerous place
~ Girl girl
yeah, Mom won't let me off leash either except at home or in the doggie park. Good for Hamlet tho'!!! He's a cutie!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
very good advice, Asta! :) HM is sometimes tempted to let me off leash, but then she thinks of what it's like to be without me, and then she doesn't feel like letting me off leash anymore :p
hope Maggie feels better soon!
Ce petit Hamlet m'a l'air très bien. Beau, gentil, bien élevé... Superbe rencontre pour toi. Je suis contente que tu ais un ami de plus...
Bisous, Faya
I love to meet other dogs, as I am always sure that they want to play with me. It is so very exciting. But, our mother never lets us off the leashes, either.
Hey Asta...wow...Hamlet looked like a cool dude...I'd never be allowed off leash...it'd be goodbye, Scruffy!!!
I'm bored. Lacie's in Boston and Babystan is at State College with Bruvver. That leaves me here with Seymour...and he went on a date on Sat. nite and is still out....so I have to puppysit those crazy hyperactive pups. All they do is roll, roll, roll..."pway with us, Mr. Scuffee...pway"...THEY ARE DRIVING ME NUTS...
I can see why Seymour gave them those special bottles...
They've peed so much on the floor that their wheels had to be sanded to get the rust off...
I think I'm gonna go in the fridge and get me out one of those special Absinthe puppy bottles...
Nitey nite!!
Hey Asta, how exciting to meet another WFT! And so close to where you live too! Are you going to meet up again? You look like you're pulling a bit of a face in the kissing photo. Did he have fish breath (Mmmmm!)or something? J x
Hi Asta
What a lovely surprise you had meeting Hamlet, he is handsome. We are not allowed off our leads when walking along the roads. Taffy has a free run in the parks but I have to stay on my extender lead as I seem to loose my hearing when outside!!!!!!!
Molly and Taffy xx
Hi Asta
What a lovely surprise you had meeting Hamlet, he is handsome. We are not allowed off our leads when walking along the roads. Taffy has a free run in the parks but I have to stay on my extender lead as I seem to loose my hearing when outside!!!!!!!
Molly and Taffy xx
You look sooo happee meeting your friend! I hope you both had a fun time together...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look very pleased to meet your friend. She gave you a great big kiss, thats so nice
Simba xx
Hamlet looks like a fine young chap. Mummy is very sensible to make you stay on your lead. Our quiet roads here are scary enough, never mind the hectic New York traffic!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
How fun that you met up with another Wire! Maybe now that you both know that you live in the same neighborhood, you'll meet up again soon! He's pretty handsome, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thats great you met up with a looky likey. Hope you meet again its great making new frinds.
I love meeting friends out on my walks but im allowed off the lead, but we are no where near any roads.
good sniffing
Ludo the cool dude
How fun to meet another wiry friend! Hamlet seems very nice, too.
Hey Asta! That's so great that you met Hamlet. He looks like a very nice dog, but are you SURE he's a WFT? I can't believe he behaves off-leash. :) I'm a lot older than him, and I'm only allowed off leash to go outside when it's REALLY cold and my humans know I will run right back inside when I'm done!
You look so bright and shiny white after scrubbing all of the orange out!
Your friend, Lenny
How nice to meet another wire! But your Mommi is so smart to keep you on lead...you are too precious to risk in such a big bad city.
wow, what an ineresting walk. I love meeting new people and doggies.
I CHOOSE TO NOT NOT NOT come when called either, so I'm always on a leash too.
Hopefully you'll run into Hamlet again,
Frenchie SNorts
You wiweys are such a handsome breed!
Hamlet looks like he'd be a great friend; I hope you meet him again.
Would you believe that I haven't yet been on a walk? The weather has been too cold or icy or snowy or something in my town.
Good advice, Asta! We live & do walky in busy downtown area and we should not be off-leash... I, Momo always want to chase the cars but you're right. I probably won't stop until I see Stan and Stella in Kansas! hehhe..
It's so nice to see you (cute girl) and handsome Hamlet together!!!
Momo & Pinot
Asta! I think Hamlet should be your real life boyfriend. Look at him! He's adorable. And you already have the matching attire. It's like you were made for each other. Sigh.
Asta! I think Hamlet should be your real life boyfriend. Look at him! He's adorable. And you already have the matching attire. It's like you were made for each other. Sigh.
Asta! I think Hamlet should be your real life boyfriend. Look at him! He's adorable. And you already have the matching attire. It's like you were made for each other. Sigh.
My Lucky was walked off leash too, til she got old and would forget where and who she was....
Did you get his phone number? You should invite him to the run and REALLY have fun!
Bussie Kissies
OH MY DOG, another WFT...and in NYC!! Hope you had a nice time together...hopefuly when the weather gets nice, you can meet up at a park and play.
My Mom keeps me on a 30ft lead when I'm playing with others...Mom says it easy to catch a 30ft dog that a 6ft dog!!
Luna -del- Luna
Kousin Asta,
It's so nice that you met Hamlet. He is very handsome, and he gave you a big kiss too! SWOON!! He is such a gentleman.
I wish I had a boyfriend close by. All the dogs I know are girls. I am so jelly.
Hamlet is a keeper. You are so lucky Asta to have found him.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Never mind Asta, we all love you! Treat us as your brothers and sisters for the time being until such time you have one by your side.
Hehehe, Asta, my game is a little tricky unless you really know the catses because these white+tabbies that I have posted look so similar. Of course, the all white and all black cats are even more difficult to tell apart.
Hi Asta - what fun you have on your walks. Reminds me of our long walks in the Grunewald; eventually we would always meet up with the same dogs, too, somewhere along the route! He's pretty cute. Are you going to get a playdate?
got a little something for you over at my blog, too!
Gee, Mom wonders if that was the wire she and Dogdad saw when they were in the Village a few years ago -- or, the thought just came to us -- maybe it was you!!!
But no, that dog was very very urban and quiet and nowhere as beautiful as our sweet Asta.
Woofs -- no off leash for us either!!
Jake and Just Harry
How totally cool, what a coincidence! Humans are so funny always wanting us to pose for photos when its the last thing on our minds for sure!
Hi Asta - how nice to meet such a handsome young fellow.
We are only allowed off leash if we are out in the country somewhere where there are no roads & we are pretty god with recall - especially if there are treats.
So cool... you looks like family :)
Maxy just won a contest and will be featured in an upcoming calendar!
We will be doing a drawing for FREE calendars. Just post a comment on our blog if you would like to be entered in the contest!
Happy New Year!
Well, *I* don't think Hamlet should be your real life boyfriend! But he looks very nice and I'm [sort of] glad you met him.
wags from Sam I Am whippet
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