I went to find my sissy Myrna to see if she would come play..., she was standing awound all dwessed up..."can You come play Mywna??"
"I'm vewy sowwy sissy Asta, Mommi won't let me come and play...I caught hew cold,and I'm supposed to stay in my coat to keep wawm and west"
gazing with longing out the window...sighhh........
ummm, so what if I have pawt of efelant hanging out of my mouf???you got a pwoblem with that?/
Thinking about pouncing on my efelant
I shake the you know what out of him...but he doesn't seem to cawe
This is an efelant with cwunchy eaws and a wope nose..he's quite nice, but not like having someone to play bitey face with
do you think it will evew be nice enough to play at the wun again????

I got the lovely thinking awawd fwom BenBen..thank you so vewy much my fwiend..I am flattewed and gwateful!!!!..I always love to see you and heaw about youw adventoowes!
The rules for the Thinking Award are ..
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
=Sitka and Tia..who make me wealise the special bond siblings have, no mattew what species
=Jan'Funny Farm..who's deep cawing fow fellow animals always moves me
=Gussie..who wites so vewy bootifully and is philosophew like his Dad
=Daisy the curly cat..who's sunday comics have vewy impowtant lessons fow us all
=joestains.and tanner..who make me look at the wowld in the most wondewful upside down way
=my kousin Koobie..hew cheewful outlook on life makes evewything get back into pwopowtion when I'm sad
I know this is six...but I couldn't help myself! and wules awe made to be bwoken anyway..may I have my cookies pleez?
2. Acknowledge this post.( BenBen)
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!
1 check, 2 check, 3.....mayb check and 4......"MOm~~!!!! Get me the treats!!!!"
Asta! I have that same elephant with the crunch ears. Mine is blue but yours is better 'cuz it's PINK! Penny & I ripped his trunk off in 2 seconds but he's still hanging around.
Congrats on your award & stay warm!
Hey Asta! Congratulations on your award. I hope your bad weather is gone soon - hang in there!
Your friend, Lenny
G'day Asta
Congratulations on your award.
We hope the weather improves for you very soon so you can go to the run and play with your friends.
Thinking of you.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
asta come down here and visit me and Flash. It is not to bad outside and we could run around.
Hi Asta! Congratulations on your award! We're sorry that its not nice enough for you to play outside! Hopefully the weather will get better soon :) We like your elephant and think you look very sweet with its pink fluff in your mouth!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
woofies Asta. me sorwy u sissy wont play wiff u, me hopies she feels better verwy soon....heehee dat efelent iz a true fend to let u play bitey face wiff him...me hopies dey weather gets nice soon so u can go to the wun...iffin u wuz here its not to bad outside we cood play and dig holies....me will go c u fend...
b safe,
woofies again, it will not let me go c Opal....blogger iz being bad....
Thanks, Asta, for letting us see Opal. She looks like a very wonderful dog for Nanny!
The wind was howling last night and blowing so hard I refused to go outside to potty. I couldn't believe that Motch even thought of putting me out there.
I'm ready for warm sunshine and gentle winds and green grass to romp around in.
Myrna is so cute! Maybe you can play together if you keep your distance! How about baking cookies together in the kitchen!
Congratulations on your award, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch
Those are such cute pics of you Asta! You know you are a very photogenic little girl! Too bad your sissy has a cold. And we hear you on the weather situation. Every time it rains we are stuck inside. That's just so wrong!
Hey Sissy Asta, why don't you come and visit me? We have great weather and Sassy is here, plus two other mystery cat friends. Come and see if you could recognize them.
I have put you in as well. You don't recognize the italian dons?????
Sorry it's so stinky out,it looked like rain all day but didn't here and now it is FREEZING!!!!Archie walked his regular am and mid day walks today!! Yippee! but no huge walk yet PL2 is going slow!!! Wish you were here......Love A+A
Hi, Asta!
Sure I hope your Mom, Mirna and the weather get better soon! I know how much you love to go to your run!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs
Nanny is so inept at this blogging
I sent you a pee mail with the correct link
Miss Asta:
Congrats on you award....
You have got to swing over to Clive's and checkout Princesss Isis tribute - Get Mom some tissue
she's gonna need it!!
Stay warm & dry & whoop on elefant......
Oh dear Asta!!! You are so sweet to present Tia and I with this award. Thank woo for constantly checking in on my sister :) You are one special friend!
Oh dear.. I'm so sad that you're bored at home Asta. Will your mom play with you?
Ps. I saw a pet documentary last nite of a place call Biscuits and Baths in NY. Have you been there?
~ Girl girl
Hey there Asta!!
We hope Myrna and your mommy get better from their cold soon!! And we hope you don't get too bored..
And fur the answer to your question, yes, we are clean right now..but only because we just took another shower..ughh... (Kena's just smiling!). We were actually really stinky!! Mission accomplished!
Hope you don't get your bath too soon!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Astaroni FB!!
Your efelant is tough, just like you. I think he can take whatever you dish out. (By the way, that photo of you with part of efelant hanging out of your mouth shows your tough side very well). Too bad I can't live the life of our efelant and have you play bitey with me.
Goober love & smooches,
Thank you for honoring us with the award!! I am glad I can make you think outside the treat box like they say. But really, who wants anything but what is IN the treat box. I am now confused. ANYWAY I hope your weather improves very soon!
congratulations on the award, asta! :) hee hee you named six pups, you deserve extra treats!
i hope the weather turns around soon. when i get cooped up for too long, i drive HM crazy.
Congrats on the award Asta!
I like your elephant.. it looks very girlie. I think I had one just like it when I was a pup but umm.. it 'died of an overdose of too much lovin'! Remember to treat yours with LOVE!
Hey Asta, congrats on your award. What a shame that Myrna has caught a cold too. I hope that your Mum and Myrna feel better soon. I've been to Opal's blog and woofed hello. Looking forward to reading more about her adventures. J x
Its so windy, Mummy says she is going to try and fly me like piglet, help.
Simba xx
Like Simba say, we has big winds here in England today and lots and lots of rain. Today me be little bit glad me is on bed rest!
Me likes the look of your crunchy eared heffalump!
Cassidy x
I hate it when the weather is rotten too becoz that means we can't go play in the rain & go for walkies becoz of the soggy grass & all...Oh my, I haven't' been visiting Opal's blog for sometimes already! I'm gonna head over there right now! Thanks for reminding!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta, if you cannot go outside and play, at least you have a very fun elephant toy to keep you busy. I'm sorry Myrna got a cold; wearing that cute coat should keep her warm and help her get better fast. Congratulations on your award, and thanks for thinking of me, too! And now I am off to visit Opal!
Hey Asta, It's super windy here too, and cold. Everything is covered with ice, because it rained and then froze. It's no fun, even for me. But we are getting 20 cm of snow tomorrow. I'll try to send some your way.
Hey Asta, It's super windy here too, and cold. Everything is covered with ice, because it rained and then froze. It's no fun, even for me. But we are getting 20 cm of snow tomorrow. I'll try to send some your way.
Aww, Asta! I feel your pain. It's too cold to be outside for very long. I just run out and do my business and run back to the door. It's way to cold to even hunt for bunny poo. :(
Hopefully, we'll be able to play outside again soon!
Congratulation on the award Asta. You so deserve it. And, Thank You, kousin Asta for passing this beautiful award on to me. It was so nice and thoughtful of you to do that. I am glad that I can cheer you up when you are sad. It makes me sad when those I love are sad, and I don't like being sad.
Thank You again.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Hi Asta, we are sorry you are having such rotten weather! Here, it isn't bad right now, but this afternoon and tomorrow we are supposed to have loads of rain! Mom will be mopping the floor constantly! The wind is so strong it's enough to blow a doggie over! It's a good thing we are pretty big girls! I hope you get to go to the wun soon!
Poppy & Penny
i'm glad you liked the tribute, i worked very hard on it.
Hey, Asta,
Thank you for the award. We just finished posting it.
We stopped by to welcome Opal last night and we'll stop back there again soon.
jans funny farm
Sissy Asta!! We're glad you received another award! :)
It's very cold here as well. Please stay warm, ok? January is almost over and February is short. Spring has to arrive here (and NYC) soon!
Momo & Pinot
Hey Girl...I hope u have some of that delissh soup u gave Mumsie to give back to ur mom and Myrna...so little Myrna is a little stuffed up..(giggle..!!) sorry...is she gonna be well enough to go the the pawty this weekend???
That Opal is attractive...I heard Seymour whinin' bout her in the background.
Nothin' much new here today cept Mumsie cut one of my toenails toooo short and I almost bled to death...and that was with the special no bleed stuff. I am not particularly happy with her right now.
Hope u can get to the wun before the pawty...or ur gonna go wild.....
U don't think my cheer costume is too wevealin' do ya...I mean Dewey's gonna be there...
Hey there Asta!
Thanks fur the comment! And you're very welcome!! We're so happy that Bruno finally got his surgery!!! And we think he posted a new diary entry on his page...
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
hi Asta, contrats on your award. we are bored too. our mom doesn't even want us to play in our muddy back yard, but we do anyway. mostly we just lay around and tear up our toys. booooorrrrrrring.
too bad you can't take Myrna for a little spin. that might be fun.
Ha, ha, ha, ya always make me laugh, ya are just too cute. Ya should have stayed with Opus, Roscoe, me and Momo then ya would have had things to do all day. Stop by I have two awards for ya.
Dory Missing - There have been reports of a black lab leaving Logan Airport on AireRuby, possibly stalking football players. Please report any sightings, she may have layovers before getting to Arizona!
Sweet Asta, you're not alone in this misery, this terrible weather... I am with you, er, 10 cats and our 2 woofies are with you. In the Netherlands is exact the same as in NY.
Can I borrow your elephant??
Asta - maybe I can cheer you up: I gave you an award!
It's raining and boring and cold and tornado-y and just awful here too. Is your mommi all better we hope?
wags from the whippets
Hi Asta
I sent you an e-mail message. Thank you for thinking of me on my barkday.
It wasn't raining today but it was soooo hot. My mum took me to the beach but I didn't want to walk .. it was too hot.
Mum bought me 3 cream barkday cakes this week, even though my nickname is now "Fatso".
Are you going to Gaucho's surprise barkday pawty ? Hope I see you there.
Love from Hammer
Oh Asta...
I wish I could come play bitey face with you!!! It's booooring here too. Weather is bad and Mom is working a lot she gots her promotion! Waaaaaaa.
Isn't Opal cute???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We hate not being able to go outside....we get bored, then we get destructive. The lady hates it too, cause we destroy her stuff!
Murph and Reilly
Hi Asta,
If you need any help taking care of that elephant you let me know. I can take a stuffy down in seconds flat.
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