a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why My Pawents chose a WFT pawt 1

When my Mommi was a little giwl, she and hew pawents had to escape fwom Hungawy and eventooally wound up on a twain to Switsewland with nothing but the clothes on theiw backs..they left theiw families and evewything they evew had..it was vewy sad, but they had each othew....
My Mommi and hew family settled in Switzerland(BERN), and Mommi had a gweat Chwissmuss with lots of toys to twy to weplace all she had to leave behind...
she had a ballet scholawship and became vewy good fwiends with the best dancew at the school..hew name was Silvie and was a few yeaws oldew than Mommi , but they became fwiends anyway..and soon theiw pawents met too

Silvie's wondewful family had a townhouse in Bern, a lake house fow summew and a chalet fow the wintew in the mountains...they also had a wire fox tewwiew called Vieli...the pawfect dog fow city and countwy alike!!!

This is a pictoowe of my Gwamommie and Silvie's Mommi walking in the glowious snow of a Swiss winter.....the two families became fast fwiends and spent all their vacations together

This was Silvie and hew fathew and theiw Foxy Vieli...thewe wewe lots of picnics, and hikes in the summews...Mommi was vewy happy thewe..Silvie was a fabulous dancew and eventooally fowmed a dance company with hew husband...she's now wetiwed and still goes to the chalet and lives in Bern and Spain and has a bootiful gwandchild even...Mommi says time goes too fast.
this was Silvie's Daddi and theiw little VieliSilvie and hew Mom at the lake...Vieli was aways whewe the action was.swimming,hiking, sledding, skiing...the pawfect doggie

this is my Mommi hugging Vieli...little Vieli went evewywhewe with hew while she was at the Haemmig's..and she wanted a foxie of hew own, but soon they had to be wefoogees again, so she couldn't get one, but.......
Mommi knew that someday she would have a little foxie too and hew life would be pawfect just like the Haemmigs'
Vieli cwossed ovew the wainbow bwidge a vewy long time ago ,but planted a seed of love in my Mommi's heawt that nevew went away, and that's one of the weasons my pawents have a WFT...sometime I'll tell you anothew weason


The 4Bs


Koobuss said...

Oh kousin Asta, what a lovely story. If it wasn't for Vieli so long ago, where would you be now?

(Shudder the thought.)

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Noah the Airedale said...

That was truely a lovely story Asta. I fear ours won't be as romantic as yours lol. Thanks for tagging us though. We'll try our best to make our story sound kinda interesting hehe.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Snowball said...

Thank you for sharing the story. Your mum must be deeply in love with WFT.


Karl and Ruis said...

That was a wonderful post with such beautiful pictures! Karl says he will definitely show this post to the maid once he gets home from Antarctica!
Come on over and see the interior of our fabulous Antarctica cruise ship and meet the crew!
Karl and Ruis

Faya said...

La petite Vieli est très mignone. Je suis heureuse que ta mami soit tombée amoureuse de vous les WFT, comme ça, des années plus tard, on peut chater sur internet avec la petite ASTA ! La vie est pleine de surprises !
Bisous, Faya

Duke said...

What a wonderful story and we so enjoyed all the old photos! You're sure a lucky girl, Asta! We know your mom and dad love you more than words can say!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, those old photos are just great! It's nice to see the olden day pictures. Your mommy sure was a pweetty little girl! Thank you for sharing this loverly story with us Asta. Your whole family sure loved WFTs. No wonder your mommy wanted one & that is you.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PerfectTosca said...

What a beautiful story, Asta. I feel like i know you and your mom better now. Mom says one of these days she's gonna trade me in for a WFT or an airedale. I don't bite my foot over it much anymore because I know she's fulla crap.

Stella said...


NOW I understand a little more of your foxy loveline. That wirey seed was planted very early in your mommi's heart (thank doG)! I'm so glad she knew & loved Vieli.

Now that your mommi has you and your daddi, she doesn't have to feel like a refugee anymore. She's made herself a great home with her foxy little family (you're a foxy girl and my girl says your daddi is one foxy guy... so there).

Can't wait for the other reason why you parents have you!

Goober love & loads of smooches,

Stella said...

Hey, Asta Girl!

Stanley just jumped onto my account and posted a comment to your blog. Funny though, he doesn't look a thing like me, huh?

I LOVE your story and send itty bitty goobette kissies to your mommi for opening her heart to you so we could know you and be frens. Hairy Stanley gives me your baby smoochies everyday and I can't do without them now. (You have ruined me, girlie).


Stanley said...

Sweetpea FB!

I hope I didn't confuse you, but I was trying to get Stella off the pooter, and in my haste I forgot to sign her off & sign myself on. So, that first "Stella comment" is really from me.

Goober love,

jaffeboy said...

That is such a beautiful "story".

We pooches just leave tonnes of love for the hoomans who "found" us.

Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

OMG!!!! This is a wonderfulest ever story ... It is so touching ... Ya know your Mommi's earliest ever years sound very similar to those of MY Grandmumsa (that is Mom's Mom -- hee hee) ... Anyway, we love this wonderfulest ever story ... :)

Guess what, sweet Asta??? I am moving back to Boston! I am scared and nervous ... Mom says we will all be finest ever, but I am nervous ... Mom said she has already found ME a pool to swimmies in and that I should not worry, but I am WORRIED!


Putter ...:)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sissy,
What a beautiful story. It made wet spots on my Mommy's face. We go today to see if we are going to get me a live-in sissy. I don't know what to think. I will try and be on my best behaviour but Mommy says I have been too wild lately. I will let you know
Your brover, Nicky

Daisy said...

Oh Asta, that was a very beautiful story. How wonderful that little Vieli left her pawprint on your Mommi's heart so she would be ready when you came along. Vieli left a great legacy! I loved seeing those old photos, too.

Patience-please said...

That is such a beautiful story. A little girl's live is turned upside down, and then saved by loving parents, dear friends, and a a wonderful little dog.
Thank you so much for sharing it!

kisses from the whippets

Headgirl said...

What a fascinating story.
I have childhood memories of a WFT, my sister Judy, which is why I have soft spot for you all now.

Love, pats & pets

The Meezers or Billy said...

great story!!!!

Maya and Kena said...

Aww..that is one pawsome story!!
The pictures are great!!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Urban Smoothie Read said...

thanks for sharing with us the remarkable story if vieli n we love those bootiful photograph...

it were all so meaningful...

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, that's a beautiful story, so well written with lovely old photographs. we did this tag a little while back for Charlie the poodle. unfortunately, our mom can't find any photos of her childhood poodle, Tony. she thinks about him every night when she goes to sleep and says a special little prayer for him. she didn't put the sad part about him in her post. she didn't want it to be a downer. Tony was a wonderful miniature poodle that was with our mom for many many years. she has always loved poodles because of her early relationship with Tony. she went many long years through college and after, before she owned a home, without a dog. she had birds but they aren't the same. and then finally, 4+ years ago, she got us, one by one. she loves us so much, but she still thinks about Tony and misses him. she is gonna look through all of the boxes in our garage to try to find one picture of him to remember him by. he had a sad ending that he didn't deserve... life was messed up for a little while... our mom remembers some things with much sadness and that will never change. we make her very happy, but we can't change the past. we will find Tony someday, when we go to the Bridge, and we will take good care of him again.


pee ess - if you want, mommy will do a re-run of her older post about Tony. maybe she can make it better, but she doesn't want to make it sad.

Luc and Remy said...

What a nice story and awesome pictures! No wonder you are so special to your family.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a beautiful story. A perfect example of "When one door closes another one opens"

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Mack said...

I really enjoyed those old pictures Asta. That is such a neat story of your mom and grandpawents.

My mom has a sister-in-law named Sylvie!

PeeS: Are you related to Vieli?


Tesla and Hansel said...

me and my mommy just loooove the old pictures! how classy she says!

I also tagged you for a game on my bloggy!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thankyou for sharing the lovely, lovely photos and memories. There is a timelessness to them, as it is of love, beauty and friendship.

Jan Price said...

What a beautiful, romantic story. All except the parts about your mom and her parents being refugees who left all behind to start over. But she made a lifelong friend and she adopted you because you were part of her dream. Sigh.

Our stories are so different. We're all throwaways Jan rescued.

Jan's Funny Farm

Joe Stains said...

It must have been very scary for your Mom and her family to leave her home behind. I am so glad she found good friends in her new home and a great little doggy!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Sure your mom has sad and good memories of her early years!
Thanks for sharing her story!
Sure she loves you soooooo much!
Have a good night

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Fascinating, simply fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. You will continue on, right?

The pics are irreplaceable!

and V. is darling. So good to have memories of our pets/owners from long ago, isn't it?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta,Asta...what a bootiful story bout ur Mumsie and her first "borrowed" foxy wire. As much as Mumsie loves me and Babystan, foxy wires will always have a special place in her heart cuz she had one as a little girl. She used to saddle and bridle him and make her dolls ride him around the yard. (Frankly, I'd have bitten her!!!!)

We loved the pix of your mom and her parents...what a lovely family!

How was ur vet appt., Asta???????? Cough, cough...oh my...I seem to be catchin' a cold or have a toad caught in my throatie....

need to hit the crate....

Lakie love,

Lacy said...

woofies asta...dose picturs of u mommi and her mommi and daddi r treasures...and her fend...mama's got sum old pics she gonna post on her bloggy soon...me iz shure da min u mommi N daddi seed u, dey nos u wuz da one fur dem....

b safe,

pp's me sooo glad da dogtor said u wuz ok...bet it wuz shure skeerey....

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's such a bootiful story. Your mum look so pretty with that doggie. I'm glad she got you

~ Girl girl

Cassidy said...

Me liked the piccies of your mummy when she be little girl. It be lovely story.

Cassidy x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what beautiful photos and a lovely story. Thank you for sharing them with us. J x

Jake of Florida said...

Those old photos are so touching -- and the loveline, if not the bloodline, from Vieli to you is profound.

Funny, but while I was walking Mom this morning, I saw her looking around at the beautiful -- now much warmer - landscape and overheard her thought: what if we knew, when we are going through sad things at the beginning of our lives and may feel alone, that we would wind up happy, with a good life and wire fox terriers to love. Would that make it easier?


PreciOus said...

Dear Asta, that is a touching story. The old photos are great too, it seems relaxing, carefree and everyone was truly happy.


Kathryn and Ari said...

What amazing photographs! Thanks so much for sharing them: we feel like we know you already!

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta,
Thanks fur the compliment! We're just trying to do as much we can to help. We're keeping our paws crossed that they say they can help!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Tybalt said...

Asta, that was a WONDERFUL story! I especially loved all the pictures. How beautiful your mommy was, and all of that snow!

I wanted you to know that I tagged you for a "7 random things" meme on my blog today. Purrs!

Petra said...

I'm so glad that your mom still had her parents when she moved to a new country. Motch's grandparents were born in Switzerland and moved to the U.S. as young adults. She would like to go visit Switzerland some day to see where they lived.

Anyway, this is a great story and it continues to have a very happy ending. Lucky you to be a part of this wonderful life!

ChaChi Lu said...

What a heart warming story. The pictures are WONDERFUL! Babs says she had goosebumps when she read the story...

~CHaChi and JET

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh Asta...You made both me and my mamma to cry ..with your beautiful story....we just love your ...heart.
I feel can see your beautiful light shine...:O)))
My mamma also is from far away, and sometimes so difficult for her ..because her heart longs for her home...she can go anytime...but since
my "mormor" went to the rainbow bridge..it is very hard for mamma to go home...because she gets so sad that mormor is not there...(grandmother) and also not my morfar (grandfather)...and then it is me that cant just go on a plane...cause the people will make me sit in a cage, and then have to be in a kennel for 6 months in qaranteen ..or whatever you call it..

I love you Asta...You are the bestest
Tell your mamma that my mamma is going to share a special thing with her in email...tonight!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Asta - that was a wonderful real life story with pictures, amazing.

Thank you for sharing.

love and licks, from Marvin xxxxxx

Juno said...

Asta!!! We are so touched!! What an amazing story!! We love all these posted pictures. Thank you so much for sharing this story.

Mom's pc @ home has been seriously ill coz of the viris. We were glad to ask my mom to check out your blog from her pc at work. :) We almost miss this story!

Momo & Pinot

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, Great story and amazing pictures! I really want to know the other reason your parents got you.

Good news from my end. I'm going to live!!!! Woo hoo! You can check my twitters on my blog for a few more details. I will post tomorrow all about how healthy I am, but I just wanted to let you know, I'm okay!!!!!


Karl and Ruis said...

We will have a surprise guest coming tomorrow and a big party on Thursday!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh what a lovely story!1Your pictures look like pictures PL2 has!!!!A lovely story little one! Love A+A

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Asta Girl...
What great pictures and an pawsome story!!! Thanks for the tag...I need to have a chat with my Mom to find out!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
Thats a fantastic look into your moms life

PS:We adjusted some settings and our posts are back to normal !
Thanks for your help

Lenny said...

These pictures and the story are wonderful, Asta! Thanks for sharing with us!

Your friend, Lenny