LacyLulu and MAYA and KENA both gave me the "you make my day "awawd..and LacyLulu also gave me the Bloggers of the Wowld awawd.....
Thank you so vewy much my deaw fwiends...the wules say I should give this awawd to a few fwiends, but that's impossible..all of you who wite me evewy day make my day!!!!!!!!...and as you know, we at DWB awe a family awound the I think I would like to give this awawd to all of you(I tend to bweak wules anyway,hehehehe) Thank you again fow being so good to me!

Wait till you heaw what happened at ouw house!!!
Ouw Doowman called up and said we had a package delivewy...
Daddi cawwied up this hooge was a little wowse fow wawe, and appeawantly had been all ovew the wowld...honestly the MAIL!!!!!!!

We opened the package and out popped a baby tewwiew...
we wewe floowed!!

What can this mean??? this was cleawly sent by my fwiendz Scruffy,Lacie and babStan..............................................................
It's one of Seymouw's pups he had ovew Chwissmuss!
Just look at hew!
Isn't she a cutie??? How could he weject hew???????Meanwhile I weceived this lettew fwom Seymouw:
(Asta...I didn't exactly we...I mean reject her...she was just Like a she wanted to wear orange or pink ALL the time...and she hated the nooootricious bottles I fixed her...I even tried beer and she well...she spit it in my foxy face. That one's full of Pi** and Vinegar, I can tell ya that!!
I merely suggested she find someone else to care for her...I don't want u to think I am heartless and abandoned my own pup...though the vet did say I don't have a heart??!!!
She looks very very happy at your house and I think she'll be the bestest sissy for you ever....
If she doesn't sleep well, may i suggest a smigeon of 150 proof rum mixed in with her formula....
Wheeled barks...
Seymour) it cause she's a giwl?..I think all the othews wewe boys
She was pwetty shy and confoosed aftew hew twip, but fwiendly wight away..a weal tewwiew giwl..wesiliant
and bootiful..she mumbled something about hew name being Mywna..I'm not suwe I heawd it wight, cause she kind of whispewed.
Look at this pawfect postoowe..especially fow a little baby giwl
Hello!!! I'm Asta want to be my sissy???
I gave hew a big smoochie kiss...she was nevew kissed befowe can you imagine??she must be suffewing fwom kissie deficiency anemia
Aftew all the twavel and excitement, the little sweetie was exhausted...Mommi had hew go peepee and put hew to bed.She also gave hew a bottle..she was at fiwst vewy suwpwised at the taste..up till now she was given Absinthe by Seymouw...tsk...tsk..that's just she's getting wawm milk and huneyand nootwicious peanut buttew mixed in,,I think she will do vewy well on this fowmoola
Mommi said we could adopt hew and give hew a fuwwewvew home! Yipeee!!! I wanted a sissy so badly and now I have one..Oh JOY!!!!!
Yes, she is such a sweetie, almost as cute as you are. Now you have the sissie you said you wanted.
Aw, a baby sister. How sweet. You take good care of her, Asta.
jans funny farm
Congratulations on your awards and receiving a baby sister! How wonderful! She even looks a bit look you.
Hi kousin Asta,
WOW!!! You are SO lucky to get one of Seymour's pups! And a girl yet! That's wonderful that you now have a sister. Does that make her my cousin, too?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Asta...I didn't exactly we...I mean reject her...she was just Like a she wanted to wear orange or pink ALL the time...and she hated the nooootricious bottles I fixed her...I even tried beer and she well...she spit it in my foxy face. That one's full of Pi** and Vinegar, I can tell ya that!!
I merely suggested she find someone else to care for her...I don't want u to think I am heartless and abandoned my own pup...though the vet did say I don't have a heart??!!!
She looks very very happy at your house and I think she'll be the bestest sissy for you ever....
If she doesn't sleep well, may i suggest a smigeon of 150 proof rum mixed in with her formula....
Wheeled barks...
PEE ESS Ya better visit our blogie...Lacie and Babystan are grounded.....
Wow... a baby terrier sissy is the bestest pressie any pup can hope to receive. Remember to bring her along on your walkie and introduce all your friends to her.
Oh wow Asta! You are a big sista now! & you must look after you little baby sista! She's very sweet & I'm sure you'll be teaching her all you know!
What a wonderful suprise!
You'll have to keep us updated daily on her new furever home!
Love & Licks,
a sissy!!! that's the bestest present ever! she's bootiful :) when do you get to take her out to play? i'm sure she would do you proud at the dog run :)
p.s. what is her name going to be? :)
Hi, Asta!
Wow! Your wish came true! Now you have a sis!
I am sure you two will have lots of fun together!
And you will be the best sis in the whole world!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Uh-oh, dear Asta... Swede William thinks she's really cute!
(I think she's all right, but she can't hold a candle to you, for sure!)
wags from Sam I Am whippet
Come to the tea party on board of the liner at Antarctica. Many of the cats there are your friends and Miss Peach is a lovely gracious kitty who would welcome all.
You were very smart to have guessed our mission!
You got a new puppy sister. That's so cute. I'm sure you 2 will have lots of fun together
~ Girl girl
That poor girl! You are going to make a great big sissy! I am so glad that girl got a furever home to rest her um wheels?
Hi Asta, that's such a cool little sissy. we bet you can play with her and push her around. hee hee! maybe your little sissy can keep you out of trouble for a little while. please don't get roller skates to keep up with her. and please don't dye her hair to match anyone elses. hee hee.
Hey Asta, I'm so glad that you've given Myrna a home. She couldn't wish for a better sister. I don't know what Seymour was thinking of! Sometimes I just want to wash my paws of him! J x
Congratulations on your awards. What a cute puppy. It looks like wheely good fun.
Simba xx
Your sissy is beautiful! Has she got a name yet? I hope she's being a good girl.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Oh wow Asta, what is your new sissies name????
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
A new sista? That's great! So sad that Seymour rejected this pweetty little girl... So what you gonna name her?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Dear Asta
It's just as well this dear sweet girl came to you. It sounds like she had a real ruff time at the other place. What's that dark spot on her side .. is it rum or a bruise ??
Anyway, I'm pleased she's safe with you now.
Love from Hammer
Congratulations she is beautiful I am so JellyFish, maybe that is what I need.
Hugs belly rubs and smoochie kisses to you and your new sissy.
Your new baby sister is adorable! And you are taking such good care of her. Kiss deficiency anemia can be a very serious unless it is taken care of right away! Have fun playing with your new pal.
Hey Asta,
Congrats on all the awards! And you don't worry, you didn't cheat, you're right! Everybody deserves them!
Also, congrats on your new baby sister! She's SO cute!! you guys are gonna tons of fun together, we can already tell..
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Ohh! Congrats Asta. Hope you have lot's of fun with her! She's very pretty btw!
Amber :)
Oh My dog...Now that is the sweetest story I have heard in a long time...It makes me want a sissy or brother on wheels too!!!!!
I can just "sense" all the adventures the two of you will be writing about now....hehe..
All my golden love to my favoristest terrier in the world
Sir Chancelot
She looks so at home with her bottle all tucked into bed!
I'm sure will make a wonderful big sissie!
Entre nous Asta, je pense que la plus heureuse doit être ta maman non ? Hihihihi..... Bisous
Oh Asta, we think your new baby sister is just adorable. You will have to take her out on walks with you. We noticed she is wearing roller skates!
Ozzie & Rocky
Congratulations, Asta! Myrna is just too cute! The two of you will have so much fun together! You can go to the run together!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Asta! I'm just now caught up reading about all of your holiday adventures. It looks like you had a great time at Christmas and I'm so happy for you with your new sissie and your dad's good cat-scan news. I hope you have a wonderful new year!!
Your friend, Lenny
oh, we really have short memories. We forgot you already have one, but stop by when you have a chance and pick up another award.
jans funny farm
Congrats on your baby sister! We just know that you will make a wonderful big sister and you will teach her everything she needs to know!
Sorry we haven't been around much, but it is the fault of the humans. First a trip and then sickness, AGAIN! Hope all is well in your neck of the world. When it gets a little warmer we will have to go for another vespa ride. Maybe this time you could take us on a tour of NY!
Opus and Roscoe
Congrats on the awards.
And Asta, this is such a great story! You are the BEST sister in the world! You and Myrna will probably become the best friends.
woofies Asta girlie, yeaaaa u gots a soooo glad fur u...u wanteded one fur a long time...i iz shure u will teacheded her a lot of stuffs....
b safe,
Nice seeing you at the party and glad that the orange colouring is coming off nicely.
Did I tell you that SS is eyeing a red Vespa? She'll have to get her licence first and then get some money together....
Congratulations on the new sissy !
Mummy had a wee doggy on weels wen she waz 2 yeers old. Lookin at yor fotoes haz mayde her go all silly.
Lov the larst foto! She looks very snug!
Nose hugs!
I want a sissy!
OMG!!! A SISSY! Now you and Myrna can play bitey face and steal each others toys and get jealous over supper,toys, chewies ,your Mommi, your Daddy.....uhmmmmmm are you sure you want this!!!!SHe looks a little like you!! That Seymour...tsk tsk We are very excited! Love A+A
Asta I tried earlier to get to your place to let ya know it was OK to go to Karl's party but the blogger monster wouldn't let me in at your place. I was glad to see ya at the party, it sure was a fun time. Congrats on your awards and most most surprisingly on your new little baby sister. What a luck little girl she is to have ya for a big sissy. Looking forward to seeing what ya two can get into.
COngratulations!!!! You are going to make a wonderful big sister!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
lol too funny.
mail order sissies?
congratulation for ur awards, asta..
btw.... ur sissy looks really lovely..i wonder why she was rejected..
but anyway, dun forget to show her off at the local dog park....hahah
Hi Asta, I'm Charlotte, friend of Momo the kitty. Congratulations on the acquisition of a sissy. And she is on roller skates! I would love one too!
Of course, Asta! I am so glad you are such a friendly doggie! I am scared of doggie because of my past experience with a big mean one that resulted in my being abandoned. However, Momo assures me you are a lovely, gentle doggie and a good friend. I saw you at the party and thought any doggie who would venture alone to a gigantic kitty bash would be cat-friendly. And you are!
woofies Asta girlie, yesss dat letter wuz sooo sad, we prolly dont even no the half of how many r killed in our kill shelters...I not nos iffin u meeteded alex b4 but he from germany and fank dog fur his translator...he got a big heart....
b safe,
;) a sad lacylulu tooo.....
OMdoG.. she is a cutie! This is a great gift Asta! I am sure you will give her a great home..
Oh Asta...Myrna looks soooo sweet taking her bottle...she surely looks a lot different at your house than the poor thing did here...Seymour doesn't really have a maternal gene in his body...or much of a heart either.
We're gonna raffle off the wheeled boy pups...Mumsie says we can keep one!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll send u a pic of the one we're keepin'. He's the runt and Mumsie feels sorry for him. Not sure what to name him...still thinking!
Mumsie ungrounded us. We didn't tell her bout the mud bath...she'll figure it out when it rains!
Huge Lakie smoochies to ur Sissy and even bigger ones to you, sweet girl and ur mom and dad...
What wonderful news Asta! That is so exciting to have a baby sister! I am going to have a baby sister this spring!
Love, Hercules
Aww..thanks fur the comment Asta! We're just trying to do as much as we can to help!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta
I'm pleased that sissy did not have rum on her side. Hope you have fun together over the weekend.
Love from Hammer
OMD! That is the greatest puppy evah! My Mom wants one. Congrats on your awards. Love, Martha
Oh what a good day - awards and a new sister!
Hey Asta, Myrna is pretty cute. I wonder if you should get an award for the most comments. Mine will make 55!!! You're getting to be one popular little terrier.
Hey, Sweet Astaroni!
CONGRATULATIONS! You are already an AMAZINGLY FABulous big sissy. Your new sissy is a Q-T! She looks just like you, only smaller. She seems to like to aire out her little tongue too. Very sweet.
I'm just glad Seymour thought of you when he decided he didn't want her. I bet your mommi & daddi are SO excited, but not as much you are, I'm sure.
Think of all the things you have to teach her... and it sounds like one of her favorite colors is ORANGE! How cool is that?
Please tell her that not all terrier boys are like Seymour and that I'd love to meet her.
Goober love & extra strong smooches,
Stanley Boy
That's a cute toy Asta,
xxx Asta down under
Hi Asta,
We just love your new WFT on wheels. Our mom has an Airedale on wheels, but we aren't allowed to even go near it. That stinks! We just want to be her buddy, but Mom says, "Noooooooooooo!" I just know you will be very happy together!
Poppy & Penny
Asta...NOW I know what my Nanny was talking about...I'm so darn behind. Sorry! I love her...she is bootiful (but not as bootiful as you of course). You are going to make a pawsome big sister. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Oh, is she coming to the superbowl pawtry? And what is her name???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
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