When this is what you see outside..hewe's what you can do...........
Hewe's the yummilicious ingwedientses..(the meet is duck confit, that Mommi took off the bone)
You have to sautee the onions and gawlic in the pancetta...gweat smells...
Yummie cannelini beans
kitchens wewe cleawly not built with the cowwect specifications fow WFTs..evewything is WAY up thewe.
I wanna see the wesults of my hawd wowk..( why am I not an aiwekid??)
Looks absolutely delicious! You are such a great help in the kichen, sissy. Mmmm, SS why can't you cook like that? Because I don't help?
Just realized that I am first to comment. Wow!!!!! Not often that happens!
I can leap onto the counter and make a mess without any problem :) I don't often get cooked food because SS is a lousy cook. I only get morsels of ham, cheese and some milk most of the time. But I love duck, roast pork, turkey and any meat stews. I only get those when my gran is there :(
MMMMMMM...looks so much better than the burned concoction Scruff and Baby made last nite ...perhaps they didn't add enough broth. Yours looks ever soooooo much better...I bet a bowl of that would get Mumsie off the sofa...welll...at least into a sitting position! I picked my outfit out for the cheerleading thing. I sent it to Big Bruvver for his approval. Mumsie picked one out too. It's ugly and I won't wear it. So there.....
PEE ESS I asked Bussie if we could have a chunk of that dead gator skin for u, me Koob and Aggie and Snicky for the pursies, shoes and wallets we didn't get to buy in Noo York cuz they costed too much. Awaitin' his reply.....
You are soooo funny Asta! Tell daddi that I would like to give him the lickies 'cos I love licking cheese. I would even stand on my hind legs to beg for cheese! Now there, it's not just the doggies who can do it but the other catses despise me for doing it so I usually just keep quiet about this ability of mine.
Hi, Asta!
My mom says that cooking in a day like the one you had makes you feel better!
Glad you had some delicious soup!
Is your mom feeling better? I hope so! Please give her kisses and hugs from us!
Have a good night
Asta..we maded soups last night too! Only ours had sausage and spinach and cannelini beanses and carrots and stuffs. Yours looks better. And I am glad you are a wirey girl, not and AireChick
kissies to you and Mommi and Daddi
Hello cousin Asta! What yummy soup you help to make! My SMS is back at work now and is always saying she is too tired to help me blog, so I am restricted to visiting a few blogs a night, if I'm lucky :(
PS I am going to pack up and move to Momo's if the situation doesn't improve.
yum yum yummy! looks wonderful (except for the duck part!) and i bet your momma is glad to have your help!
It's way below the dignity of catses to beg for ANYTHING. It's our right to demand and get served. Humans should consider their privilege to be of service to us! That's it in a nutshell as to why cats consider it is way below our dignity to do tricks.
woofies Ms Asta, dat food lookies sooooooooo pawsome, heehee u makin me hungry... i wooda eated it all too...me will go visit Maya and Kena's fend...
b safe,
so many good things in the soup! and many of them that i have not tried before! i'm glad you got many bowls of that soup, with all the effort you put in to help :) it's perfect for a rainy day :)
p.s. in the first picture, what's that silver thing on the floor?
any recipe that starts with duck confit and pancetta make me VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!! You are a great sous chef!
Hey Sissy Asta, Sassy is bored at home because her mom has abandoned her for a few days to go to babysit the babybean, so she has teleported to my place. Come and say hi to us when you have time.
sissy Momo
That soup looks very yummy. How nice that you got to eat some. I am drooling on the keyboard.
Now, you've got it, Sissy! In the heyday of the Egyptians we cats were treated as deities. So what's a little feeding, cleaning up and blogging in these deplorable modern times!
Your dumb sissy, me, has left a answer to you in my own blog!!!!!! Coo!
Woh, Can I have some of that yummy food that you cooked Asta? I think you make a pawsome chief
~ Girl girl
Hey Asta, that soup looks pawsome. How lucky that you're there to help your mum and act as a taste tester! J x
I like the way your mind works. That food looks well yummy.
Simba xx
Mmm, that soup be looking yummy! me can't wait til me big big Airekid and can reach kitchen counter without hurting leggy!
Cassidy x
Hi Asta,
I think your method of spending the day indoor is so much better than my version... Me, I just chew my paws if the weather's bad! Hehehhe
Your soup looks just delicious, Asta! You're a great helper in the kitchen! Ask your mom to move a chair next to the counter for you. Then you can reach!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Asta, that soup looks pawsome! I bet your mommi couldn't make it taste so good without your help. I'm not sure you want to be an Aire-kid...we get into A LOT of trouble in our countersurfing escapades!
Oh, and yes, you can come and bite our mean neighbor dog in the butt any time!
Poppy & Penny
Asta, you did a good job! Not bad, you're a not bad cook after all, like ME! Heehee! Mmm, those duck bits made me dribble all over the keyboard...The soup looks good too!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Now that is the pawfect way to spend a rainy day. Mom loves soup and we love duck so she's gonna have to get to it ASAP!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Asta, now all you need is your chef's hat! That soup looks very, very yummy for your tummy.
not a vegetarian at all, just don't like duck or pheasant or goose or any other bird besides chicken...don't like rabbit either!
Yummmmmm!!! We think it's a variation of our humans' Beans 'n Greens! Yummm!
drooly wags from the whippets
Oh mais tu es un grand Chef Cuisinier 5 étoiles !!!! Bravo Asta ! ça sent bon jusqu'ici... miam miam...
Gros bisous, Faya
Sweetpea Astaroni!!
I love you just as you are! If you were an Airegirl then you wouldn't be YOU! You are gorgeously bootiful inside and out, you foxy girl, and I couldn't love you more!
That soup looks like just the thing we need here ~ we have 20-30 mph winds. It sounds like the house is going to blow over, and it's misting outside and it's all muddy in the backyard. My girl is getting tired of cleaning us off, but Stella & I love our mud baths.
Be sure to get lots of rest so when it DOES get better out you can wun to the wun!
Gooberlicious love & smooches,
Soup made on a rainy day just tastes better doesn't it? And that soup looks dee-lish!!
I know your mom really appreciates your help. You are truly a sweetie!
Love and sugars,
Must be in the air.PL2 got a new soup cookbook and all we eat now is soup!! Yours looks yummy.Agatha can show you how to jump up and down to try to get stuff on the counter but it would be easier to get on someones back and then get it(ie Stanley or one of the whippets)WHEN IS THE SPRING COMING!!!!! Love A+A
Asta! What a great idea to make soups on rainy days! The soups look yummylicious! you are a great helper in the kitchen!
Amber :)
hi Asta, that does look like yummy soup. soup is very good on a cold rainy winter day. so is snoozing. you have the right idea. we don't have any soup though, but we'll join you in your snooze.
Wow! I think you could open up your own soup restaurant! How yummy!
I know it is boring being inside when the weather is messy. We are going to take your advice and see if we can find something yummy to make....
~ChaChi and JET
Asta, that soup looks delicious. Maybe you can bring some to the Soup-er Bowl party?
Your friend, Lenny
Yummy... you are one lucky puppy!
Max's calendars have just arrived... so come check out the pictures and see who won the raffle!!!
That soup looks yummy! We think everything tastes better when we help, too. hee hee
You are such a great help in the kitchen, Asta! That soup looks delicious! And did you say 'Duck'... WOW!!
I agree with you that kitchens are not built with right specifications. I also has to jump before I can see closely what's going on there... And our Buzzer does it the same as you! :-)
Headbutts from the happiest cat in the universe,
~ Ruis:)
Hey sweety, that soup look yummylicious and there are sooooooooooooo many ingredient in it.....Im drooling.......why mom never make those soup for me??
Yum - now that my tummy's better, I feel like I could eat bowls and bowls of that!
Yummy. Glad you got to taste test it after helping mom make it.
jans funny farm
sorry, asta, if it seemed like i was insulting your soup...by all means, i'm sure it is wonderful for you and your momma! i just grew up eating wild game and bird and i just pretty much detest it...but that isn't to say it isn't good! i'm sure it is wonderful and hope all enjoy it!
Hi Asta,
Boy, does that look YUMMY! Much like Butchy and Snickers it is COLD and SNOWY here tonight, and that soup would be oh so yum. I hope you enjoyed yours. Good idea with the quiet play. I do tend to pass out after I eat yummy hooman food.
Your pal,
Excellent rainy day suggestions! I'll have to try to get mom to cook so I can help her.
Oh, that looks wonderful, Asta!! Can you please send me some smells? I bet it tasted as good as it looked.
Yummmmmm!!! Your Mommi sure is a great cook. My mom would not even attempt something like that!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobuss
pee ess i like your advice for after eating, too. Good idea.
Yum, yum, yum! That looks soo good! And we love the idea of eating where you can just roll over to sleep afterwards.
The Wriggles
Keeper is sick could you please send some of that soupy medicine, maybe she would not be so cranky if she ate some, she sure is grumpy when she is sick, she won't even blog.
I saw some cool white creektures over at Scruffy, Lacie and Baby Stans blog, how do we get some of that white stuff here so we can make creektures?
Smooch Myrna for me, can't wait to meet her.
Love, hugs, belly rubs to mommi, daddi, Myrna and of course to you, my first DWB fwend
Hi Asta
I like to help mum cook food in the kitchen too. I especially like eating it. I am getting fat, my mum says, so I'm going on a diet again.
Your soup looks very delicious !!!
It's been raining here again for the last 3 days and nights. We're all real sick of the bad weather, including Khomet. Charlamayne loves to roll in the mud and be dirty.
Love from Hammer
Wow Asta!!
That looks delish!!! And great suggestions! We'll be needing them!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey, Asta,
Glad you like the Animal Rescue Site feed the hungry animals button. It's easy to add to your blog.
Just go to our site (JFF), click on the button to go to their site. Look on the left column. Click on "Link To Us" and you will have a choice of buttons. Any problems, let us know.
jans funny farm
Bruno had his surgery! Hooray!
jans funny farm
Oh yum what delicious looking soup Asta. Its too hot to eat soup here at the moment.
MMM That soup looks delicious! What a lovely helper you are!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Momo's cousin Charlotte is home! We're so relieved. Now we can nap.
jans funny farm
Mmmmmmm. That soup looks delicious! I love vegetables and beanables and duckables. WHEW. What a brew!
ps. Our kitchen is broken too! The counters are so high they're almost too high for my ma ape let alone for me! We should get that fixed.
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