luckily , I was asked by my cat fwiendz if I would be intewested in attending theiw cheewleading's the best in the countwy, with extwemely high standawds, so I happily accepted...all this was befowe my giwlfwiends came to visit in NY
I finally got the photogwaphs and diploma fwom now I'm weady!!!

If you think this was a walk in the pawk, ow just jumping up and down and yellling, you'we wong! Thewe was vewy sewious twaining involved...

Getting into shape for the field work ahead.
Back l-r: Asta, Mystery, & Daisy
Front l-r: Sassy & Percy
photo by Sassy
Momo and I twying out one of the cheews
The fashion and color design show.
Momo's outfit designed by Momo.
Asta's outfit designed by Asta.
Photo by Sassy
I think you'll all agwee that I'm weady to come to the pawty and help cheew..I only have one pwoblem, I'm fwom NY, and I lke the giants, but so many of my good fwiends awe fow the patwiots, that I've decided to be like Switzewland and just cheew fow evewybody...I hope that's OK

Team spirit.
Front center: Chilly
Second row l-r: Brownie & Miss Peach
Third row l-r: Percy, Norman, Roscoe, Mystery, Ruis, Opus & Karl
Fourth row l-r: Asta, Daisy & Sassy
photo by Sassy
This is a pictoowe of the gwaduating class..pwetty impwessive

photo by Sassy
As you can see I was no small feet..those catses awe vewy agile and I had to keep up with all theiw bending, but my expewience with doga helped a lot, and of couwse, us tewwiews awe gweat jumpews and twiwlews, and cewtainly wont quit till we've achieved ouw goals

Asta, you are so funny! You make me giggle! If anyone could keep up with the cats, you could. And you are jumping so high -- it looks like you might make it to the moon. Rah Rah Go Teams YEAHHHHHH!
Wow, do ya ever have that jump cheer perfected!!!! Looks fantastic, I cannot jump that high but I will keep tryin. Big announcement tomorrow, too much fun!
Hey I just looked up your skirt!
Bussie Kissies
Hey Asta!!
WOW congrats on graduating from the cheerleading academy!!
It looked like it was hard work but you did it!!
Oh and all those pictures are great, made me and my mum laugh so hard!!
lots of love!
peace out
Asta, those pictures are so great, especially your last pose! Congratulations! You make a great cheerleader.
Your friend, Lenny
Rah Rah Rah, Asta's a STAR!!!!
Congratulations, sweetpea, on your graduation. It looks like grueling work. You must be in the best shape of your life.
I loved all the photos, but especially that last one! Did you know you were flashing your belly to all of us while doing your jump? It's a very cute belly, so we don't mind.
Goober love & smooches,
Gooooooooooo TEAM!!! You make the bestest cheerleader EVER, Asta.
I'm not so sure about those cats though.
Asta. Asta. Asta.
This is an intervention. You are surrounded by C-A-Ts. AAAACCCCKKKKK! ARRRRGGH!!! C-A-T alarm!! AAAARRRRGGGHH WOFF woof spit cuss gack hock-a-loogie!!!
chaos and wildness from the whippets
How is my new sissy doing? It is official, I have posted. Oh what fun we have in the bloggin world. I am so glad that you are my new sissy. We can thank Karl for the challenge and our minds for working.
We had no idea you were working to be the bestest ever cheerleader at Gussie and Joey's pawty! You're sure one talented pup! We just love that last picture of you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You will Certainly get the crowd up on their paws!
Hey, sissy Asta, that's one big terrific jump! Yeah, Go, Go Asta!
Congrats on completing the cheerleading training!!! Looks like that hard work paid off because you looks pawsome in your pics!!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Congratulations, Asta. Percy says you were every bit as energetic and flexible as the felines on the team. So you held your own and did great.
Love that Rah Rah Rah photo at the end.
And we know what else you're celebrating. Congratulations on that too!
jans funny farm
woofies Ms Asta...u iz da bestest cheerleader me seed wonders u keeps ur girlie doggy furgure, all dat czering...
b safe,
Give us an A
Give us an S
Give us a T
Give us an A
Gooooooo Asta
Yay team wooo hooo.
We don't know a thing about American football, it is American football that we're seeing right???
We're coming dressed as Aussies as it's the Australia Day weekend this weekend woooo hooooo.
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh my! That's so cutteee!!! You should form a team and come over to perform! I'm sure that'll be a hit. =D
Lotsa licks,
Oh my! That's so cutteee!!! You should form a team and come over to perform! I'm sure that'll be a hit. =D
Lotsa licks,
Hi, Asta!
Congratulations! Sure you now are more than ready for the big game!
I guess I should take that training too!
Kisses and hugs
hmm while I'm not so sure about the cats. I think they should go visit shelby's blog I do think you did a great job. I also don't know who to cheer for so will just stay neutral also.
Pictures are PRICELESS today Asta!!!
O problem solved. You are officially appointed head cheerleader for our snoooper bowl pawty. And cheering for everyone is OK! In fact, I think it is the safest thing to do....
Oh hahaha! You are such a funny girl, Asta! You cheer really well with you fellow kitty friends...Congratulations on your graduation day!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
hahahaha, asta, you are providing cheerleading entertainment that day for all the fans? good! you have sexy legs.
wet wet licks
That's so cute Asta, what a pawsome cheerleading team you gals make.
You did a good job to get that graduation certificate
~ Girl girl
Hello our new sissy Asta!! (We're very happy to call you sissy!)
Great job at the academy!! We love all the photos especialy the last one. We didn't know you can jump so high!!
We will proudly post the pictures you and Sassy made for the new family. Thank you!! :)
Momo & Pinot
wow you can do a split! but be careful you don't want to give all the boys a peek of your undies!
Asta, besides cheerleading, are you also going to play some football? :)
Hi Sissy Asta,
Isn't great to have sissys? Thanks to our mommi for the sibling pictures - we all look very nice in them. Pity neither Sassy nor I know how old we are because we were strays, so we can't really tell who is the oldest. We only know that Pinot is definitely the youngest.
LMAO! That last pic is the best! I used to be a cheerleader, too, asta! congrats on graduating! your momma should be proud!
omdog congrats on the cheering academy graduation, that really did look tough! You did so much work for this game, we are very impressed!!!
Ah you just missed our new post! Today is our human's birthday! So we will spending lots of time laying around the house with her today. We will be sure to save you slice of cake!
We think of you often too and hope to take the tour of NY when the weather warms up.
Sending you kitty kisses from Italy!
opus and roscoe
ps. Congrats on your new family!
Hey Asta, I don't know ANYTHING about American Football, so I'll be cheering on everyone too. I don't really get cheerleading either but you look like you're having so much fun it must be OK. Actually, I'll probably be too busy eating snacks to care much who wins! J x
While I'm thrilled for you, so many cats. You look super cool.
Simba xx
I just can't stop laughing... and oso i just couldn't it, could i graduate with this too? are the coolest doggie I know!
Asta! Asta! Rah! Rah! Rah! You are a very fabulous cheerleader. Cheerleading academy was very hard, but fun too. I am glad that we all graduated! That last photo of you is very hilarious. You are a good girl to cheer for both teams, too.
Of course not! I'm glad you have so many kitty pals! A sisfur is a good thing.
Oh dear Asta, Agatha has just fainted on reading your post.Well,we both think the cheerleading is great,and we are glad that you have graduated from cheer leading school,and you look really cute in your costume, but...CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go I am feeling faint also Love Archie
My goodness, Asta...we could almost see ur belly spots...rah, rah!! I saw Scruffy and Babystan peeking....u are the best cheerleader ever,Girl!!!
You do have the bestest legs!!!
Congratulations kousin Asta on your remarkable achievement!! You did a fabulous job at CA. i know it's hard keeping up with cats. I can't keep up with my next door neighbor cat and he doesn't even do anything. Cats are way more athletic than I am, but I try.
You look great in your cheerleading outfit.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
pee ess You can openly root for the Giants. Nobody will get mad at you. We all know that you live in New York.
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