Momo, Pinot,Sassy and Momo, I are becoming fursiblings officially!
Momo and Sassy cat both asked me if I would be theiw sissy..we all come fwom vewy small families and I've always wanted to live with lots and lots of sissys and bwuvvews, ..We have been fwiends fow a while now and weally loved each othew and so I was vewy happy to accept theiw invitation...well, thewe was even mowe to come, because, Momo is twins with Momo the cavaliew in Towonto, so obviously Momo and Pinot also became my siblings.
Sassy made the wondewful stowk pictoowes..she imagined us all being delivewed to the same family.
Mommi helped me make the buttons that will go on ouw side baw showing us as bwuvvew and sissys and then just all the giwls in one

To celebrate this occasion Momo and Pinot's dad found this New Zealand wine, named Momo Pinot Noir, "momo" in Maori means offspring, how appropriate and auspicious! It is going to be our official family wine, to be used in toasting and consumed in celebrations.

a big CONGRATULATIONS to you and all your new sibs! I think that is great. You all are gonna have such a fine time playing together!
PeeS: You are the cutest cheerleader I have EVER seen!
What a good lookin' family you have Asta! Everypup needs a bunch of siblings.
Congratulations!!!! Yay!! New fursiblings - W00t!!!
Lots of licks, Ruby
Congratulations Asta! A toast to the happy family, and to furry friendship!
Your friend, Lenny
Asta Girl, our new sissy!!!
We are so glad we have become a family!!! Cheers for our friendship!!
Please tell your mommi thank you to make these very cute pictures.
Our announcement will be posted later tonight!!
Have a great weekend!
Momo & Pinot
Ahhh! Congratshewlayshuns!
Congrads. Your family is definitely getting bigger. You know has a lot more siblings to keep track of. You had better get started...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Félicitations ! La famille s'agrandit et c'est magnifique !
Bisous et bon week-end...
Cheers to the new family!
How exciting for you, Asta! The more the merrier we always say!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofies Asta, congrats on u new sissies and brudder...watt fun u can has now...
b safe,
Awww....how cute!!
Congrats to you and your new family!! Looks like you will have a great time together as one!! Cheers to a pawsome family!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey, Astaroni SPFB!
You and your sibs look SO much alike, I can tell you're related. I wish I could add to my family, but since they are all your sissies and bruzzer, then I will think of them as mine by extension!
Karl had NO IDEA (or maybe he did) what he was starting with that I Dare Ya NOMSS Challenge!
You are such a leader for fur kids rights!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi, Asta!
Sure you must be very happy with your new siblings!
Kisses and hugs
Oh wow congrats to you all. It's great being part of a big family.
Hey, we're going to hunt that wine down and try it too.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh my...now you have a bigger family than I do! Congratulations to all of you, you make a beautiful family.
Hey Asta!!
Congrats on your new siblings!!
I am sure you will all make a great family!!
Lots of love!!
peace out
You have so many new sibbies!!! We decided to all run to our water bowls and have a big messy drink to that!!
Mumsie has the shivers, shakies, and is one crabby lady. We're hangin' with Daddy tonight....
Stanley ate ANOTHER pen today...that was after the 5 English muffins. Mumsie bought him another crate for the kitchen...bad boy!! Oh..then he ran out of our electric fence and chased the neighbor's Yorkie pup into his house...he treed the screaming 5 year old twin girls on the back of their sofa. It took our neighbor and Mumsie to lift him over the field back into our driveway cuz he was skeered. Then Mumsie fell down the steps. She's spent rather a long time sniveling into a kleenex box tonight...perhaps Babystan is for sale cheap>>>?????
Asta NY,
You are so nice and generous to open your home & invite in so many lovely fur friends to share your home :-)
You have almost as many as we do - hee hee a couple more perhaps ??
u've got a big big nice warm family.. congratulations on ur new family!!
Neato! What a lovely family...
Kousin Asta,
How nice that you have such a big family now! What side of the family are they related to you on? Is it my side?
I'll have a drink, too. (I may need one.)
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Yes, a congratulatory toast to the new siblings! Congratulations. Big families are great.
jans funny farm
I've always lived with a bunch of relations, so I've never been an only dog. Sometimes I wonder what that would be like! Still it's great to have family 'cause you'll always have playmates. Congratulations and pass the wine!
How exciting new, brother and sister. Its a bit early for a drink here, but I'll drink my tea and have toast for you.
Simba xx
CONGRATULATIONS!!! SO COOL! A new brother and a new sister! very, very nice!
Huuuuuuuuuuuugs and kisses!! To all!!!
it's me Mona
me wants ya to coome over and tell me what breed is Copper
bet ya can't guess
One big happee furfamily! CONGRATS!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congratulations on the new additions to your family! They are all very, very, very nice, too.
ps: I knew babies camed from storks!
Congratulations to this awesome family, Asta!!!! All these animals are wonderful, and good friends of ours. Sassy is just a whirlwind of a cat - with ideas coming out of her like water out of a fountain!!! I here she is also your nomss friend and that makes me very happy!!!!
Your friend Karl
Congratulations Asta! We are so happy for you to have a big, loving family to take care of you, and for you to enjoy!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hi dearest Sissy Asta,
I am so happy to be your sissy. Not that the kitty blogging community knows about it now, the doggie blogging world does too. Here is to fostering goodwill between species and a wonderful and long association for us!
Asta, That will be terrific if you help spread the news about Blue. Hope you picked up the photo on JFF with the web address on it. We linked to his site so folks can read about him.
jans funny farm
hi Asta, we're so glad that your family is expanding. we love having the 4 of us bruzzers and we know you will love your sissies and bruzzer too. but that cat thing - we're not too sure. we would love to live with cats, but the cats don't love us. everytime we see a cat we bark and go up to the cat to play, but the cat just runs away. of course, we chase, because that's our game. whee - chase!! but then the cat is gone and the game ends. so sad.
We just stopped by Clive's and he passed away this morning. We are sad for his family.
jans funny farm
Kousin Asta,
i only know one cat and he lives next door. He likes to torment me. He walks by our yard very slowly and teases me. Then I get all excited and he laughs. You wouldn't like him either.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobuss
hey congrates...
so happy to hear about the big news..
so now u got sis n brudder...wat a big happy family..
I made it! The blogger thinkie let me in today!!! It is goin to be a good day. I sure like havin ya as my new sissy. We will have so much together. I am sad that Tia isn't feelin good, I hope Tia gets better and we can celebrate a late birthday. I got tagged by Karl today so I am taggin my siblings, come on over.
Hey Asta,
Thanks fur commenting on our post about Bruno..and yes, it's very sad how lots of doggies are sick or have crossed the rainbow bridge... but that's how life works...
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
what a great family, remember don't drink too much wine or you will pay for it the next day like poor tanner!
Hey Asta, how lovely to have such nice siblings! Now you're all one big happy family! J x
Congrats on your new, extended familiy Asta! On that note - we hope your Mommi is doing a whole lot better.
the WriggleButts
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