a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Giwl's Janooawy Bweak

As you can see a few of my giwlfwiends decided to come ovew fow a little giwltalk and shopping

It's been a vewy stwessful few weeks..so many of ouw fwiends have been sick ow injoowed..we just needed a little welaxation with close fwiends..

Snickers was sick and tiwed of the hoomungous snow(I told hew to send it to me , but no luck)

Stella was annoying Stanley a little too much, plus she needs some oldew sisssy advice

Koobie was lonely on Mountain top with snow and twees falling ovew

Lacie, well you can imagine the twauma of being the tuggeee in a tug-a -lakie game played by baby Stan and Scruffy

and poow Agatha has been nuwsing hew deeaw Bwuvvew Archie day and night , and was going stiw cwazy, not being allowed to wun, just cause he couldn't...so she gave him some wheels and shipped him off fow a holiday to England with Jackson..and she took the twain down to see me

Mommi pwomised not to tag along, so thewe will not be any pictoowes of us getting ouw haiw and nails done, ow shopping, ow having pastwies , ow shopping, ow having dwinks, ow shopping ow checking out the NY boyz, ow shopping...you get the pictoowe

This is the only one we wewe willing to pose fow..it was dinnew when evewyone fiwst awwived...then lots of gossip and looking at magzazines fow ideas fow ..you guessed it..shopping and then a good sneep. notice the bootiful necklace Agatha is weawing..she ummm bowwowed it fwom hew Mom..it was made by Lorenza's aunt..what a bootiful piece of jewelwy..I think hew om is a little anxious about it..she called about twenty times aweady.....don't wowwy..we'we looking out fow evewyone including Agatha's jewels.


Stanley said...

Sweet Fuzzpup Sweetbutt!

So... THAT's where Stella went! My girl told me not to worry when I couldn't find her, so I figured she was sleeping under the chair in the office.

Hope you girlpups have a BLAST dragging her around NYC! Too bad there are no more photos.

Goober love & smooches,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, hope you enjoy shopping with the girls. Sounds like you're going to have a ball! J x

The Black and Tans. said...

HI Asta

A few days retail therapy can work wonders when you are with friends. "Shop till you drop". We hope you all have a fabulous time.

Molly and Taffy

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope you got lots of tastey food. You all look very hungry.

Simba x

Goofy said...

wow... tat was sure a nice days for u gals...

Duke said...

Getting together with girlfrens to catch up and relax is always such fun! Have a great time, girlz!

Love ya lots,

Noah the Airedale said...

You gals are going to have the best time. Wow, shopping in New York City, how much fun is that going to be. Have you all got your pinkie's credit cards.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Faya said...

Rien n'est plus beau qu'un WFT sauf.... des tas de WFT ! Wooohooo Girls !
Bisous, Faya

Ferndoggle said...

Nothing like a girls day out to get over the yucky winter blues. If you could stand a little white Diva, I'd love to tag along next time!


Harry said...

Looks like you girls are having excellent fun! I hope you all feel your batteries have been recharged by some retail therapy, pampering and a good old gossip!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh you girls have fun and think of me while your drinking your cosmopawlitions and shopping...so very Sex in the City!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Patience-please said...

Oh sweet Asta, Girls' Nights Out are the best! So good for the soul!
thank goodness no humans tagged along to slow you down.

girly wags from Maria, Mama Pajama, Delia, and Lindy Loo whippets

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Asta, sooo many doggies are getting sick this month. I wonder why? Sigh... Wow, you terriers had a wonderful din dins. Look at that huge bloody steak!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Daisy said...

Sometimes you just need a girl's day out! It looks like you all had a blast, too. I hope your outing cheered everybody up!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta and girlfriends, we're glad that you girls can get away for a little time by yourselves. we know Agatha has been pretty bummed about Archie's confinement. she needs a break to cheer her up. those is a beautiful necklace she is wearing.


Princess Patches said...

You girlz look like you are having such fun! We were hoping to see the pictures of the manicures and pedicures. We thought we might learn something...like how NOT to bite the manicurist!

Poppy & Penny

Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

We are having such a good time with you here in NYC. Thank You for inviting us. It is so good to get together with your girl friends and just relax. When spring comes, and I get my car back, we can go lots of places. I have some ideas. Pass the cheese dip, please.

I love Lacie's napkin.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

ChaChi Lu said...

My goodness you all know how to party! I bet you turned a lot of heads when you went to Bergdorf! Such style, such class!

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne

Petra said...

Woo -- what a great time you all had! There's nothing like some girl talk and shopping to cheer you up!

Peanut said...

Oh you girls look like you had a great time. Mom says girls days out are important.

Weeny&Daisy said...

Aww it looks like you had such a great girly day! Sounds like you all needed the break!

Glad you have fun! Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

PB 'n J said...

It looks like it was a great girl's night out! Hope you all had fun!

Gus said...

Woo Hoo, what a sassy, classy group. nOw you need Teka to round out the group!


Gus said...

Woo Hoo, what a sassy, classy group. nOw you need Teka to round out the group!


Putter said...

OMG! Asta!

What funnest ever!!!!! OMG!!!!!! MY Mom and BABY borthers surest ever missed you and your Mommo and Daddi in the workshop today! Next time you will come too right!!!!!!! I guess I should say that I will be there too, huh!!!! Hee Hee!


Putter ...:)

Jan Price said...

Oh, that looks like delightful fun. We hope you all had a good time shopping, shopping and shopping, not to mention eating and gossiping and shopping.

Congratulations on completing the cheerleading course. We're so proud of all of you who finished.

jans funny farm

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great girls' day out. Sure look like you enjoyed it +++. You do deserve it after the exhausting time at the academy, ; it was great having you there though.
Your sissy,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We must have just crossed each other on our way. Sassy said she was going to ask you to be a sissy so I kept quiet until you agreed but we have already been calling each other sissy-to-be all morning :)

When your mommi is feeling better and has caught up on her other work, do you think she would do us a sibling portrait - that is Sassy, you, me, Momo dog and Pinot and perhaps one of the girls only? SS is not good at photoshopping and doesn't have the program anyway. I want to do a special post on my lovely sissies and have a picture of them at my sidebar.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

To Asta's mommi,
Thanks soooooo much, Mommi!!!! Yes, Mommi, you have acquired 2 catses daughters in a matter of a week. We can come and give your purrs, headbutts and snuggles anytime you want.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure you all had a great time! I know there is nothing better than being with friends doing girly things!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

somehow I knew agatha would get her paws on that jewelry! I bet you guys had a blast, is there anything left in the stores in NY?

Sassy Kat said...

Wow, what a wonderful looking time together that ya shared with your friends. That is so nice to get together. I bet everydoggie was happy to get out of the house and see ya. Oh, I am working on the ya know what!!!!! How exciting.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh shopping.. I love shopping trips too. Do you girls need me to drive you around?

~ Girl girl

Sassy Kat said...

Sent your copies of photos I am workin on for the ya know what. Thought it would make the mom of your house smile. Maybe it will even help make her feel better.

Sassy Kat said...

I almost forgot, I did receive the ya know what from ya, thanks!!! Ha, ha, ha, this is so much fun.

Juno said...

Asta!! Girls Night Out is the bestest!!! :)


We saw your graduation picture at the cheerleader academy. You look very very cute in a uniform.

Momo & Pinot

Anonymous said...

girl shopping expedition!!! looks like so much fun! oh do tell us all about it even if you have no pictures :) HM loves to shop too but she seldom shops in a big group because she gets too distracted talking. but i tell her that's part of the fun!


Snowball said...

It look like you had a pawsome time. How I wish I could be there too...


Charlotte said...

Hey Asta - Big Catgratulations on your Diploma. YOU ARE VERY WIREY AND BENDY!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

It looks like you and your girl friends are having a great time. But where are all the cats? We HOPE that isn't what you girls had for dinner! hehehehehehe!

We had a great time with you at cheer leading camp. Now we are all ready for the big Super Duper Bowl Game! And we are STILL going to cheer on the Colts, even if they are done with their season!

Opus and Roscoe

Amber said...

Hey Asta, what a great time you had with the girls! Shopping and girl talks are the most fun.

Amber :)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...such a wonderful pix ur mom snapped of us...(it was horrible having to wait for that lovely roast, but it was worth it to see how cute we look!!) Did ur mom find all of the pieces of Agatha's necklace? I'm really sorry Stella and I had that game of tuggie with it...and when Koob joined it, it just sorta 'sploded...wasn't it amazing how far the beads flew??? I think Myrna swallowd a bunch...good luck with that one. Snickers has horrible blisters from those 4 inch Jimmy Chews ya lent her...now that she bough some in her size, I think her paws will fare better...gotta run...we seem to be outta ice again...


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Asta, I love your photos, you make me laugh out loud!

Keep up with the funnies!

love and laughin licks your pal, Marvin in Scotland xxxxx

Lenny said...

Wowza! All those foxy ladies! Mega-CUTENESS! If you girls get tired of shopping, come visit me next! ;)

Your friend, Lenny

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

You have quite a life, Asta!

Agatha and Archie said...

Well this is the first day we have been able to read up on everyone's lives...Was that FUN or what!! I adore all the clothes I got and can't WAIT for spring to wear them!!. I have put little black pebbles in the jewlery box so PL2 will never know..Gotta go Archie is calling...Love Agatha

Agatha and Archie said...


The Cat Realm said...

What an awesome photo!!!! I LOVE it.