aftew Chwissmuss, my fwiend Sassy cat invited some fwiends(inclooding me) fow a little R&R poolside.....I can tell you I needed it aftew all the entewtaining, skating, and eating I had been doing ovew the holidays..Thank you Sassy!! if you would like to see all the fun go to

I weluctantly had to come home....but,I suwe got to stawt the NewYeaw wight..
My NOMSSF MOMO( who btw is Momo fwom towonto's twin) gave me this lovely awawd!
thank you so vewy much'we cewtainly a wondewful fwiend !

my deaw fwiendSassy cat little made this bootiful pictoowe fow me..I've been dweaming of snow and haven't gotten any so faw inNYC, so Sassy gave me this bootiful snow to play in..that's awfully considewate! You know last yeaw at this time I had no idea that thewe wewe so many vewy nice catses in the wowld..well I suwe found out in the last few momfs.

Finally NewYeaws Eve awwived....thewe was and intewnational secwet chat pawty on DWB and of couwse i wan ovew and said hapyy NEwYeaw to my fwiends..
then I had to go, cause my pawents went to a pawty at ten o'clock to a fwiend acwoss the stweet fwom dwiving!!!! they say it's the only way on NewYeaws eve!!! Ow stay at home!
thewe was lots of giggly good gossip
my Daddi had a gweat time even though he wowe a silly hat (see they don't just do it to us, they do it to themselves too..I guess hoomans just can't help silliness)

Thewe wewe yummie eatables
Thewe was some weally gweat moosic

Daddi playing the no-stwing-baguette...i suwe have silly pawents..they appeawantly don't know theiw age,hehehe
this is my pawents good fwiend who had the pawty
cwazy Mommi dancing the night away

fwom thewe I wan ovew to Times Squawe to look fow Koobie, Scwuffie and Lacie and BabyStan....what a night..ow should I say mowning..
I finally got home...
I flopped into bed ..and I don't want to be distoowbed fow a while pleez
Good health and happiness to all of us fow an even Bettew 2008!!!!!!!!!
And we love you too sweetie...happy new year! Your Mommi and Daddy look like they are having a great time! My parents should do that more often. Love the orange dress
hi Asta, as usual, you are the social butterfly, flitting around from one party to another. you're such a popular girl! it looks like your mommi and daddy had fun at their party too. it's nice that they get to have some silly human fun. hee hee.
Hi, Asta
Sure you had great time celebrating the New Year! And your mom and dad too! Glad to see them that happy!
Sure you needed a long time resting!
Happy New Year! Health and love to you and your family!
Kisses and hugs
Yours looks a lot like our home last night... silly beans...hahaha.
A Very Happy New year, Asta!! We wish you and your family much love, joy and happiness in 2008!
~Ruis & the kitties at the Catwalk
~Henny & Marlene (our staff)
Wow!! What a night!! Everybody sure had a ball!! How did you feel today, dear kousin Asta?
I sleep curled up in a ball just like you. In fact, I am doing it now.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Happy New Year Asta girl!!! Looks like you had a blast and so did your pawrents!! Here's to a great 2008!!! Woot!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Isn't that one of your Mommi's fantastic paintings in the background? WOW! We live in an arts community, so we appreciate talent and skill!!!
Shhhhh- we're whispering... go back to sleep.
wags from the whippets
Quelle nuit ! Tes parents savent recevoir et s'amuser et c'est plutôt cool..... Véronique aime aussi faire la folle... et le lendemain elle doit dormir 20hoo.
Bisous à tous et encore une bonne année...
Oh my! What a hectic social life you have. SS went to a friend's party for the fireworks - the house is right by the harbour side but I was quite happy to stay home. Too noisy! Great picture of you by the pool!
Happy New Year Asta!!! sorry i haven't been around for the last two weeks, but i will catch up on all your posts! :)
it's great that you have parents who are not afraid to have some silly fun! :p life is more interesting that way! seems like you had a more sober holiday season than your mom and dad! :p
Looks like everyone had great fun.
Simba xx
Your hoomans sure are silly! Too bad you could not join them. Happee New Year to you dear!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
It looks like everyone had a great time ringing in the new year! You sure are a busy little girl, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Muwahhhhhhh back at yaaaaaa Asta. Your mum and dad look like they had fun at the pawty and yum yum those cheeses look delish.
Make sure you have a good nap so that you've got lots of energy for 2008.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Looks like you all had a great new year!
Wishing you, mummy and daddy a very happy 2008!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Sweet Sweet Astaroni!
Happy New Year, sweetpea! I'm sorrry I didn't make it to the Corgi Lounge for the pawty, but Stella found a stash of Heineken that was left over from my Aunt Gail's visit and I had to nurse her through the night. It was her first taste of beer, and I guess she liked it.
Your mommi & daddi are super CRAZY, and that's one of the reasons I like them... THAT, and they were adopted by YOU!
Get some rest, girlie. I'll find a way to still give you that New Year's kiss.
Goober love & smooches,
Boy does your mommie know how to throw a party. I think she has more parties than I do, ha, ha, ha. I am so glad that you like your snow photo and also that you made it to the pool party. Ya sure look tired in your last photo. Holidays are so tiring huh? If you want to use any of the pool photos help yourself, I think the one of you in the pool is really a good one of ya.
Wow, and we thought we had a busy time. We can't keep up with you, sweet Asta, and we don't think our folks could keep up with yours. They were asleep by 1 am --
We loved your daddi in his golden hat playing the no-string baguette!!!
Sleep well!!
Jake and Just Harry
asta, happy new yeaw!
sorry haven't been commenting coz am resting and am back!
wet wet licks
That musta been some wild party!
Did you get to taste any of the yummy treats! Cheese is my favorite! Yummmmmm.
Hey, I really like the bouquet of flowers Momo gave you.
Happy 2008!!
oh Asta, I am so glad I am not alone in having crazy pawrents.
Mine cannot be let out to pawties alone either!
Happy New Year!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
Asta, you sure had a busy and exciting New Year's Eve! I wish I could sample some of those cheeses, they look yummy. One of the great things I learned in 2007 is that there are so many nice doggies, just like you! I think 2008 is going to be the best year ever. Get some rest now!
Your parents look like fun with their dancing and baguette playing. :) Glad you had such a good night.
Hee hee!!
Looks like your whole family had a pawsome start to the year!!
Cheers to a great new year!
wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I think laughing and dancing keeps you young so your mom and dad are going to be young forever! We are glad you all had a great new years, now rest up!
That party looked fun. We didn't drive either, we walked to the neighbors and had a great time, I got to go too!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Asta! It looks like the party was fun.
Looks like your humans had a very good time. We aren't close to that Time Square place but Mom and Dad watched the ball drop at home. Of course Louie and I were a sleep by then. Way past our bed times!!
Sloppy kisses,
Gus and Louie
Hey Asta, you certainly were busy on NYE! I don't know how you managed to pack it all in! J x
woofies Ms Asta!!! wow u shure been busy girlie...never no watt u up to glad u mommi and daddi had such a good time...dey got snow in the nc mountains today, but not here ;(..rwest up girlie...
b safe,
It sounds like you had a great time! I could never keep up with you and your family.
Hi Asta
If you can still fit in a bathing suit after all that eating then you did not eat a lot!!!
Can you help me with some blog problems ?Our writing is not aligning properly.It is all over the place,like around and below pictures etc.We dont know what we are doing wrong !It looks great in the preview and when we are doing it but when we publish the post it goes all over.
aawwwwws what a pawty! i bet you had more fun at the corgi lounge!
I noticed that little Tesla has just been and left her paw mark. She is a real cutie! Have you visited her?
Hi Asta! Looks like you and your mom and dad brought in the new year most appropriately! and your nap...well deserved!
have a wonderful year, i'm glad you came to visit my blog :o)
ms. creek
So glad you like Tesla! She is just the cutest little kitty. You have so many kitty friends now so next time you have a party you'll have to have kitty snacks and niptinis :)
Hey there Asta,
We're glad you want to help Beau find his home!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Woh Asta, you sure had a busy new year. :) Have a good rest so that you can come pawty again soon
~ Girl girl
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