a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, December 29, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am so vewy gwateful fow all my new and old fwiends..the joys we've shawed, and some of the saddest times of my showt life..alll of it was made bettew fow shawing it with all of you..I hope all of you will stay healthy and have mowe toys to destwoy, mowe walks and adventoowes, mowe snuggle times ..mowe games...chase chase...bitey face....westle...woaching..westful naps on soft comfy pillows and couches and on Mommi's and Daddi's tummies...mowe songs and wooo wooos of joy!



Stanley said...

WooWheEEee, Astaroni Sweetpea!

You look so perty and festive in your New Year's mask! I bet you'll have yourself a great time celebrating, since the party always seems to follow you. (Do you get to go with your parents to the party across the street?)

I am SOO thankful that you came into my life this year (and that you responded to my overtures of love)!! Can't imagine life without you.

New Year's smooches to your mommi and daddi! Be sure they are big wet juicy ones that you give them from me, ok?

Goober love & hot hot goober smooches,

Joe Stains said...

Happy 2008 to you too Asta! We sure have loved getting to know you this year!! We love all your parties and drooling over the food your Mom makes and of course just seeing your happy face!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i felt honoured to hv u as my furfren...

we love reading ur blog which are full of dog language, that only we, the dogs can understand...

hope we will all hv a great 2008...

Noah the Airedale said...

Happy 2008 Asta. We're so lucky to have you as our new matie. Thanks for coming to visit our blog so often. You're a very special little friend and very cute too.

We hope all goes well for you and your family in the New Year.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess and Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, Happy New Year to you too! Let's hope it's a good one! J x

Duke said...

Happy new year, Asta! If it weren't for DWB, we would have never gotten to meet you in person! You're one sweet girl and your mom and dad are the best!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

We're sooo greatfull to be your friend too Asta! Have a better year in 2008! Happee New Year to you mah dear friend!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Daisy said...

I am so happy I met you, Asta! It has been a great year. And I think next year will be even better. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Mack said...

It has been my absolute pleasure meeting you this year and reading your wonderful blog. You rock girl!
Hope 2008 is your best year yet!

Patience-please said...

Oh Asta, we adore you and your blog! It is so nice to know that there are sweet dogs "out there" who care about the world, and hairy ones even! Who knew! Sammy didn't know that Stanley of Goober was your true love but he sees that now, and he would be happy a can be just to be your good friend. (He's a little embarrassed right now, so I am writing for him.)
Your parties are the best and we look forward to hosting you and your hairyer friends in Paducah some day soon.
Happiest New Year-
The Lady Maria, the rest of the whippet waggle, and the Servant, too

Patience-please said...

[from Sam I Am whippet] blush, blush, blush, blush, blush, blush, blush. What's black and white and blushing pink all over? ME!

Sammy I Ammy whippet

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta,
We agree with you, this has been our bestest year yet, partly because it's kind of our only one alive, and because we've met tons of doggies! Happy New Year from our family to yours!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Gus said...

Happy New Year Asta sweetie: We hope you and Mommi and Daddy have a great year, we hope Mommi soon loses her cold and feels better, and we hope we can make arragements to see you IN Person sometime this coming year.

We have told E.Rabbit that all of us are unhappy that she is not visitng you and the humans. But muzzer says to consider that it is "love" or something that may start with the same letter.


Gus said...

Happy New Year Asta sweetie: We hope you and Mommi and Daddy have a great year, we hope Mommi soon loses her cold and feels better, and we hope we can make arragements to see you IN Person sometime this coming year.

We have told E.Rabbit that all of us are unhappy that she is not visitng you and the humans. But muzzer says to consider that it is "love" or something that may start with the same letter.


Amber said...

Happy New year Asta and your love ones!! It has been a great year hasn't it? I am so glad I met you! Let's look forward to another great year!

bug hugs and licks,

The Cat Realm said...

What a beautiful tribute to the last year and what a beautiful picture!!! Yes - the same here - last year this time we didn't even BLOG!!! And now we have all these WONDERFUL friends everywhere in the world - thank you internet!!!
And a very special New Year to you Asta and Ami and Georg!
Your friends from The Cat Realm

Lorenza said...

This has been a great year for me too. I've had the chance to meet you and many other good friends. We have shared happy and sad times.
Thanks for being my friend.
My best wishes for you, your mom and dad!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Asta, I am so glad we have met and become friends. All the best to you and your family in the New Year. A toast to more fun time together!
Purrs and kitty hugs,

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
Are you going to be at the Corgi girls lounge on New Years Eve.
Have a happy New Year

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Gosh, is it true that we have only known each other for a year?? It does feel like ages already.. but anyhow, I am glad you are my friend!
Have a wonderful new year!

Jake of Florida said...


It's true, we've all known each other for such a short time, but have experienced such fun and such sad times too that it's hard to believe this is all so comparatively new.

Happy New Year!!!

Lots of love,

Jake and Just Harry

Sassy Kat said...

I have know ya for just a little while but yet I feel like ya have been my friend forever. I look forward to this year and enjoyin new adventures with ya. I plan on getting our pool photos up soon. Help yourself to any ya want to use.

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

Happy New Year to you, your Mommi and Daddi too! I'm so happy we met and became friends this year. May 2008 be a wonderful year for us and all of our friends and family! Have a great New Years!

Your pal,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, it's so pawsome to know sweet you this year too.
I'm glab I made it to your place in the box on boxing day! Hope we'll have more fun and pawties together in 2008

~ Girl girl

Lacy said...

woofies Girlie!! heehee me thot me done posted a comment to dis but i gess me didnt...u r one of da reasons me luvs dwb....truly one of me bestest fends...i has meeted sooo many fends through u...hmm me even rote a poem about all of our fendships...me not as good as marvin or ivy, but it dos kinda ryme...sooooo heres to u my sweet sweet fend....\_/ heehee me cants do a handle on it...

b safe,

the Corgi Girls said...

Hey asta!

Our Pmail is corgigirls@gmail.com

Aire Ruby is providing transport to the partay!


Lacy said...

woofies Girlie...me mama thot u mama wuz in her early 30's and she has da most bute ti fullest smile...mama goes tomorrow to da lung doctor to have her last catses scan readed...me hopies its good news...luv u too my fend, verwy verwy much...

b safe,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy new year. Wishing all the best in 2008

love Simba

Bond said...

Happy 2008 to you !

Have a fun 2008 filled with lots of fun, play, food, treats and love :)

Hammer said...

Dear Asta
We hope you and your pawrents have a very happy time tonite and we hope 2008 is a wonderful year for you. We're real pleased to have met you.
Love from Hammer

Chinook said...

you look good asta! Happy new year, may the year ahead be great for u!

Lotsa licks,

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Cuteeeeeeeeee!!! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Sir Chance-Lot said...

` On the Day before a new Dawn`

The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.
I am eternally grateful for you in my life~You enhance my life with your presence


"We will open the book.... Its pages are blank.... We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Destiny.... and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

With respect,love,unity, and friendship
Sir Chancelot

Par said...

Wish you a happy 2008!

Martha said...

Happy New Year, Asta, to you and your family! Love, Martha

Harry said...

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2008 you little cutie pie!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Koobuss said...

Thank You, Kousin Asta!! And same to you, sweetie!! I'm so glad that we met, too. We have had a lot of fun together, and I know that there is still a lot more fun left for us to have!

Are you guys going to Times Square tonight? I hear they have a big ball there, but it is way too big for us to play with. You just watch it come down and then the new year starts. Whopeee!!

Have a great 2008!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Girasol said...

Feliz Año Nuevo/ Happy New Year to you and your family.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy New Year Asta!

Thanks for being my Pal!

love and Hogmany Licks from your Scottish friend, Marvin xxxxx

Petra said...

I'm so glad I met you this year, Asta! Thanks for being my friend.

2008 is going to be great, too! Happy New Year!

Putter said...

Happiest Ever New Year My Sweet Friend Asta!

Love to You and Your Sweetest Ever Mommi an Daddi ...

Love, Putter ...:)

The Furry Kids said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Balboa said...

you are ready to PARTY!!!!!

Happy New Year to you & your family

Frenchie Snorts

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta Girl...ur C box is down...or maybe you collected it with all of the other boxes you collected on boxing day...weird...hey, Babystan and Lacie, Koobie and I are Dale gallopin' in...Pick u up at 10PM...we're gonna go and watch the tennis ball drop in Times Square...Koob said it's too big to play with but she's a girl...Seymour won't get out of his bed....

C ya soon!!!!!


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Back at you Twinny and more!!!

xxx Asta down under

Cynthia Rae said...

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2008! Happy New Year! Buon Anno!

Cyn- Opus and Roscoe's Mom

squareface said...

Hi Asta,

We are also family. The Wire Family, so you and I are connected. It is really nice to meet you. You and your family must have a Woofderful 2008!

Woo-ha to all the Wires!
Woof, Woof
Square Face
aka Boeta

Agatha and Archie said...

Our dearest little one,We wish you and your family a wonderfull year,filled with love,light and happiness and also we really want whirled peas!! Love and smoochies A+A+PL2

The Thuglets said...

Asta..Happy New Year to you and your family. Hoping 2008 is the best! We hope all your wishes and dreams come true.

Happy blogging!

The Thugletsx

The Airechicks said...

Happy New Year Asta:

What a wonderful 2008 it's got to be !!


The Cat Realm said...

Thank you for stopping by and wishing us a good new year, Asta!!
We hope you had a great party and are looking forward to many more CCSI productions with you!!!

PerfectTosca said...

Happy New Year, beautiful, lovable Urbanista Asta.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy New Year! Please come by my blog - I have something for you!

Sassy Kat said...

Stopped back to let ya know that I have the photos from the pool party posted. That sure was a fun day. I am so glad that we had that time together and get away from the holiday rush of things. If ya want to use any photo help yourself.

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

well, it doesn't matter if i was the only hooman to comment, i just thought it was funny!