a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Charlie's birfday bash

My Good fwiend and fellow thespian ,Charlie asked me to pass this on in case you haven't seen it!!!!it's suwe to be gwand!ISN'T SHE ABSOLUTELY BOOTIFUL?????????go visit at http://charliesdogblog.blogspot.com

Listen all my deaw fwiends, thewe is something else, Lacy Lulu's Mama is not well ,can you all say a little pwayew and cwoss youw fingews that she gets better and can have a gweat Chwissmuss
...thank you vewy much!


Stanley said...

Hey, Asta!

Thanks for letting us know about LacyLulu's mama! I'll go over now to let her know we're praying and thinking about her. I'll send her some healing goober smooches too. You can spare some, can't you?

Goober love & 1 white hot smooch,

Stella said...

Sweet ASta fren!

You are the most bootiful, bestest, talented actor pup I've EVER seen! Can't believe I know you!

Be sure to get all the kitty's pawtographs for me please? I've started a collection.

Goobette love & kissies,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I haven't met your pal Charlie, so I'll head on over later to woof hello. I'll also drop by Lacy Lulu's blog to wish her mum well... J x

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta,
We'll pop over to Charlies blog to wish him a happy birthday.
Thanks for letting us know about Lacylulu's mum. We hope it's not serious. We'll go straight to Lacylulu's blog.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Duke said...

We're off to visit both blogs! Thanks for letting us know, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta,
We'll go sniff out your friend Charlies's blog. And we're sorry to hear about LacyLulu's mom- we'll stop by and leave her a note too.
Abby & Rosie

p.s thanks for visiting our catnip corner - we don't know why our dog log isn't working right, but have our people checking on it. thanks again for your loyalty

Peanut said...

Oh we love Lacy and hope her mom feels better soon. We haven't met charlie but will go visit him now.

Amber said...

Hey Asta, Charlie is beautiful! Oh no, thanks for letting us know about Lacylulu's mom!

Amber :)

Gus said...

Oh my, Charlie is gorgeous....and we will drop by Lacy Lu's and give wirey licks.

kissies to you too

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh dear! Sendin heelin nose hugs an hope they werk!


Lacy said...

woofies Ms Asta!!! fank u sooo muchies...My mama has COPD and sumtimes she gets weally sick..her waits to long to go to hospital..she stubborn, like me...u weminded me i need to post sumthin bout charlie's barkday pawty..she is such a pretty girl..and verwy sweet too..

b safe,

pp's me iz weally gettin worrieded bout Marvin, he hasnt posteded in a few days..he hadeded trouble after his surgery..me nots checked, mayb he posted today...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Thanks for telling us about Lacy Lulu's mom. I really hope its nothing serious and gets better soon!
I will visit Charlies blog too!
Have a good night

Agatha and Archie said...

We will go check out both too!!! Love A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

We will go check out both too!!! Love A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

We will go check out both too!!! Love A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh brother what is going on...ARCHIE........................

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am going to put the invitation up in my blog and the Cat Blogosphere to invite all the kitties to come and help Charlie celebrate too. See you at the party!

Patience-please said...

We are grateful to you for letting us know about Lacey Lulu's mom. We'll go send her some miracle whippet best wishes.
thanks Asta-
the whippet waggle

Anonymous said...

We tagged you!!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Asta, Charlie is so boooootiful, we are going over there right now to give our good wishes.

We will also send healing licks to Lacy Lulu's Mama.

love from Marvin and Jeannie xxxxx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Thanks for letting us know about Lacy's mama... I will stop by her blog right after this.

(Oh and thank you for the lovely wishes for Baby and I!!)

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Charlie sure is a bootiful doggie. I hope LacyLulu's mom gets better soon

~ Girl girl

Hammer said...

Dear Asta
You're such a good, kind girl caring about everyone else. It's no wonder we all love you so much.
Love from Hammer

Bella said...

Hi beautiful Asta thank you so very much for your wonderful card.
Thanks for letting us know about Lacy Lulu's mama & Charlies barkday smooches

Snowball said...

Charlie is really good looking. I will visit his blog later. I need to go to Lacy Lulu's blog now to give her mum my well wishing.


Ferndoggle said...

Thanks for letting us know about LLl's Mama...we're headed right over to wish her get well.

You're such a sweet caring Diva, Asta...always thinking of others.


Sassy Kat said...

I sent you an e-mail about the photos, send me one back and let me know what ya need.
Also looking forward to Charlie's birthday party, don't know what to get her though will shop today.
I have exciting information and after ya check things out to help spread the word. CCSI is movin, yes ya read right, stop over to my place and get the latest information!

Mack said...

Love your bloggy page!
My paws are cwossed for Lacy LuLu's mom. Thanks for letting us know.
Mack T. Beans

Petra said...

I hope Lacy Lulu's mom is feeling better, too. It is no fun to be sick, espeically during this busy holiday season.

Islay said...

Thank you for the beautiful card, Asta - you're so talented with the images; it looks really wonderful, and you look very stylish - a jet-setting pup!

licks & slobbers