We have a big dinnnew an then open pwesents on Chwissmuss Eve...befowe all that could happen, we had to get the house weady, and bake and cook and evewything smelled sooo gweat I was going cwazy...I couldnt wait fow things to begin..but I had to be patient(not easy fow a tewwiew)...but I was pwetty good...I looked at some of my favowite ownaments and dweamed of tweats I would be getting...My owange stocking disappeawd and wouldn't come back till pwesent opening time...I guess cewtain hoomans don't twust me,hehehehe
Some of the ownaments awe ancient like this little santa
Mommi and I made these cookies that my Gwama aways made..aftew you cut them out, you dip them in egg and then sugaw mixed with gwound walnuts...Mommi made some fow me without the nutses in them...Baking makes the whole house smell like Chwissmuss Mommi says.and I agweee.
Hewe's the cookies Mommi and I made
We'we waiting fow the guests
Mommi and Auntie Kawen got the horses duvers weady
I had to help make suwe evewything was weady...yes the fiwe is good!
Auntie Kawen came eawly, so that we could have a good game of pull-tug, befowe the west of the hoomans awwived
Auntie Kawen had some tewwific shoes, unfowtunately I couldn't taste them, cause she nevew took them off
My Hooman sissy and hew giwlfwiend have awwived..they look like they'we fwom the awctic,hehehe
Hewe awe my cousins being silly
The table is all set..we just have to get evewyone to stop having howses duvres, and get to the table, so we can have dinnnew
OK I'm all dwessed and weady fow dinnnew..whewe is it?????(ommi gets all gooshy when I'm clean and fluffy..just look at the sappy expwession on hew face)
This is the fiwst couwse we have to have evewy yeaw, cause if we don't, my cousins will die!!!
Finally the DUCK!!!!!!! I know it sounds disgusting to all you vegebawians ,but to the west of us ...yummmmmm!!!!! Tha potatoes have cwacklings and duck dwippings all ovew them...and thewe is wed cabbage on the side(it's sowt of sweet and souw)
Is that my Plate??? That's it??? I think I need mowe than that
This was pawt of dessewt..OK,OK, I know it looks like wowms, but twust me..it's weally good...in Italy they call it MONTE BIANCO it's chestnut puwee(flavowed with vanilla sugaw and wum, ) and layews of whipped cweam..miammmmmmmm
Settling in fow a good chew with my mawtian toy...Jackson would be pwoud of me..I got the squeeckie out in 4 minutes ,and chewed off the feet in a couple of mowe,hehehehe..delicious!!
You can't see it hewe , but this is a gweat efelant that I got
HEWe I'M MODELING MY NEW SWEATEW THAT WAS IN THE OWANGE STOCKING ALONG WITH THE MAWTIAN TOY AND SOME TWEATS,(I Think the elbow patches awe in the wong place, but it's cool anyway)
I am A vewy Lucky Puppy...I have evewything anyone could evew need..I hope all othew fuwwkids will get the same ! I hope you all had the happiest Chwissmuss with youw families!
What an awesome Christmas you had Asta! Your gifts are great and the food looks so yummy and your tree is just perfect! Putter's ornie looks so nice! We love Aunt Karen's shoes!
Merry Christmas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Those are elbow patches? I thought they were breast plates!
We had tons a you-mans over and lots and lots of food today - I love X-Mas!
Merry Merry lil sweetie
Bussie Kissies
Merry Christmas, Asta!
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Asta, My sweet friend ... You had an amazing day ... It looks just wonderfulest ever ... I am so happiest ever!!!!! :)))))
Asta what a marvelous day you had. My mom loves your auntie karen's shoes
Hi, Asta.
Glad you had great time celebrating with your family! We've never had duck but looks delicious!
Have a nice day
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Asta.
Isn't Christmas great?
Hi kousin Asta,
Glad you had such a great Christmas! Your pawty looked like so much fun and your food looked delicious, except for the worms.
I like all your prezzies, especially the sweater with the elbow pads in the front. That's pretty cool!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Hi Asta,
My ma likes your Aunty Karen's shoes.. I think they taste.. I mean, look very nice too!
Wow looks like you had a fun time!
Merry Christmas sweet lil' Asta!
Quel beau Noël tu as passé ! Rien ne vaut une soirée chaleureuse avec tous ceux que tu aime. Et un bon repas. Maintenant il faut que l'on se repose il va bientôt y avoir la fête pour le Nouvel-An !
Bisous mon Asta, Faya
Wow, what a celebration! Good ting you're the only dog there. All the attention went to you! Imagine if there was another doggie there competing with ya? Hehehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look so cute all dressed up for xmas Asta, everything look so yummy. I wish I can have a lick at the food.
Hope you have a pawsome xmas
~ Girl girl
wow... it's heaven!!!! look at those food.. i'm drooooooooooooooooooooooling.....
Hey Asta! Firstly, great work on the Martian toy; I'm proud of you! All that food looks simply heavenly and Aunty Karen's shoes are FAB! J1 wouldn't be able to walk in those, only toter about! Glad you had such a lovely day. We're still celebrating today as it's J1's birthday! That means more food, drink and presents! J x
Oh Asta, what a magical, wonderful, special night your Mommi and you made for everyone. The decorations, the cookies yummmm, the dinner YUUUUMMM, and dessert Yuummm ahrummmmm!
But most of all, the smiles - just look at all those smiles.
(Sammy likes your smile the best, the big Mushhead!)
wags from
the whippet waggle
Your peeps really know how to do Christmas!
That table is just gowjuss.
And you are just so squeaky clean and pretty!
I, too have an aunt Karen. She is a little afraid of me though.
Glad you had a great Christmas eve!
Wow...that's a gorgeous spread! Looks like you had a fantastic holiday! Hope you got lots of pressies.
Muzzer says the food looks fabulous, and we love Auntie Karen's shoes too. I think you are the cutest thing in the room.
Well that looks like so much fun!! The food looks yummy,the presents fabulous(good work on the martian squeekie and feet,4 seconds was a little long though you will have to work at cutting down the time) and PL2 says she adores the shoes but knows that one step and she would be flat on her face) You look so FLUFFY!!!! Love A+A
Asta, It looks like you had the most wonderful Christmas with lots of family and friends. You are the perfect host.
Christmas was a bit quiet here, because we were not planning on being home, but mom had dinner with friends and lots of wine. She is very sad that she did not get to go to NY to spend Christmas with friends there, and that she missed meeting you and your mom and dad. But I'm so happy to have her here with me.
I am going to the vet tomorrow, to see what my liver is doing now. All signs indicate nothing at all, which is exactly what we want.
Happy Boxing Day!!!!
Asta, your holiday table is breathtaking! It looks like you had a very special and wonderful holiday. I think your new sweater is very cute, and it goes good with your furs. I like the picture of you pulling on that red toy because I can see your teeths! They are very white and sparkly, too.
Wow those cookies look really tasty. Louie and I would have helped with those..
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. We sure hope there was plenty of leftovers for today!!
Hi Asta, it looks like you had a wonderful christmas at your house - lots of friends, wonderful food and pawsome pressies. good work on tearing that toy apart. getting the squeaker out is kind of like the treat inside the toy, we think. hee hee!
Asta, My mom is so lazy. She really has to update my blog, but you can always check the twitters on the side. I usually report on how I'm feeling.
Mom is going to post a quick update in a few minutes, but there will be a bigger update tomorrow, I think.
How beautiful every thing looked. Your Mommy sure knows how to decorate and cook (and she was under the weather!) Wow. Tell her i am putting something in the mail to help with her cookie making. The food looked so tasty, can you believe my Mom cooked a goose yesterday! The neighbor (who doesn't have an oven???) brought it over and asked if we'd like to cook it with him. What a doofus. It was quite tasty but mom said never again. LOL
Merry Xmas dear Asta and Fam,
What a lovely, mouthwatering Christmas dinner! Your Mommie is such a good cook and hostess. Tell Auntie Karen that SS adores her shoes. SS loves pretty shoes but keeps them in a cupboard so that I can't get at them.
Hi Asta,
What a wonderfuly Christmas Eve! Your family has the most lovely events!! All that food on that gorgeous table, oh, Mom is so jealous! She's also so jealous of your Aunt Karen's shoes, she would loooove to know where she got them! Good work with your prezzies, I did a bit of surgery on some of mine and ripped open a ball on Christmas myself. Us terriers certainly can chew! I'm so happy you all had such a wonderful evening.
Your pal,
What a FABULOUS Christmas Eve, everyone looks so happy and your house looks so nice! You have a super family! Mom said that Duck made her drool!!
Asta...I think your Christmas was right out of Town and Country magazine! AMAZING! Your momma is such an amazing hostess with all those fresh cookies and DUCK? WOW!
I am so glad you had a happy and healthy Christmas with all of your family...
~Chihuahua kisses,
ChaChi and JET
Sweet Astaroni!!
I wish I had been there to celebrate with you! You look absolutely ravishing in your Christmas scarf & pearls (though I think you look bootiful just in your normal fuzziness).
The food, the family, your sappy mommi and Auntie Kawen & her AMAZING shoes... it was obviously worth all the work you & your mommi did to get ready. (Good work on your martian squeaky, by the way).
Goober love & Tons of smooches,
Stanley Boy
Wow! What a Christmas celebration you had! We're all drooling over that paw-licking-looking food. Great family you have, Asta.
jan's funny farm
OMD, Asta!! We knew it! We knew it!! We knew you had lots of lots great dinner over the holiday.
Our MOM is drooling after seeing that Chestnut puree cake!!
Momo & Pinot
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