a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, December 22, 2007


I see something new that wasn't thewe befowe...it's owange, that means it must be fow me
HMMMMMMMMM..Looks intewestingI'm checking to make suwe My Pawents awen't awound

I'm detewmined to find out what's in theweOops They"we coming , this pwoject will have to be postponed,but nevew feaw...I'm a tewwiew.that means detewmined..and I nevew give up


Duke said...

Hopefully your mom and dad have a Christmas pawty to attend tonight WITHOUT you so you can continue your detective work! Good luck, Asta! Let us know what you discover! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Gee Asta, you're a tall young lady! I hope there's something good in there for you.

- Your fellow NYer,

Jan Price said...

Dear Friend Asta, When you get a chance, stop by. We have something for you.

Jan's Funny Farm

Faya said...

Vas-y Asta ! Un terrier ne renonce jamais.....je surveille si tes parents arrivent ok ?
Bisous, Faya

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oooo, what do you hope is in there, Asta? Toys for destroying maybe? Or delicious treats? J x

B said...

I'd be careful sneaking around that - I've got one two and when I took it off the wall mom put it on my FEET!! It didn't even fit.

I hope you have a wonderfilled christmas, I'm glad you got your card in time for christmas.

puppy kisses, Arabella

Joe Stains said...

You need to borrow my detective coat to find out what in the heck is in there!!!!!

Mack said...

Yes, we terriers came be quite determined.
Looks like it is something fun!

Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

That is ONE super duper ORANGE stocking! I bet that is gonna be one of SANTA PAWS favorites for surest ever!!!!!!!! Let ME know, K?


Putter ...:)

Anonymous said...


It's indeed orange and I have seen what you can do to orange items, try to be a good girl and by Christmas I am sure mom will give it to you to destroy.

Love hugs and belly rubs


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Like you said... if its orange of course is yours. Maybe you should wait until your mom and dad go to sleep this night to check what is inside that stocking. Let us know please! I am curious!
Have a good night

Stanley said...


I am torn. You deserve to find out what's in your perty orange stocking, but you also need to let your mommi & daddi surprise you too. Ah, heck. GO FOR IT, CHICA!

LEt me know what you find in there! (I wish it was me.)

Gooberlicious love & smooches,
Your Stanley Boy

Gus said...

Asta sweetie...The stocking is gowgeous....I love the polka dotties and Orange is E.Rabbits favorite color too.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hope you find lots in that bright orange Christmas stockings!

Snowball said...

Asta, dun destroy that stoking yet cos if you do that, Santa might not know where to place your Christmas pressies. But to ensure that you get a new stocking next year, you will have to destroy the stocking while you are retrieving the pressies from it.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...I think you better wait for Santa Paws to do his thing, and it's too EARLY yet...just a couple more nights, Honey and he'll be there for you!!!

All 3 of us are sleepin' together tonight....hope everydogs GI tracts remain quiet tonight!

TRY and be good for just a couple more days...we know terriers aren't known for their patience!!!

Wiry love, Scruffy

Koobuss said...

Hey kousin Asta,

Looks to me like you are all ready for Santa. I would not do anything to make him angry. You still have a couple of days left to wait. Hang on, dear sweetie. it will be soon.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

I'm glad to heaw your daddy survived being scanned by cats. It must be a hooge welief fow your mum. I hope you manage to get into that stocking. I din't get a stocking, but I got a gweat new pwezzie I'll show evwy one soon!

xxx Asta down under

Patience-please said...

Oooooh Asta we are sooo excited for you! Sam I Am says he can reach it easy if you need some help!

the whippet waggle

Amber-Mae said...

I'll come over & help to bring it down for ya. I'm taller so I can reach.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stella said...

Asta! Asta!

You have the most colorful Chrissy stocking there! I'm sure you've already pulled it down & checked it out. Do you need any help finishing what is inside? If so, I am very good at finishing things (especially if they are chewy or tasty).

I received all of your tiny smoochie kisses that you sent me. They make me SO so happy to know you think of me. Very proud I am to be your BFF and not just Stan's little sissy.

Gooby lovin' & kissies,

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta,
Good luck finding out what's in that orange stocking!!!! Don't get caught though.

Have a great Christmas matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Harry said...

What a jolly stocking. Don't forget that Santa is watching though Asta...

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Daisy said...

Asta, that's such a cute stocking, it's perfect for you! You are good at standing on your hind legs. I hope you find out what is inside the stocking very soon!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You have an awesome tree. Louie would have all those ornaments all over the floor. That is why our tree only has lights he is also very determined!!
Big sloppy kisses.. Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta,
You'd better stay out of your stocking or Santa might not come.

We have an award for you on our blog and you can get it at http://dietskinallergiesindogs.blogspot.com
Merry Christmas!

Abby & Rosie

Jan Price said...

Asta, Come by. We have something else for you. Check out Merry Christmas 2007 and Thank You, Sassy to find everything.
Merry Christmas.
Jan's Funny Farm

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Asta. Have you figured out what is in your stocking yet???


Petra said...

Asta! I wannt know what's in there, too!

Maybe tonight when your parents are in bed, you can sneak out to your stocking & take a peek. Go quietly, though. And don't knock anything over. Especially the tree.

Agatha and Archie said...

What a lovely stocking!!!Hang in there little one it is almost time although we would have had it down by now becasue I would have stood on Archies back) Love A+A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

What a lovely stocking!!!Hang in there little one it is almost time although we would have had it down by now becasue I would have stood on Archies back) Love A+A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Lacy said...

woofies Ms Asta!!! dat is ur color fur shure...hmmm u iz becomin a verwy good dogtective, but b carefuls and not nock over u tree...remember santa paws is watchin...

b safe,

the many Bs said...

Hi Asta, does that stocking smell like it has doggy treats in it? it sure is a pretty color. who says christmas has to be red and green? we like orange too!

we hope you get a lot of super great pressies and treat from the big furry guy. we know you have been good!

happy woofers.

jaffeboy said...

Ooooo..... I love stockings!!! I bet there are some really nice yummies in there or some pawsome stuffies!

Here's wishing all at home a very Merry Christmas & a Fantastic New Year!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I bet there's some pawsome goodies in that stocking for you Asta.

~ Girl girl

fee said...

wow, that looks like a worthy adventure, asta! i'm sure you already have plans to get that stocking down, teehee. i wonder what's in it. i've been plucking the little balls of my christmas tree and boy, it's such tedious work!

and merry christmas, my dearest asta! may the day be filled with love, peace and much feasting for you and your family!

friends furever!


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

xoxoFour Pugz

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Have you found out what's in there???

Juno said...

Asta baby!!
We wish you a very happy and peaceful holiday seasons!
That orange stocking is so cute. Let us know what you'll find there.

Momo & Pinot

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


After Mom & Dad go to sleep you must investigate that stocking. This is our true terrierist nature. You've got my curiosity now. Mom is making goodies in the kitchen I got to lick some creme-de-menthe something from her fingers. I hear more things rattling in the kitchen I have to go investigate. Very Merry Christmas wishes to you and your Mom & Dad.

Love Luna-tic, John, & Joan

Sassy Kat said...

Ya go girl, check out that stockin. If it is yours then ya need to know what is goin on inside of it. Don't forget to stop over Xmas eve or Xmas day I have a surprise waiting for ya. If ya don't make it come anytime and pick it up then, I will hold it for ya. Holiday cheers to your and your family.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Merry Christmas Asta!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Asta, please be careful, you will soon be able to open that amazing orange stocking!

Just popped by to wish you lots of Christmas licks and all good licks for the New Year.

Love from Marvin in cold and frosty Scotland xxxxxxxxxxxxx

lotsaluv from Jeannie tooooooo!

thank you for being my pal this year!

Casper said...

Merry Christmas Asta!!!!

Tesla and Hansel said...

i'm sure you'll get in there, and you MUST tell us what it is!!!!


you look so cute standing up and looking at that stocking!

Kirby said...

What a great stocking Asta! I can't wait to see what was in there!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family!!

Your pal,

Lizzy said...

You got a stocking! I want one too!

Merry Christmas!


The WriggleButts said...

Merry Christmas, Asta!

We hope you find something yummy in your stocking today! We got some yummies yesterday! Yay!

We'd also like to wish your family the very best for the howlidays and a happy 2008!

The WriggleButts

Ben & Darling said...

Merry Christmas & Happy new year 2008 !!! I hope santapaw put lotsa treats in the orange stocking!!

Dean-O! said...

Hope you woke up to find lots of gifties that need unwrapping ':¬}

Merry Christmas!

Amber said...

The stocking is really cute!! I wonder what you got!! Merry Christmas Asta and your family!! :D

Patience-please said...

Merry Christmas, sweet Asta and nice humans, too! We are thinking of you all on this special day.

the whippet waggle and the Servant

wally said...

Happy Pawlidays! I hope whatever was in the stocking was wonderful!


Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
That trick will get you into trouble.I did that and now my stocking is stuffed 5 minutes before I get it!
Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Hahahahha... ohh Asta you are a REAL terrier... haha. We have mix terrier here and he almost has the same character as you!:)

That big orange stocking looks very interesting indeed!!

We at the catwalk, 10 kitties, 2 doggies and 3 human beans are wishing you and your family a Wonderful Christmas day!!

Headbutts, sloppy kisses and big hugs!

Anonymous said...

... I forgot to thank you and your mom SOOOO MUCH for the beautiful photo of the CCSI crew and cast!!

Sassy sent it to us, and at first I was a little sad because my boyfriend Karl was missing. But luckily that was corrected soon! Hahaha. ;)
