Thewe's just one mowe thing missing..I've looked evewywhewe..I asked the Chwissmuss twees if they've seen it, but's nowhewe
Just as I was getting weally sad, and about to give's finally hewe...the snow I've been waiting fow and seeing at evewy othew fwiends's finally come to me..yipeeeeeee!now the holidays can begin
The snow has stawted to fall, so that we can go out and play in it, and then go sit in the cozy woom and eat and dwink and sing and have a fabulous pawty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Asta, you sure look cute all dressed up. I'm coming in early to help you out at the pawty!
~ Girl girl
woofies Asta, me weady to iz on me way....
b safe,
pp's we can go to da wun when us needs to work off all dose delish eatables and dwinkables....
wow!! wat a feast...seems like everything r ready...
i'll be there on time...
Thank you Asta, and same to you! I'm coming!! Do you want me to bring some extra snow?
I love your rain coat.
See you soon.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Totally love your coat!
oh asta we cannot WAIT to come play! I have never seen snow so this will be very exciting! We are getting ready right now and can't wait to see you!
You look like such an urbanista in your polka dots! I bet you're as excited as all your guests for the pawty to begin!
Congratulations on the snow too. It's about time it came to visit you.
Stella & I will be there early to help you set up. Okay? Can't wait to wrassle with you and all our buddies in the snow!
Goober love & snowy smooches,
Hey Asta, love the raincoat! I've decided to bring my violin along so we can serenade our pals together! J x
Je sors les Läckerli du four et j'arrive....
Bisous, Faya
Oh Asta sweetie, am I late?? am I too late for the pawty?? Can I come naked?? But I think I will be frozen...Oh no I need a jacket!!! a hat, whatelse?? whatelse??
I love your coat, its grovey baby.
Simba xx
What a gorgeous coat, Asta! You're so stylish! Putter and Mitch and I are coming in a limo and we're bringing cookies! We can't wait! See you soon!
Love ya lots
Hi there Asta...
I'm so excited to come to NYC again for your pawty!!! But mostly I'm excited to see you. It will also be my first snow!!! I've never seen snow...I'm a little scared I'm gonna be cold...but I'm sure I'll be nice and warm by the fire!!!
Can't wait to see you!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We wanted to offer to help you get ready, but it seems that you have everything done! The place looks wonderful! We can't wait for the party!
Opus and Roscoe
ps. Could we come a little early because it will be too late for us in Italy?
I have a problem here. I have never been to a St Nicholas Day Pawty so I do not know what to wear!!! HOW?? How??
I might be late but I will there. See ya later.
Oh man we can't wait. We are so excited.
You got snow? That is very exciting, we never get snow where I live. You sure look fashionable in your little jacket. I am having a little trouble deciding what to wear to the party!
We can't wait, see you soon!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Asta, You look "mahvalous" in that coat. Very urban and cosmopolitan.
We are just two boys from the 'burbs -- I hope we won't embarrass ourselves in the Big Apple (hmm, apple, we loooove apple!.
Anyway, we're on our way as soon as we hear the roar of Ruby's plane.
Suburban Jake
Asta, look here! I'm all cleaned, dolled up & ready to go to your pawty!!! We wen to the spa today. Check out our new post...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look very lovely in your coat. We glad you got your wish for snow. We had snow in Indiana too :( We are so looking forward to the pawty. Happy St. Nicholas day.
xoxoFour Pugz
Asta! Asta!
We are on our way! We are coming to SEEEEEE YOU!!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
that's quite a stylish coat you have on. Hope you had a great party.
Abby and Rosie
that's quite a stylish coat you have on. Hope you had a great party.
Abby and Rosie
yay for snows!
Asta, I love your coat!! That is so stylish!!!
I just made a very last minite reservation of Aire Ruby. Hope she can pick me up to catch up your pawty!!
Momo xoxo
Cool coat Asta.
I'm looking forward to the party! It's gonna be so much fun. I'm bringing lots of cheese and wine (shhhhh-don't tell my mommy.)
Frenchie Pawty Snorts
Yay! I am on my way...I can't wait to pawty with you Asta!
And where did you get that pawsome coat???? I need one NOW.
Hi Asta,
We love your coat!I have never seen snow,I am so jealous
That is one spiffy coat Asta, we love it!! See you tomorrow, I'm getting groomed especially for the pawty!
xox Ax
PS Our petition is OVER 1000!!
Sam I Am is gassing up the Whippet Wagon. Does anyone need a ride? I am very excited to meet you, dear little Asta.
If it is all right, I will be happy to keep the chairs and couches warm while some of the hairier members of the group go out and enjoy the snow.
delightedly yours-
The Lady Maria of the Whippet Waggle
Hi Asta! I love your coat. It has great colors, it really makes you stand out! he he.
So you finally got snow? That's great! Doesn't it look so pretty? I love that picture of it just sprinkled over the garden. It will add a very nice touch to the party!
I bet the food is gonna be delicious! At least those cookies in the picture look good! I'm getting really excited for Christmas now, it's coming so fast!
I bet your party will be fantastic!
Hi Asta!
I'm here. Has the party started yet? I have teleported to your piano. Just peeping out to see if I know anyone here. It seems Pinot and Momo have been, so have Daisy, Tesla and the boys from Italy. Hope I shall see them again later. You look very nice in your winter coat. Snow? we don't have them where I live. I am going to have a smell and a lick.
Asta, we've packed our didgeridoo and our daledanas. We better go and watch out for aire-ruby. See you soon. Tess is super excited because it's her barkday today.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hey AstaGirl!!!
You're even providing the are the hostess with the mostest!!!!! I blocked off 7 10 minute slots for you and ? under the mistletoe for starters. Poor Sam I Am is grounded...the Whippet Wagon...Scruffy and I feel sorta responsible as it happened on one of our prior football adventures...Maria is making him drive the Whippet Wagon to New York, but he has to stay in the car. So, I wondered if he could possibly drive the Wagon temporarily into ur apt. so he can join the party without getting out of the car...or should I just carry the mistletoe out to him...thoughts???
Scruffy and I have to go and get our outfits on...
Oopsie...we hear Aire Ruby!!!!!!!!
Lakie licks...Lac
Hi, Asta.
You coat is beautiful and of course you look great wearing it! Looks like everything is ready... even the snow!
This is going to be a great party!
See you there!
Asta!!! We're on the way!! Ruby is gonna pick us up shortly!!
See you SOON!!
Momo & Pinot
Hi Asta!
I can't wait to see everypup, kitty & hammie at the PAWTY! I"ve been a very good girl this year & I"m gonna make sure St. Nicholas knows that!
I tried to make some Hungarian Goulash - but it didn't turn out...hope you'll still let me into the PAWTY!
Love & Licks,
ps...maybe you can email my mom at my email address & tell her what Hungarian Christmas specialities you make during the holidays! She'd love to know!
Hey Asta, Looks like it will be a great party! My mom is very eager for her trip. It's all set. She's there from the 22nd to th 30th, but she's abandoning me ... boo hoo! She'll email your mom in the next few days.
Asta Sweetie: How good of you and your Mommi to make it snow for the pawty. It will make the ice skating at Rockefeller Center even more fun.
I know I'm a bit late, but my human was out doing human things - go figure. This is a lovely holiday party, Asta, I'm so glad I stopped by. It really put me - and my human - in the Christmas spirit, which is not an easy thing to do when you live in Australia where it seems to coincide with barbecue season and Summer Holidays! Cheers!
licks & slobbers
Hi everyone, I,m here, up at the piano. Where is my Sissy Momo? Hi, Charlie!
Mmmm - I'm still in the meat tray. oops - did I say IN? yum, yum....
Hi Asta! I got your beautiful card today!! It is a real work of art...did your mom paint it?? I'm so happy to get to meet new friends through this exchange, aren't you?
Are we too late? Is everybody gone? Our humans got home last night we tried to tell them to turn on the computer, but they thought we were asking for food and fed us (of course we ate anyway). Now we are here but fear we might be too late. Are there any party animals left at this hour?
Everything looks wonderful Asta. SOrry we are late, but we are here now. Think we have some snacks, if there are still some left.
Happy Mikulasnap!
Opus and Roscoe
Hi Opus and Roscoe,
I'm still here. SS is working late so I reckon I can stay up later. Party is still in full swing. Glad the neighbours don't mind the noise.
wow you look so great in your jacket.
Sounds like you are going to have an awesome party.
The snow looks great. Wish we got that stuff in Texas we would have so much fun playing in it...
How beautiful ya look and everything looks lovely in the house. I cannot believe how much food ya have for me to sample I think I am on overload. I am going to make a plate of food, sit over by the fire, and watch it snow outside. Oh isn't life good. This is great good food, fun, & friends! Thank ya so much for having a party today, just we all needed!
Oh Asta you look so cute in that coat - esp the first picture! Wow!!
the WriggleButts
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