Sassy - Executive Producer & Casting
Opus & Roscoe - Producer & Graphic Design/Photography
Ruis - Director & Graphic Design/Photography
Karl From The Cat Realm - Writer & Graphic Design/Photography

Best wishes to all as we are nearing the showing of CCSI II The Santa Caper.
We want to thank all of you for your countless of hours of resherals, wardrobe fittings, and always willing to go the extra mile to assure that this show will be presented at its best. The Santa Caper could not be aired without all of you putting your best paw forward to see that every angle of this production was covered.
THEN THIS IS SO PAWSOME...ALL THESE CAWDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEN THIS IS SO PAWSOME...ALL THESE CAWDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at all these cawds..I'm ovewwhelmed...Thank you so vewy much to all my sweet fwiends who awe sending me cawds!!!!
You can't even see all of them hewe...Mommi gave me a panel fwom a scween she was making to put them all on..but it seems I have to ovewlap them to's amazingly bootiful..I go by and sniff fow all my fwiends all smell gweat!
My Fwiend Petey came ovew to visit me , akshually his Mommi had to dwop off something, and I was so vewy happy, he's the fiwst doggie who came to my house, but he was vewy unintewested in me..he took one of my toys and just wanted to munch on it. I twied weally hawd to get him to play ow kiss ow something, but nada, nothing..I guess I was weawing the wong cologne ow something
I know Petey fwom the wun, and thewe he nevew plays with me eithew, he just likes his Mom to thwow the ball and then he chases it ..badk and fofth, back and fofth..he couldn't cawe less if I was thewe ow not...
MySweet DawlingStanley has given me this fabulous awawd...WOOooohooooo
Thank you so vewy much I hope to desewve it !
I would like to pass it on to my fwiends Putter, Scruffy and Lacie, Koobuss, and Agatha and Archie, and Joe and Tanner, and LacyLulu...
akshually I'd like to give this to all my fwiendz cause you all make me feel gweat evewy day!

OMG!!!!!! Asta!
Thank you so muchest ever for this wonderful award! You are a sweetest ever friend!
That is so coolest ever that Petey gotted to come over to PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey I founded a newest ever toy that MY brothers left lying around ... They are plastic keys! Very bright and loudest ever when they rattle!!!!! Mom says they are not for ME, but I say FINDERS KEEPERS!!!!!! Hee Hee!
Putter ...:)
Hey, we found our card on your board!! Congrats on the award Asta. You definitely deserve always make us smile!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Ici aussi mes parents sont jaloux de ma popularité. Déjà 2 fois ils ont du agrandir la corde pour mes cartes. Faya 50 cartes, mes humains : 0.....hahaha.
J'adore ta balle qui fait de la lumière !!!
Bisous, Faya
Asta!! It's been great working wtih you again on the set of tthe new episode of CCSI. I am excited to see the premier but before that we have the red carpet event!! I know you will look stunning in gown. I'll meet you there!! :)
Over 50 cards? Wow!! It's so nice to see so many bootiful Christmas cards from our friends on DWB.
Momo xoxo
woofies Asta!!! wow u gots a bunchies of carwds....and me sorrwy dat puppy not wanna play sniffy butt or bitey face wiff u, me wood play wiff u iffin me wuz dar....cant wait for the new christmas caper to come out..and congratulashuns on ur awarwd, u makies me smile all da time too...and fank u sooo muchies fur dis cool awarwd, (dats y we here, to makies ever doggy, kitty and hammie and hoooman smile)..luv ya little girlie...
b safe,
This is Asta! Our big night on the red carpet! It was so much staring opposite of you in the Santa Caper. I do hope that we can work together again in the future!
Looking forward to watching the show tomorow. Would like to come over and watch it with Opus and I?
Tanti baci bella!
Roscoe (and Opus too)
That should have said "this is IT Asta"! Not "this is Asta" becuase I am Roscoe, not Asta.
Oh that Petey is a shy one! He wagged at you but it was a shy little wag..
How could he ever have resisted your adorable cuteness??? I would have played and played and we would done zoomies all over your house zzooooooooooooooommmmm!
your buddy-
Sam I Am whippet
What a wonderful collection of cards Asta - we're hoping to beat Mommy and Daddy with our collection too (right now we're tied!).
Your cards look great Asta! We must put ours up. I hope ours reach all our overseas pals in time!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Petey is a silly dog!! If I was there we would run and play until we drop dead from exhaustion!
It was such a joy to work with you, Asta!! And I am sure every dog and cat will be impressed by your acting talents! Tomorrow, the next four days you are one of the shining stars!
But tonight I also want to thank you for being so kind to pose for the red carpet photos! You can pickup big copies of the photos from my blog.
Wow, Asta, you've got a ton of cards so far! Right now I have about 40... This is my first Christmas card exchange, too. Isn't great?!
That is a great award. Mom says that Louie and I make her smile because we are always smiling with our perky ears always up and I am always panting... Great bunch of cards you have.....Gus and Louie
How nice that Petey got to come over, even if he wan't that much fun, Asta! At least he took some of the boredom away! We had snow this morning and then sleet and now it's back to snow! We're hoping for LOTS of the white stuff!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hiya Asta!!
Thanks fur the comment on our pics! And WOW, you got tons of cards!! How pawsome!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta, nice to meet you! Thank you so very much for the Holiday card you sent us. We just love getting all these fabulous cards!! Hope you have a safe and happy Holiday Season! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
P.S. Were you named after the pup in the Thin Man movie series? Our humans have the box set of all those films.
OH Asta sweetie, thats PAWSOME!!!
You got sooooooooooooooo many cards!!!! Its really beautiful and I really like this card exchange programe...but I couldnt find my card on card not there yet??? Oh I hope the card can make it before xmas.
and congrat for the award, you always make me smile!!!.
ohhh asta. i'm sorry your weathers is bads.... i will send you purrs.
mao mao.
woofies girlie, me glads u goteded me carwd and glad u likied luvvvvveded u carwd fank u sooo muchies....heehee watts wrong wiff dat petey he nots wanna play...did u c on da news, girlie dat Thrawn of da Brat Pack died today...its sooo sad...
b safe,
Hi, Asta
What is wrong with Petey. He comes to your house and he just takes your toys and ignores you?? Sure, he doesn't know who you are!!!
Congratulations on your award! You make me smile always!
Have a good night
Oh Asta, I wish I could stick tanner in a box and send him to you. You guys would have SO MUCH FUN together. and i could get some rest! I hope the weather gets better soon.
Hahahahaha - the maid is looking over my shoulder saying it seems like she got out of NY right in time! HAIL!!!
The red carpet party is a hit!!! Your dress is the most stunning I have seen in a long time!!!!!
And tomorrow is the big day - Ruis and I have to hold on to a bottle of champagne to steady ourselves - we are sooooo excited!
congratulations on the near completion of Santa Caper! :) i'm sure it will be a hoooge hit :)
hee hee Petey... maybe he is into BBM like Boo and Simba :p well, no worries, a friend visiting your house is still a friend visiting your house :) hope he cheered you up a little :)
That's alot of cards you've received Asta. Maybe Petey was shy when he first came your house.
That's a very pawsome award from Stanley
~ Girl girl
Asta, darling Girl...thank you sooo much for our award you presented to us!!! It makes us happy when others smile...isn't that what life is all about????? Lacie sent u a peemail....frankly, I was so busy chewin' my rawhide so I missed the whole conversation, but I think Lacie was hallucinating. No way....Mumsie's not that dumb. you think it's gonna happen??????????? HELLLLLP!
Paniked barks, Scruffy
Congratulations on your award. Looks like you had fun with your friend.
Simba xx
Hey Astaaaa! Oh boy Congratsss!!! Oh I just loved you videos! Cute!
Hugs and kisses!
Asta, you sure collected alot of cards already! Glad you got ours...Peter is adorable! Bet you both had a fun time together.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Asta, congrats on your award and I hope your filmng goes OK! Your pal looks cute, but it was funny how he was ignoring you! J x much amazing cards and a light up ball, your a happy one!
Hey Asta, I'm kind of like Petey when I go to the run. I really like that all the other dogs are there, and I'm always really happy to see them (as long as I know them or my mom introduces me by first making a big fuss over the other dog), but I focus on my ball all the time and no one knows I'm happy to see them. I even ignore Cha Cha in the dog park. It took me a good half day with Cha Cha at home before I played with her, but now we are best friends. But I still ignore her in the dog park. What can I say?
Hey Asta, I hope you don't take it too pawsonally about Petey. Sometimes I'm like that too. My Uncle Walter (wiener dog) always wants to play tug-of-war, and I just ignore him.
Congrats on your award!
Your friend, Lenny
Just checked you out over at the production on little sassy's site. What a marvelous job you did Asta. You looked great. And what a production!
Abby & Rosie
Hey Asta, I wouldn't ignore you.
I would say hello to you and be all wiggle bum for a bit, and then I would probably just lay down and hang with you. I might play a bit of tug, but not much. I usually only do that with people. I'm weird that way. But you could sniff all over me and I would happily just bask in the attention. But if someone threw a ball or a stuffy, then it would be game on. Fetch! And if you ran with me, I would think you were the bestest.
Hi Asta!
I'm so sorry I was such an awful date! It was just so exciting to come over to a brand new place to play with all those delicious toys! It almost made up for the fact that my Mommy made me wear a sweater (with elbow patches even! Sheesh!) I hope you like the glowy ball I brought over for you. And next time, I promise to let you lick all the leftover gravy off my whiskers!
Terriers Rule!
Your pal,
Astaroni Sweetpea!
I can't understand why, but Petey must be impervious to your obvious charm & the fun bitey face opportunity you were giving him. HIS LOSS.
You can bet I would have responded IMMEDIATELY to all of your charms, especially when you do your signature tummy flash! How could anydog resist your tummy spots?
Glad you love the award ~ you deserve it sweetness! Bob T Bear already posted about it too!
Goober love & smooches,
Thank You so much for the award kousin Asta. You make me smile too.
You really amaze me, Asta. I didn't realize that you were such an accomplished actress and had a major role in a big holiday production. You are very talented, Asta. Maybe you will win an Oscar.
I think I know why Petey ignores you. He doesn't like you. You are probably not his type. I bet he likes poodles.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
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