The wide was a little wough on some of them , but thank dog they all made it safely! Jackson bwought some toys to add to the ones I had weady to destwoy.
Ambew the little chihuahua bwaved the twip,
Noah and his sissys came with theiwy Chwissmuss wibbons on,
Luna was packed with some cookies to bwing by his Mom, but ummmm, the cookies disappeawed mid-twip,hehe
Lorenza had clevew holes to bweath thwough on hew jouwney fwom Mexico
Koobuss is aways game..what a cutie!
Puttew cancelled at the last minute cause she's vewy claustwophobic
Mitch came and I had his fwesh celewy weady fow him
Agatha and Archie pushed and shoved each othew all the way fwom Boston(the box was in pieces when it awwived)
MY DawlingSamI Am whippet came (putting aside all his feaws of fuzzy dogs), i think by now he has gotten to like us all..he is so handsome and we love watching him wace awound and leap like a dancew!
My Deaw cat fwiend Momo came all the way fwom Austwalia. and thank dogness I had some catnip tea to help wevive him..I also had some lizawd sandwiches weady fow Momo and
Daisy my cuwly cat fwiend who came dancing out of hew box in hew velvet dwess
GirlGirl is the bwavest of them all...such a long twip fow such a small fwiend, but I'm happy to say she's fine!! she clevewly lined the box with lots of tissues to make it soft....
We ate, we dwank we played, we destwoyed toys, and had a gweat time..what happens in NY, Stays in NY!!!

woofies Asta!!! lookies like u all had a fun time fur boxers day...Me hopies u had a pawsome xmas...'
b safe,
Boxing day looks like a blast! Love, Martha
Hi Asta,
You did not shop ?
Sounds like you had a great time
woofies iz soooo happy to b home...dat doggy heehee to bouncey fur dey haded 2 hooman kids up dar and dey kepted trwyin to mess wiff me...all me wanted to do wuz sleep...but wuz got sum turkey and luv u and missed u sooo bad...
b safe,
oh... your boxing day celebration looks cool but I am not sure of subjecting myself to be handle by those postal service guys in boxes. I have a very weak back, you know...
Hi, Asta.
Thanks for having us there with you! It was great! I was afraid I could not be there in time... you know my mail service!
As always you are the best!
Have a good night
Wow, what a party! Looks like everyone had fun, but how did anyone have room to move with all those boxes? Happy belated Boxing Day.
jan's funny farm
wow... tat is a great BOXing day celebration!!
Mumsie said she may mail all 3 of us permanantly to you for Boxer's Day...think she's a bit tired of muddy paws and wet floors!! When is wire foxies day??? Lakeland day??? Dale day????
We've been discriminated against.
Lacie wants to know how you grew ur legs so long in ur boxing outfit!
Asta you made me feel soooo welcome and warm in your lovely home. And since The Lady Maria has been there, she didn't put a stop to my going! In fact, she sent that little gift for you. I hope you had fun rolling in it! The Lady Maria is the best at finding stinkum to roll in.
I felt pretty nekked until Sweet Lorenza arrived. You are right; I am not afraid of hairyers at all anymore!
thanks again for the great time-
[blush]your Sam I Am whippet
Sweet Astaroni!
You are the sweetest hostess, and I wouldn't be surprised if more boxes arrive over the weekend (for those who got misdirected enroute).
Shhhhhh. I'll never tell what happened in NY.
Goober love & tons of smooches,
If only I wasn't scared to death of boxes!!
So sorry that I missed the Boxing Day celebrations! I am very fond of shredding boxes. Be sure to send your used boxes my way...
Franki V
Hey Asta, I had a pawsome time, especially cos I positioned my box near all the food! Hehehe! Thanks as always for your hospitality! J x
I still can't believe I had the WHOLE stalk of celery all to myself! Mom is never this generous to me at home! You're a true friend,Asta!
Yer friend,
hey hey asta! wowie you had so many friends come in boxes! that sounds totally pawsome! i always bark at the brown man who brings boxes (and he has been coming by a lot lately) but maybe i shuddent be mad at him just in case there is a friend arriving in that box!
you wuddent beleeve it but my peepol went to your city for christmas and they took my benjamin! i gess they forgot to visit you. wut forgetful peepol i haf. i wuddent haf forgotten if they had taken me!
i need your help to avoid letting my benjamin get beat by a C-A-T in this photo contest. he wuz winning wif his little santa and elf pickture but then a C-A-T came in late and swept up all the votes! i don't want a C-A-T to win! can you help?
luv ivy
Oh, how great! Hey, I see two slices of pepperoni pizza there, yumz! Mah favorite!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Looks like everybody made it safely to your place. Thank dogness!
Sometimes UPS can deliver to the wrong house you know.
PeeS: could you please send me a lizard sandwich? I go NUTS for lizards!
awww.... boxes are fun :)
such a cutie :D
ps. mmm great christmas dinner... pochi wants pochi wants.
come see my blog too :D
Well.I am finally getting the styrofoam penuts out of my hair,but it was quite fun!!!! That Jackson is such a ham,and what a dry wit.How about Mitch and that celery!!I think the next time we will either call Ruby or Amtrack though.... Love A+A
Woohoo! That was FUN! I am going to start saving up boxes and stamps so I will be ready for next boxing day.
hi Asta, we're still looking for a box. we got kind of distracted when we found a bag of treats and ate them all. then we had to take a nap. we think we spied a box in the garage, but it's got stuff in it. all we have to do is get all of the stuff out, we can take it out in the backyard. there's lots of room for stuff out there.
Gee whiz, we just got back from camp and read about so many of your friends being boxed up to come celebrate boxing day with you. What a shame we missed it -- we have lots of boxes and we could have been there in a flash.
But it looks like you all had lots of fun!!! Maybe this can be a new tradition for next year too.
Jake and Just Harry
Sure looks like you had fun on Boxing Day
It must be fun to have that many Terriers around I could give lotsa belly rubs
We are glad you had a wonderful pawty. Now we know what Boxing Day really means. :)
Momo & Pinot
Woohoo! Great to be here with you! Next time I will teleport over - much easier. Don't think I like the box so much! However, Boxing Day is for boxes and it's only once a year.
Asta, dear one- we heard you Mommi isn't feeling well. Please send her all of our miracle whippet best healing thoughts, ok?
the whippet waggle
Happy New Year!!!
Big Sloppy Kisses and Hugs,
Gus and Louie
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