Thank you so vewy much deaw fwiends.

My Mommi and Daddi left me home alone while they went to see Daddi's doktow..and I'm vewy wowwied...this is Daddi's big six momf catscan(it's not about cats...I don't know why they confoose us with that name)It's supposed to check to see if he's OK and I've been waiting fow them to get home and tell me the news...
I decided to climb up on the chaiw and look out the window, to see if I can spot them coming home...
This is the highest I can stand ,but I can't see a thing..we'we just too high above the stweet..all I see is sky and the wivew,,no Mommi ow Daddi
Awen't they evew going to get home?
I heaw the doow..they'we hewe!..they'we smiling the news is gweat! Daddi is Ok his scan was fine and he doesn't have to go back to the doktow fow 6momfsYIPEEEEEE! now CHWISSMUSS can begin! I aweady got what I wanted!!!
I am a vewy happy puppy tonight!!! sneep tight evewypup,hammie catses and hoomans and beaws...smoochie kisses ASTA
Oh BINKIES*! We're happy to hear that popi is ok! ~Fiona Bun
* A binkie is a bunny rabbit jump of joy
woofies Asta Girlie!!!! yeaaa me iz dancin a jig...soooo happy u daddi ct scan comed back good...dats a verwy grate xmas pressie to get..tell him me said take care of and u welcome, u deserveded da golden rose, fur all da help u giveded me and mama..
b safe,
What superb news! Now you can all have a very happy Christmas!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
This is awesome new, Asta! We're so happy for all of you! Let the festivities begin!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
can see it that u r real happy from the last photo!!! u r smiling!!!!
Brilliant news Asta. We're really happy for you and your folks. What a wonderful start to Christmas!!!
Take care,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Oh oui Asta c'est le plus beau des cadeaux pour vous tous ! Nous sommes très heureux pour vous. Que la fête commence !
Bisous à tous, Faya et sa famille
You do look very happy.
Glad your mom and dad came back home with good news!
Oh yes! Now your Christmas celebrating can really begin!!!
Now that is the BEST Christmas present EVER EVER EVER!!!
Whippet smiles and leapies
Oh Asta...that is pawsome news!!! Give your daddi a big kiss from me to celebrate!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What wonderful news and what a relief!!! Now you can enjoy the holidays!! We are so happy for all of you. That great!
The Koobuss Family
Hooray, hooray, hooray! I am so glad that the news is good! Asta, you have an adorable smile.
I am soooooooooooo happy for you! My tail is wagging and I'm running in circles over this good news.
Merriest Christmas!
Whooooop! That is happy news for you and your family! Enjoy Christmas together, it's a happy time of year
omdog what a super fabulous wonderfulest most excitingerest present! We are so happy for you and your family! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
We're so excited for you Asta - good health is the best present ever!
Hope you have a Meowy Christmas!
Hi Asta!
So glad your daddy is home & OK! YEAH! & I'm so sorry you had a big nasty needle in your curly fuzzy butt...that doesn't feel good at all!
Love & Licks,
Asta I just wanted you to know that I stop by all the time..;O))..just little time to leave comments.
"There is faint music in the night,
And pale wings fanned by silver flight;
A frosty hill with tender glow
Of countless stars that shine on snow."
I wish you peaceful reflections during this frozen time!
Much Love Always
Sir Chancelot
~Go with Peace~
Hey Asta, that's pawsome news; the best Christmas present! J x
That is the greatest Christmas pressie of all! We're so glad you're Dad is OK.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
WooHoo, Astaroni!!
Big Goober smooches for your daddi (plant a big wet one right on his mouth for me), and big ones for your mommi, and all the rest for YOU!!
That is excellent news. Tell your daddi I'm so glad they found no cats on or in him, and that he is all clear!
Goober love & more smooches,
Stanley Boy
I'm so glad your dad's okay! Now Christmas can be super happy and fun!
Happy Holidays, Asta!
Hi Asta! Hi!
OMG!!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! We are so happy for your Dad and for your Mom and for YOU too! This is excellent, excellent news! Please know that our paws have been crossed on this front! Now you can truly celebrate! Perhaps some EGG NOG is in store??? Let ME know what you decide on, K?
Love, Putter ...:)
What great news. We are over here doing the happy dance.
Asta! I am so happy to hear about your daddy. That is the bestest news of all!
My mommy is very sad. She won't get to see you over Christmas. She had to cancel her entire trip because I'm sick. Of course, I'm thrilled! Not about being sick. I don't even notice that, to be honest, but about mom staying home. Yes!
You get your daddy all happy and healthy, and I get my mommy all here!
That is FANTASTIC news.. we are so glad your dad's catscan results were ok! Yayyy... we are so so happy for all of you..
oh boy, Teka is doing her JRT dance for your Daddi. We are so glad to hear your news. I hope all of you sleep a bit better tonight.
hi Asta, we're so happy for you and very very very tail-waggin' happy that your Daddy is good for 6 more months. Yippee Woofie! it's good to see you happy and chipper again.
Hi, Asta.
I can understand how happy you are! We are so happy too knowing that your dad is ok!
thanks for sharing the good news!
Congratulations on your award too!
And thank you so much for your beautiful card. I got it today!
Have a good night
Oh Asta,
I was so happy to hear that your Daddy is okay that I ran around the house like a lunatic. This is what I do when I'm happy I run laps around the house. I can't wait till Santa Paws comes. I keep checking the windows, but nothing so far.
That is the BEST news ever! Give your daddy a big smoochie from us!
ChaChi and JET
Our dearest little one,Well.I think you just got all you need for your presents!! Please give your Pop a GIANT smooch and hug from us, a big smooch to yourMom and of course a big smooch to you!!! PARTY!!!!!!! Love and kisses A+A
Glad to hear that your pop is okay!!! You look sooo happeee in that picture...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
That's great news. Just stopping by to wish you and your pawrents a great Christmas and the best New Year!
Whoooosies.....we were soooo worried that ur Dad might have swallowed kitties or somethin' all breathed a sigh of terrier relief! Kisses to you sweet Asta, and hope Santi fills up that orange stockin' for ya!!!
WAY TOO many terrer barks....
S, L, & Babystan
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