a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Hi Evewyone
My pawents got invited to a boxing day pawty..I don't know what it means, but just in case I got out my gloves and twied to twain fow boxing.........

Ow maybe it means that i get put in a box???
What I hope it weally means is that some of my fwiends put themselves in boxes and awe sending themselves to me..this is the tewwiew bunch..I hope the west awwive soon...hehehehave a gweat day all my dawling fwiends, smoochie kisses,Asta
Pleas mail youw selves to me if that's what it means to have boxing day..Thank you vewy much


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are so funny Asta! This is very unusual - I am first to comment! Most of the time there would be millions of your friends here already. I love boxes, I am getting in one to get myself mailed to you! Hope you had a great Christmas!

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahaha - this is priceless!!! How wonderful - very funny, Asta!
We wish you very happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
Karl and the rest from The Cat Realm

Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Asta

I never realised you were a boxer dog.

Your confused (full of turkey) English friend.

Charlie Boy

Patience-please said...

I'm boxing myself up and then I run into a problem. When I get in the box, I can't get the box to the postal officers.
Well, I'm working on the solution.

Sammy I Ammy whippet

Duke said...

I running to find a box right now, Asta! Mom is going to tape me inside the box and ship me to your house! Be on the lookout for me, okay?

Yer friend,

Peanut said...

We don't have a box big enough for me to mail myself but I have a box I can fit flash in and mail him to you. Expect him soon.

Koobuss said...

Oh kousin Asta,

I'm already in a box and on my way! What a good time we are all going to have! This boxing day stuff is lots of fun. I really like it!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Gus said...

I like your version of boxing day much better than muzzer's. But I am glad to know the terriers are there and ready to pawty.

My Gpapa is a golden gloves champ ('35 I think)if you need a trainter. He taught E.rabbit and E.beth to box. hehehe funny


Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

I'm looking through our boxes to find one I'll fit in. I'd love to come visit you again. Your St. Nicholas party was so pawsome!

Your pal,

Faya said...

Oh ! C'est quoi Boxing Day ? Ici on n'a pas ça..... mais on avait congé aussi...
Bisous, Faya

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I don't know anything about Boxing Day and I am not a terrier either but sure I'd love to be boxed and be send to your house!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

You would be one great boxer, but who could hit such a cute face, you'd be undefeated!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, love your boxing outfit, you're a knock out! Hehehe! I've found a nice big box to mail myself over to you. Can I bring some toys to destroy too? J x

Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

Unfortumately I am clausterphobic and so I can't ride in a box ... Particularly if there is tape involved ... So I will have to try and get to your house in a different way, K? I will work on it!


Putter ...:)

Snowball said...

Asta, can you ask aireruby to deliver the boxes cos the normal air mial here take at least 2 weeks to reach NYC. I am not sure if I want to stay in the box for so long and I am not sure if I can make it past the custom doggies...


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Aste you look GREAT!!! Love the outfit!! Good time it was Christmas, I have my choice of Box!! I think Mom has wrapping paper left...so look for the box with wrap on it.

Luna - tic

PeeSs. Mom says she send some Christmas Cookies with me. Hope they make it...

Mack said...

I would really like to send myself to you, but mom said UPS doesn't deliver anything that heavy. Very funny mom!
I really like your outfit - you're a boxing superstar!

Par said...

Thats alot of box, can I take one home :P

Daisy said...

Asta, you are the cutest little boxer I ever did see. I am searching for a box that I can fit into, and then I will try to see where they keep the stamps. Because I would like to visit you!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

seems like malaysia don't celebrate boxing day @ all..

i wanna put on my gloves....grrr..

I'm wana be ROCKY !

Ferndoggle said...

Mom said we're going to celebrate Boxers Day! It was Dave's (Ao4) idea. He's a very smart Husky.


Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you look great in your boxing outfit Asta!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber said...

Hey Asta, I want to try to box myself over to your house!!

Amber :)

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh now we know the true meaning of boxing day, we need to find boxes and mail ourselves to your place Asta. We're on our way!

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Agatha and Archie said...

OK we are coming down the postal chute now,its a little bumpy but we should be there shortly............ARCHIE.....quit crowding me..................a+a

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we are gonna sniff around our house to find a box that we will fit in... looking in the closet... looking under the bed... looking in the kitchen cupboards ... - what's that? more hidden treats? **munch munch** ... time for a nap now, full tummy... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Asta, looks like 2 cat boxes are coming your way. Listen for the 'mieows' coming from the boxes. Bet you Daisy is going to arrive in a stylish one.

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta! You're so funny!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That sounds like a pawsome idea. I should send myself in a box to you!

~ Girl girl

Luc and Remy said...

You're a funny one, Asta! Hope you had a great Boxing Day! We think we'll go box each other around now!

Happy New Year!

Ben & Darling said...

Happy belated boxing day!!!

I love the 2nd one, the BOXing day. HEhehe

Stanley said...

Asta Sweetpea!

You look so completely HOT in your boxing gear. You'll distract your opponent so much they'll never get a shot off (if you ever box anydog).

I noticed Bob T Bear is part of the terrier group (I saw him peaking out of the corner there). Glad to hear it. It was a bit of a bumpy ride for me, but Stella had a blast in her box!

Thanks for having us over. We always love coming for a visit with YOU!

Goober love & smooches,

Headgirl said...

What a good post!
LOL here.
I like your take on Boxing day so much better than mine.

Pats & pets

Christine and FAZ said...

WOWWEE - that is some Boxing Day you had. FAZ

p.s. I slept mainly

Sassy Kat said...

Come on over today and be at the pool with me. I am planning on staying for awhile there and all are invited. I will post about it when I am done being lazy at the pool, that might be a few days. It is really relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Mom said she is worried I'll get sick or lost in the mail so she won't put me in there...she is sending Dad instead.


Jan Price said...

You're funny, Asta. You look like you would make a good boxer.

It's nice to have so many friends to invite to box themselves over for a party.

jan's funny farm

Juno said...

hahaha... Asta!! I love these photos!!!

Momo & Pinot