In the meantime, this last weekend, Daddi thwew a suwpwise belated Birfday pawty fow Mommi..and all ouw good fwiends showed up, and of couwse I had to be hostess fow that you can imagine I've been tewwibly busy..Ooh I didn't even mention that I'm also in pwoduction with my cat fwiends on the latest CCSI episode, and then thew awe the millions of chwistmuss cawds to wite....
anyway that's my excooses out of the way...
Just checking to make suwe I have evewything I need fow the pawty
I'm imitating Mommi..this is oosually what she looks like at pawties(only not as fuzzy)
BlahBlahBlah..hoomans nevew seem to get tiwed of talking..I'd wathew go eat
YUM YUM YUM let the yummies come flying into my mouf!
Mostly we just had cheeses and salmon mousse and pate and bweads fow wasn't a dinnew...xept if you ate enough of it, like me..well then it was
This was Mommi's birfday's a chestnut cake and light as aiw..thewe wewe no candles on it, cause she's so old that they would covew up the whole cake,and we didn't want to waste any of the fwosting on candles..miammmmmmmmm
All the giwls wewe looking at the cool stuff Mommi got..she got a gweat fox tewwiew pin, and a doggie scawf...I bet they wish it was theiws
I was vewy comfy in the big chaiw, so unkel Tony sat on the floow...well it's only faiw
It's so nice that thewe awe some fwiends you can aways count on..auntie Kawen nevew wefooses to shawe
You know if you'we not going to finish that cheese, I'd be happy to help clean it up,hehehehe
Aftew most hoomans had left, auntie Kawen,Mommi and I had a good gossip about the wibbon had come undone, but by then I didn't cawe
I finaly falled asneep...the last hooman left at 4:30, and Mommi insisted on still cleaning up, but I only helped with mowal suppowt, I was just too tiwed
Rules:Link to the tagger and post these rules on your blog. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Asta's Mommi:
1-I haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up yet..and it's nearly over...I spent 6 years at UCLA and all I did was eat chili dogs, write letters to my boyfriend in VietNam, and read novels(Anna Karenina during physics class)...I have no idea how I graduated
2-actually I wanted to study anything to do with art, but wound up in the sciences, and somehow every job I've ever had was in a different field(fashion, photographer's assistant, dental hygienist(yuck-for ten years),designing jewelry, managing a restaurant,managing a furniture store, lighting store.............)
and all I wanted to do was paint..I was in various galleries for the last 20 or so years, and had exhibits and great times..I love to paint, but the selling is a chore.(and who has time when you're blogging) .......currently I have no gallery, and just sell to old faithful clients
3-I never had any pets until I moved to New York,when I got a WFT and fell in love and couldn't imagine life without one ever again
4-I fell in love with my husband the night I met him and would have run off with him instantly(that was 33 years ago) (it took me a year to convince him though)
5-I was born in Budapest and lived there until I was 8 and was "liberated" out by the russians,lived in BernSwitzerland for three years, Grand Rapids MI for two, Los Angeles for 20, and now New York till they throw me out
Thank you Asta for letting me use your bloggie for this silly self I would like to tag Scruffy and Lacie's Mom, Gussie's Muzzer, Stanley's Girl,Koobie's Mom,and Jake and Just Harry's Mom....if the doggies are willing of course
Now thats what we call a "grown-up" pawty! Happy Barkday to your mamma, Asta and we wish her many, many more :-)
The FleasGang
woofies Asta, wow u has been busy...u jus a pawty girlie...lookies like u gots ur aunt karewn and unkel tony traineded rite....a pawsome pawty fur shure...
b safe,
;) lacylulu
Tu es une parfaite maîtresse de maison. Vraiment je me réjouis de venir faire la fête chez toi.
Pour les bougies, ici on dit qu'on ne les mets plus parce qu'elles coûtent plus cher que le gâteau...oups...
Bisous, Faya
My mom never has parties like that. I think it's because she has no friends. Oh and my mom used to be a dental assistant. She said even that job was kind of yucky.
You are quite the hostess Asta! My Mom laughed when she saw your uncle sitting on the floor...she has our uncles trained to do that too! So much good food at the pawty...hope you didn't get a tummy ache!
Oh, & my Mom ate a lot of chilidogs in college too. Something about "the munchies". I have the munchies all the time & I don't get any chili dogs!! What the heck???
Wow you look so much like your Mommi when you are sitting in that cHair. I don't think I have noticed the resemblence before.
Muzzer says OK, we will do it, but you gotta sent us your favorite holiday song, or we will run out!
Hi Asta
Thanks for dropping by my blog, I would be happy to be your English Poodle friend.
Your party looks like fun, humans always enjoy feeding us doggies when they think no one is looking!
I will add you to my Bloggers mates list.
Licks Charlie Boy
P.S. I don't have a problem with the French as my folks are working on their French as they have a house in the Dordogne.
You are always having nice parties at your place. Do wish your mom a very happy (belated)birthday from us. It has been raining with some thunderstorms in the last few days. No fun at all! But I did catch a mousie in the garden last night....
Asta, thank you for letting your Mommi borrow your blog for a little while. It is fun to learn a little about the person who is lucky enough to be yours!
Happy birthday to her, by the way! Looks like a great party. Did you want to bite your auntie Karen's neck wear? We would have!
Oooooh that cake looked soooo yummy!
bye for now our little hairy friend-
the whippet waggle
The birthday pawty, although its belated, its still really pawsome. The cake looks delicious. Yummmy... Is there anymore left to share? I am looking forward our St Nicholas Day Pawty.
Hi, Asta
You have been very busy! But sure the best part was your mom's party! Looks like everyone had a great time.
The cake.... mhhh! looks delicious. Believe me, my mom is drooling!
Tell your mom thanks for sharing those facts about her!
Have a good night
Hey Asta,
I always liked looking and reading about pawties at your house. That chestnut cake looks really great! Did your Mom bake it on her own? :)
PS : My Mom thinks your Mom is one cool lady.
Oooh you are a clever one!! You have all the food angles down pat,and with that face who could refuse??!! You should persuade your Mom to have LOTS of party!! Imagine the stuff you could eat!!! Love and kisses,A+A
You are always having good time parites at your house, Asta! And how nice was it of Tony to let you sleep on the chair?! I think he deserves lots of kisses for that! :-)
I think you guys have the very best parties ever! Wow. The food makes me drool! I am sure Babs would love to bring some champagne to your gatherings.
Babs said she loved reading about your Momma. She sounds lovely, smart, honest, and witty. You are very lucky to have her as your Momma.
Your last post, the very serious cause, was horrifying. I am so glad that you have increased the awareness of such a tragedy. How could they send those dogs back to that breeder?
Happy B day to your Mom!!!! Looks like ya all had a good time.
I must say that I was a little sad to see a cigarette in your little paw. We do have a non smokin set and was so surprised to see ya with one. I know what ya do on your time is on no concern to me but I have had a mention to me from some of the crew that your sweet voice was soundin a little raspy. Maybe until the show airs ya might not want to keep puffin, it is up to ya but it would be so sad if ya lost your voice and couldn't perform. You have worked so hard we need ya, don't let us down.
Stop on by I have the main characters in CCSI II featured. Thanks for all the long hours of resheral.
Oh Asta, you always has pawty at home, how great is that. Happy belated birthday to your mom and she is beautiful and she always look elegant...
My mom has something in common too. She always loves art & design but she end up studying science then Mass Communication.....and now working in a freight forwarding field....
Anywhere, have a great day!!
Oh that cake looks DELISH!
That looks like a fabulous surprise party for your ma - i bet she appreciates all your help.
Sounds like your mummy has led a very interesting life.
What a fun pawty and you really can imitate your mummy. hee And it's really interesting to read about your mom. You're her first pet. :)
~ Girl girl
Great pawty, great food & yummy cake! Did your mommy give you any food?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Droooooooooooooolllll...oh Asta...that cake looks sooo good! Perhaps ur mommy didn't eat all of it and there might be some left for the howliday pawty!! Scruffy has been practicing the peeeanoo and I've been singing round the house all day. It's gonna be a fun time!! Scruffy and I are gonna bring some of that hot mulled cider on Aire Ruby...I think Scruffy has plans for that cider, but I better not go there! Mumsie sat at Kinkos and printed out the holiday dog cards tonight...even some special one that ur mom wanted. Hmm...that's rather embarrassing. So I got a little confused.
Stay toasty, Girl!
Hey Asta, what a pawsome pawty! And that chestnut cake looks so delish. It was very good of you to let your mum borrow your blog for her 5 random facts.
Don't worry I'll be back in time from the Victorian tea party to attend your pawty! I've just booked my seat on AireRuby. J x
oh asta that was SOME party you had, I don't even know what 430am looks like but maybe we will find out at our big DWB pawty at your place?!
Looks like another chic party atr your house. I hope you're rested and ready for your party tomorrow Asta!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
You look like a Christmas present all wrapped up in your red ribbon, so cute.
Simba xx
Asta, no wonder you're busy. There is so much going on at your place. The pawty for your mum looked like fun. Love the read ribbon.
Your mum sure has had an interesting life. Thanks for sharing it with us Asta's mum.
The piccie of you imitating your mum is hilarious....we love it.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
We loved reading all that neat stuff about your mom! You're so nice to share your blog with her, Asta!
And what a hostess you are! Your pawties go well into the next morning, don't they!
And we HAVE to comment on that chestnut cake! ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We always love looking at your apartment and the wonderful festivities that happen there! You are such a gracious hostess; your mommi is lucky to have you help out!
We told Mom about the tag -- and she said, if we agree, she'll respond with a few things about herself. I bet it's stuff we never knew so we can't wait!!.
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Asta! Thanks for visiting my blog to read my review of CCSI. I will be doing another review for the newest episode after it premieres. Happy belated birthday to your mommy. It looks like you had quite a party! My doggie brother and sister borrowed my blog for Wordless Wednesday today if you care to stop by and see them. Happy Holidays! Purrrrs.
Oh kousin Asta,
What a great pawty your Mommi had! All that wonderful food!! It must be hard for you to restrain yourself.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to your Mommi! When I see her I'll give her lots of Koobuss birthday kisses!
It was nice reading all the facts about you Mommi. I'll tell my Mom. She's not as interesting as yours. In fact, she's pretty dull. I don't think there are five things. HeHe...
See you at your pawty.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Astaroni Sweetpup!
You are so very good at imitating your mommi's pawty position. I hope it cracked her up even half as much as it did my girl! I think you look ravishingly chic and so relaxed. (Was your glass empty because you had just downed the contents?)
Can't wait to come for the pawty Thursday. It's so festive at your house!
I really want access to whatever training program you have used with unkel Tony & auntie Kawen! (Or, is it just your sweet smile that does it?)
As always, truckloads of birthday smooches to you and your mommi (never too late for more birthday smooches).
And, I will let my girl post some facts about herself (if I can get her to do it). I accept the challenge on her behalf.
Goober love,
Your Stanley Boy
What an pawsome pawty. You are the hostess with the mostest. You look lovely in your red bow. Tell your momma happy birthday from us.
xoxoFour Pugz
Asta, you are such a busy little bee! And you look adorable in your pretty red ribbon. Happy belated birthday to your mommi!
Asta, that looks like a fabulous party you had for your mom! My mom and I enjoyed reading her facts, too. I can't wait for tomorrow!
Your friend, Lenny
Oh my goodness Asta, you look so bootiful in your ribbon! Tell your mommabean that i hope she had the best berfday ever! I know that its gotta be, cuz you all look so happy!
oh my Asta, your old lady must be as old as my "old" lady, Jeannie from that history there!
Yay, glad we have similar aged pawrents, my Jeannie tells every Dog and Pup she was "a child bride" but my Dad gets very fed up with this!
I liked learning all about your family. New York sounds really cool Jeannie wants to know if you ever have been to "Central Perk" coffee shop, I have no idea what she is talking about my "friend"!!!!!!!
love and laughing Scottish Licks,
Your Paw Pal, Marvin xxxxx
Hey Asta, I can see quite a few of my blogging kitty pals are visiting you. You are such a well-liked, popular woofie! Did I mention that your photo on Sassy's publicity feature for the show is absolutely stunning? See you at the party soon.
Asta, you must have had a great time at your mom's birthday party! Say happy birthday to her for me, okay?
All that food looks delicious, I wish I could get my paws on it all! Especially that cake... I hope everyone really enjoyed it!
Hello Asta's mom, we knew that you had a birthday not a long ago but never had a chance to say anything and felt bad...
Happy Belated Birthday, Asta's mom!! I am glad there was a surprised pawty organized by Asta's daddy!!! :)
Asta, i read your autobiography on Sassy's blog and we are very impressed!
Momo & Pinot
belated bifday to asta mommi!
wet wet licks
What a bootiful pawty...You did an excellent job as hostess...just like always! I love that first picture of you impersonating your Mom - hee hee hee! Looked like the night was tons of fun.
Those facts about your Mom are very interesting!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wishing your Mom a very happy (belated) birthday! It looks like she a wonderful party. We love the photo of you with the wine glass and smoke! You are so funny.
We better get back to the set. There is an early call today.
Opus and Roscoe
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