I was so excited as my fwiends fwom awound the wowld showed up fow my pawty, I could hawdly stand it!
The woom was wawm and festive, we had a big twee, a bootiful menowah, lots of soft places to sit,and a table full of yummies..evewydoggie, hammie, cat and beaw wewe in the mood to stawt the holidays off with a bang.
The LadyMawia came without the west of the whippet waggle..they wewe gwounded bacause of a pwiow incident, and poow Sam I Am had to stay in the van that he dwove..I took him some blankies and a heatew, but he still was pwetty cold..I felt tewwible fow him.
So many fwiends came it was amazing! Harry bwought along baby Cassidy, but I think he must have had jet lag, cause as soon as he got comfy and the wawmth of the woom hit him, he fell asneeep,hehe
Fig bwought Petwa to her fiwst pawty evew..they insisted on sitting with Balboa
Snowball,Goofy,Chiyo,Boo Huskee, and Dopey aways seem to have a lot to talk about..they hang out so much at home,I weally think they should mingle mowe..
Scruffy and Lacie came as waindeew(we all had a good laugh ovew Scruffy's antlews which keft slipping fowawd , making him look a lot like Napoleon.
ChaChiLu and Jet found a gweat place on top of the sofa to obsewve evewything
Baby Stella sat next to Taffy who bwought hew a wed cawnation in his teef...Pinot , the youngest baby stayed close to them and looked awound with big eyes twying to take it all in.
Peanut was a little shy at fiwst and just stuck his head awound the cownew..I think he's still having sepewation anxiety fwom his Dadd going to Iwaqu, but he slowly joined us all in the fun when he saw how welcome he was.Stanley and Teka wewe aweady pwacticing theiw singing fow the cawoling to come
Noah and his sisters wewe so faw fwom home and fascinated by all the stwange customs..they awe the best behaved aiwedales I've met
Brody and Benson of the 4Bs made themselves comfy wight away..they awe such sweeties...
Snickers and Gussie wewe insepawable as oosual(whewe is that wing??could this be the occasion?)
Lola hung out with Butchy, and set tongues a wagging,heh..but then she is such a Diva that all the boyz go cwazy fow her
Penny and Shewman made fwiends with Keeley who sat neaw them..
The fouw puggies bwought theiw own pillow, just to be suwe they'd be comfowtable..they had nevew been hewe and didn't know what the woom would be like.
Ozzy and Rocky even showed up...they wew'nt suwe they wewe coming, but then Rocky was feeling bettew so they came!!!Tad wowe his special shiwt and sweatew outfit, and looked gweat as aways! he was still a lttle sad about Fig hanging out with Petwa...but we al twied to cheew him.
Zorra took a quick nap ,even though BenBen kept talking to him.... ,while Col.Sam and Katie found comfy places to sit.
Lenny , who looks soo comfowtable when he welaxes up against a pillow, sipped dwinks and talked about moosic descwibing the owigins of the Chwissmuss and Chanukah songs we wewe going to be singing. KousinKoobie ,Molly and I ,just welaxed and listened to tall the intewesting talk.
Flash couldn't keep his eyes off the food and kept licking his lips in anticipation of all the eatables
Dunstan showed up at the last minute, he hid in Jackson's luggage, I guess being neaw Lacie was just too much of a temptation to wesist.
Fow the fiwst time some of my cat fwiends came to pawty with us...I wanted them to be comfowtable and made some of Daisy's special peanut -buttew-lizawd sandwiches fow them..she stawted to eat one almost immediately..,but Momo and Opus and Roscoe, wewe content to hang out neaw the fiwe and just obsewve fow a while. Opus and Roscoe, thought they had missed the pawty, cause theiw flight fwom italy was delayed, but in the end..it was still in full swing, when they awwived.
Well all was weady fow the fun to begin!
Scruffy and Lacie bwought the biggest mistletoe-ball to hang fwom the ceiling..and Lacie stawted things off with ten minute wesewvations fow the boyz to come stand undew it with hew...then we wewe taught the dweidl game by Axel, and fwom then on, thewe was nevew a dull moment.

We had lots of snowball fights and a few of us twied slipping awound on the ice..to my gweat suwpwise and delight, Jackson was well enough to play ice hockey with Joey the pug, and a couple of wirey boys,Romeo and Scruffy!
Axel ,Jake and Just Hawwy (in theiw smashing yalmukas),as well as Archie and Agatha all came stwaight fwom celebwating Chanukah!
The puggies,Cricket and Daisy wewe all snuggly in theiw fuw coats.....
Of couwse my fwiends fwom Nowway,Nimbus, Bajas and Coco wewe wight at home, as was Faya who had a gweat game of tug with Lacie.
Joe in his new pawka finally had his snuggle time with Sophie laBwadow,
Bailey,Baxter and Benson wan aftew balls like cwazy..
speaking of balls Spawky wouldn't let go of his, and Butchy bwought along his football twying to tempt AmberMae to play, but she was too comfy lying awound....Keeley and Ume wewe playing hide and go seek..Col. Sam, and Zorra showed off theiw high jumping abilities, but Pacco was too cold to do it.
Maggie and Mitch wewwe smawt and wowe theiw new chwissmuss scawves to keep them wawm..Mitchy's feet kept sliding out fwom undew him on the ice...
Kirby looked totally comfowtable and used to the snow since he's fwom Chicago..it didn't fase him
Lola and Penny huddled togethew,I think maybe they wewe cold...Snickers twied to keep Gussie wawm ,aftew all he is fwom sunny Azwizona and not used to this kind of weathew.
Ezzy and Jagew wewe vewy fittingly attiwed in antlews..pawfect fow snow!
Puttew had snow all ovew hew bootiful face...Bruin looked fowmal as oosual.
Rudy loved sliding on the ice ,he's such an athlete.
I twied to get Stanley to pwefew me to his flamingo..it was hawd,hehehe
Lorenza wisely came in one of hew Gwamama's pawfect coats..she looked not only wawm ,but totally elegant!
Anothew fwiend who wasn't used to this cold was Charlie, the bootiful new collie fwiend fwom Osstwalia, but was so bwave and wanted to expewience the snow at it's fluffiest.
Little Clover and Cassidy both looked a little scawed of all the commotion and the cold too..
Randi, Marvin and Wally somehow managed to find sunny spots to just plop down in and sip wawm gwog...Ralph took the othew way of keeping wawm..wun like the wind!
Opus and Roscoe bwought theyw sleigh all the way fwom Italyand snuggled wawmly while watching evewyone,now that looks like fun!
I think we all agweed snow is lots of fun to play in..and this pwepawed us fow the upcoming skating pawty on Butchy and Snickers big fwozen pond.

What a gweat time we had!! Scruffy and Pacco both played the piano with me( I was dweaming of Stanley who was close by..and missed quite a few notes, so it was a good thing that I had some help fwom the guys)..accompanied by GirlGirl who bwought hew gowgeous pink violin!
Not to be outdone,Mitch andJackson also bwought theiw violins,and suwpwised us all with theiw accomplished playing...Koobie bowwowed his Gwampa's hawmonica, and FwasiePoo had his guitaw..Noah intwoduced us to the sounds of his didgewidoo fwom his native Osstwalia and all was accompanied by Daisy the cuwlyCat's dwumming viwtoo-ow-soty. In a pwotest Joe and Tannew left theiw dwums at home! and just pouted on the mantel.
Bob T.Beaw munched on his iwish soda bwead with huney(he bwought enough fow all of us) and tuwned the moosic pages fow me on the piano....
My Cat fwiends Sitka and Willow found comfowtable high spots to sit on..they'we still a little afwaid of so many doggies in one place.But my fwiend Sassy cat sat unafwaid by the fiwe and enjoyed the company of so many fwiendz.
Butchy and Snickers changed into the thiwd outfit of the night(they awe the best dwessed doggies along with Lorenza) ..having youw own pawsonal kootoowiaiw helps a lot..unless youw a kagillionaiw,heheh
The bawkalots Boyz, Jake and Just Harry looked gweat in theiw channukah hats
SirChance and Kirby wawmed each othew by the fiwe(have you seen Chance's gowgeous tail???) Sherman looked vewy festive in his wed and white collaw, as did Ruby, that evew styish giwl in hew santa hat!
Maggie of So.Cal. was a little ovew enthoosed about the punch,hehehehe
Lacie's othew admiwew(thewe awe so many it's hawd to keep twack), Seymouw nevew left hew side.
Hercules, Silly Suki, Momo,Molly,Sophie , Agatha and my fwiend BoBo(you wemembew hew fwom my summew vacation..well she came up fow the pawty fwom Nowth Cawolina, but kept looking at the clock, cause she had a stwickt cuwfew)
anyway they all sang theiw heawts out..sometimes with mowe enthoosiasm than moosical talent..
Maggie,Mitch,Rudy,LacyLulu,Marvin,Sitka,Dopey, The LadyMaria, and the fouw puggies Buster Pugsley, Cricket, and Daisy and sang with a little mowe westwaint.
One of the highlights of the evening was a ballet solo by Magic Fee(Maximova Fedewina..aka Pooty McPoooooot)

a violin
a didgeridoo
a harmonica
a couple of scawves
a pawka santa hat
sevewal socks
some antlews
a knit hat
a dweidl
and some stains by someone who shall wemain unnamed..my lips awe sealed Joey,heheheh
Hi Asta girl...
Wow...that was totally the best pawty yet I think - and there have been quite a few. I had the bestest time!!!! It was a little chilly in the big apple, but everyone's friendship kept me warm!!!
Thanks for being a great hostess!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Géant ! Fantastique ! Merveilleux ! Asta encore une fois merci pour ton hospitalité, tu es une hôtesse fabuleuse. Tu remercieras également tes parents pour leur gentillesse et les papouilles.... Je vais me reposer maintenant, le voyage était long et mouvementé !
Bisous à tous, Faya
Thanks for the card
Frankie Doodles
Asta! You sure know how to throw a rockin' party. I had a fantastic time. Thanks for inviting me, and letting me play the drums. I am exhausted today.
Um, when I was eating my peanut butter and lizard sandwich, I think I might have dropped a lizard on the floor by mistake. I hope your mom does not step on it.
hahah..we love those pic..
i shld hv brought along my sweater...is definately cold out there
Hey Asta, what a pawsome pawty you had. I really missed out a great pawty. You parents are great! they're not angry with the mess.
Have a nice weekend!
We had such a wonderful time. We were so upset that we might have missed everything because of delayed flight. You were the perfect hostess and made every cat and dog feel right at home. We have read so much about your friends and we were soooo happy to have the chance to meet them in person! We really enjoyed watching your snowball fight from our sleigh, you guys were CRAZY with the snow!
The hot chocolate by the fireside was the perfect way to warm back up.
We feel bad about the condition of your home. You would like us to come over and help clean up?
Tanti baci bella Asta!
Opus and Roscoe
OMG! OMG! Asta!
It was such greatest ever fun!!!!!!!! The pawty was the best I have ever even been too!!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
For sure the biggest bang party yet....thank you, and your summary is...well...just prefect!
Is the furnace okay today?
Do you think you might throw a new years eve party in the big apple? We might be able to attend that one. Sounds like everydoggie and kitty and hamster had a super time.
The FleasGang
What a party, Asta! Thanks for being such a wonderful hostess. NYC is awesome and I had a great time! And those were some tasty drinks...
Your friend, Lenny
Thanks for the pawty. I had so much fun and all teh food are Yummylicious!
OMD, Asta-girl!!!
That was the bestest pawty! You're pawsome host as always. Thank you for your welcome cookies to my little brudder. He was a bit shy in the begining but he enjoyed the pawty as much as I did!!
i love these pictures. Another great memory with you and our friends!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Asta, we had the best time ever. You're description of the pawty is amazing, you remembered every single detail. Gosh it was a laugh though. We're exhausted now and think we'll sleep for a week.
Thanks to Ruby for the lift too. I think we're still jet lagged.
Thanks to your mum for putting up with us all, she's the best. Hope her nice art deco table is in one piece.
Oh if you wouldn't mind sending the didge back that would be great. We'll fix you up for postage.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
I LOVED your party, Asta! It was my first ever, and I can't wait for another one!
We had the best time ever!
WOW that waz the maddest party I hav ever bin to! Wa-heyyyy!!!! Sorry abowt the staynes but hey, it's ownly meltid choklit, onnist! Heheheee! I did try to lik sum ov it up, but I thort I'd leev a bit there for yu! Hehehee!
It waz grayte!
Carnt wayte for the next wun! Nex time I'm bringin enuff pants for evrywun to hav a grand old frolic in!
We had a wonderful time,Asta! You put so much thought and preparation into this pawty and it was just a blast! Mitch loved the ice skating! That was his favorite part and I loved the socializing and there was sure lots of that! The food was fabulous - everything was just perfect! You did an AWESOME job!
BTW, Mitch did forget to bring his violin home. We remembered half way home that he'd forgotten it and the limo driver didn't want to turn around! Can you even imagine! Maybe you can stop it by next time you're in CT!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOW, what a party that was. I had so much fun. I can't wait to do this again next year.
And wow, you have such a great memory writing down everything that happened, your so talented Asta.
Frenchie Snorts
Hi, Balboa's mom here
I couldn't help but wonder if someone from outside DWB read this they just wouldn't get it. But for us here at DWB it makes total sense, and I can really see that happening~or maybe I'm just a little crazy,
Karen :)
we had such a wonderful time Asta! I am sorry about the stains, but I just couldn't help myself, its what I do! I am glad everyone had a great time, and I am glad I got to hang out with Sophie, she is a special lady. I don't think I was ever as cold as I was in that snow, but I will brave it again for the skating party!
We did, we did, have an absolutely pawsome time. We woke up wondering whether we really did smooch so many lovey ladies or if it was just a furry fantasy. But then we saw the photos and said to each other -- see, it was real, we were really there.
Asta, please thank your parents for us for letting us all have such a great time. And you were an the perfect hostess, both beautiful and gracious!
Wirey love from your pals,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Asta! You are the hostess with the mostess! Thank you so much for the FABULOUS St. NICHOLAS PAWTY! I had an absolute blast! I loved sipping that drinkie & watching the pawty-doggies all have such a great time! Thank you for the commentary on what everyother pup was doing..I think I was too busy drinking in the corner!
Love & Licks,
Asta, Asta....It's Mumsie...Scruffy and Lacie and obviously Seymour are in NO condition to comment tonight. They got in late this morning...Aire Ruby had great difficulty landing in the snow here in Pittsburgh...so they stayed on the plane to Austrailia and back. I'm pretty sure they finished up ALL of the hot cider...at least Seymour did....they had to CARRY him up the driveway...he wasn't even able to be wheeled.
I hope my fur children behaved last night and helped you clean at least some of the things up. Scruffy's antlers seem to be missing, but they might still be in the suitcase.
Your roving reporter account of the party was amazing! Scruffy and Lacie loved the pix you posted. Um...Scruffy's tooth seems to be missing....I think he might have kissed a puck from the hockey game. If you see it, send it back...we'll replant it.
Oh, and do you have any idea how Lacie's lips got so incredibly chapped?????? She's not usually so sensitive to cold air...or something...
They are sound asleep...
Best wishes to your parents for the use of your home and the mess everyone made....
Well as always you were the perfect hostess!! I can not get over how many batches of pawtinis we made!!! Archie just said to tell you something but he is stammering so and blushing I can't understand him....We want you to keep the dreidel!! You can use it as a dreidel or a stuffie....Thank your parents again for a lovely time. Isn't Lacie THE FUNNIEST!!!!) We are going to sleep for a week...Love + kisses(ARCHIE stop blushing) A+A
woofies asta girlie, wooooooooooweeeeeeeeeee watt a pawty!!! and how does u member it sooo good...me wuz almost gone after the 3rd pawtini....mama keepeded askin me, lacylulu r u drunk??? whooo me, not me mama....hehee...me had a pawtastic time...me sorrwy ur place wuz shuch a mess...
b safe,
pp's me likie dat idea of a new years pawty dar, me votes yessssssss!!!!!
What a party!!! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures with us, Asta! I love the one where we are all in the snow! Oh, what fun it was!
That was the greatest and biggest pawty!!! wow... I just can't wake myself up this morning!!!
Hi, Asta.
Thanks! sure it was a great party and I had the chance to meet many DWB friends that I've never met before!
Our DWB family is growing and growing!
Thanks again
Asta Baby! It was the most fantastic party ever in the history of parties!!! And even MORE impressive is your memory of all that happened and the way you capture it all in pictures! I am SO IMPRESSED!
THANK YOU for a great time!
Oh asta your party was so so so so so fun. I am glad I went it was great. Flash and I think this was the best party we've been too.
Thanks for having it.
Oh my dearest dear Asta hairier-
What a lovely evening! You and your parents went to such great lengths to host us. And your mommi photographer must have stayed up all night in her dark room - magnifico!!!!!
I do so regret not being able to stay and help with the post party tidying; I thought that rascal Sam I Am had learned his lesson, and I feared his catching pneumonia. Imagine my great surprise when he was toasty warm, smelling of grog, and all dreamy eyed, muttering about "smoochie kisses"???
warmest regards-
Lady Maria of the whippet waggle
Kousin Asta,
Your pawty was great, as always. You did your usual fine job of preparing and putting on such a terrific time for all of us. You are a superb hostess, Asta, handling all those guests with such grace and ease. The food was excellent, the activities were fun, and the music was pawsome.
As for the harmonica, maybe I could stop by someday and pick it up. Don't tell grandpa that I left it there. He didn't know I took it. He has another one, so I am hoping that he doesn't miss this one.
Once again, thank you for everything.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
We all sure had a sooooper pawsome time at your place! I'm sooo glad I didn't miss out your pawty. Oh my, I actually finally got to feel & taste snow! Oh my, it sure was cold there! The snow sure tasted abit musky & strong. I wonder if somedoggy peed on the part I tasted, hmmm... Oh, the room doesn't look that bad. I('m sure it wasn't that hard for your parents to clean up the place.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Sweet Asty-roni-a-gogo!
Thank you for inviting me to your pawty! I had a blast! You are sweeter to me than candy, and don't be mad at my bruzzer, pleez. He was very nervous bout me being with so many doggies, and he brought his flamingo as a kind of pacifier for himself (he likes to chew on something when he's nervous), and as a way to lure me back if I got too far away from him.
Please tell your mommi & daddi I was not finished giving them kissies at the time Stanley ushered me out the door. Next time I will stay to help clean up.
Goobette lovin' & kissies,
Hello asta.
It is scenery of a wonderful party.
The world of the snow arrives at Christmas.
Work there is praiseworthy.
I feel dream time.
Please spend a wonderful weekend. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hey Asta, what a pawsome pawty! Sorry for leaving you with all that cleaning and tidying, I should have made Seymour and Dunstan stay and help you! J x
Hi Asta
That looked like a pawsome party, so many guests, your apartment must have been chocka.
Mega licks
Charlie Boy
p.s. you looked very very cute waiting for your guests in your pawty outfit.
None of those things are mine, but if no one claims the violin can I have it? I'm thinking of getting lessons.
Simba xx
hi asta.. us we could not go to your party that we have seen has been Nice.. the jefa was at home and we stayed with her, the next will not fail to go.
thanks for the invitation
a big hug
oh Asta, the "gwog" was just amazing, although a little strong! But your pawty was just the best.
Thanks for inviting me!
Your Scottish Hound Friend, Marvin xxxxxxx
Dear, did you notice that my daughter Delia picked a watercolor of Union Square that her manservant painted quite a while ago, in honor of your extravaganza?It's on the sidebar,but the Servant is illiterate and doesn't know how to make it clickable to enlarge it.
ta ta-
the Lady Maria of the whippet waggle
What a party!!!! I had so much fun!!!
Dear Asta,
Oh my pug, your pawty was the event of the season!! We had a pawsome time. Your home/apt was so beautifully decorated we are still in awe. Kisses to a magnificant hostess.
xoxoFour Pugz
oh Asta, you are one of a kind!
that was a fun party. Benson overdid it though and is limping again this morning. that kid!
we want to thank you for your holiday card. how did you get in that snow globe??? it's very cute.
Wow, that looked like a full house!! It sounds like you had a blast :) Did I see some cats in attendance too?
Thanks Asta for a great party and a chance to meet your doggie friends and to catch up with my kitty friends. Love the group picture!
PS heard Karl's mom is dropping by to meet you. Say Happy Birthday to her from me, won't you?
Sweet Astaroni!
You are the best hostess, and everydog, hammie, cat & bear had a blast at your party.
It seems that you and I totally misunderstood one another at the pawty (I gathered this from your comments on my blog). I'll peemail you to talk it out.
By the way, before I say anything else to you, I can say that *I* don't think you need a new boyfriend. But, that's up to you.
Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanley Boy
Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net(www.provedorcrescenet.com) no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet(www.provedorcrescenet.com) in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.
Wow, Asta !!
What a pawsome pawty. I wish I could've come but my mum has been busy writing out all the Christmas cards, and I have been helping her. I'm real pleased you all had such a great time.
Love from Hammer
At the end of my post today there is information about the new CCSI Badge, ya can come on over to my place or Opus & Roscoe's and pick yours up if ya want. Hope to see ya on Tuesday, big day!!
Asta -
Thank you so much for the stunning Christmas card. We absolutely loved it.
Happy Holidays to YOU and your family.
I got your beautiful card yesterday...thank you!!
Dayum! I always miss parties. Somebody get me out of here!
The woman's laptop blew up and I was biting my foot all week! I mean, I know she's a digit head and all, but there were pieces and screws all over the place and I thought i was never going to get back online! But she pulled it off, can you believe it?
Awesome! You are truly the hostest with the mostest, Ms. Asta! I hope my sissy didn't leave any pus...
Asta sweetie, I have so much fun at the pawty!!! Eventhough I talk alot...I didnt notice that Zorra has been falled asleep....hehehe. Thanks for the pawty ya.
Hey, Asta,
We thought we would stop by and meet you. You already know Percy. He's elf Pepper Minstix in the latest CCSI production. We're all real excited for him.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
It's a pawsome pawty Asta. I love new york! I hope I can come visit you more often. Hee hope we didn't mess up your bootiful hose.
~ Girl girl
BEST PARTY EVER! I had the greatest time ever! You really know how to throw a great party!! I had some explaining to do when I got home, cuz Mommy was working in New Jersey last week and when she found out I was in NYC and didn't stop and see her, she was quite mad, but it doesn't matter, cuz I had so much fun. Thanks for including me!!
Your pal,
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