a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, February 22, 2008


we walked over to the cowner..the stweet got kind of slushy fwom the caws, but thewe was gweat snow in the little pawk
I HEAWD IT'S OUW BIGGEST SNOW FALL OF THE WINTEW..EIGHT INCHES!!!!!!!!! Mommi and I had to wun out and play..so we went ot the little pawk acwoss the stweet..the twouble is, I have to stay on the leash thewe
Thewe wewe all these little hoomans thewe, building a snowman..I wanted to play , but they didn't want to

DO I HAVE SNOW ON MY NOSE???????? I can't keep my eyes open it's so bwight..I wish I had doggles
Mommi and I decided to walk a couple of mowe blocks and go to ouw wun..it's fenced in and thewe I can take my leash offf..I knew thewe would be no one else thewe at that time of day, but it's still fun.



Par said...

I haven't been out yet, it is snow alot but looks like it pretty much melted in my area. I would take Pearly out but it's too dirty unless it snow for days and pile up.

Anonymous said...

Your mom said you were a silly bunny... I thought you were a doggie! ~Orlando Bun

Anonymous said...


You look bootiful and you sure had fun, wish we could have been with you and Mommi.

Stay warm my sweetie.



Love, hugs bellyrubs (very soon) & smoochies


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...you got your wish, Girlie!! SNOW for Asta! We got SLUSH. Somehow that doesn't inspire the same amount of JOY. It like gets stuck between my toes. Yeesh.
You look so focused out there...especially in ur park, bunny-hopping!!! Nora's coat is bootiful. I see she had the same sense of style you have.

Mumsie went over and "recovered" Babystan. She came back for a couple hours, as they make them stay half the day. She and Bruvver have to leave in a half and hour to bring that big boy home. He was in a cage next to another Airegirl. They were both dwugged and were makin' suggestive wemarks to eachother. I have his ice packs already and his sheets are clean and fragrant. His sheets are usually fragrant, but what he thinks smells good and what I do differs considerably.

We'll be talkin' to ya soonest, Girl!
Nursey barks,

Katherine and Pippa said...

Brrrrr. I don't know why you want to go out in the cold when you have a nice comfy apartment.


Duke said...

What fun you're having! We wish we could be there to race around with you, Asta! I think you got more snow than we did! It's sure pretty, isn't it?!
We love Nora's coat! It looks so colorful against the pure white snow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

The coat looks great on you and I am sure Nora would approve. you look like you are having so much fun in that snow. It is so cute to see you hopping all around like that!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

oh asta, you are so dang cute running in ALL THAT SNOW! i was laughing when you wanted to play with that little boy on his little car. i loved you running in circles when you were off your leash...cute cute cute! come play with gus bob!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, J1 wants to know if they make that dog coat in human sizes cos she loves it! J x

Gus said...

Oh, what a fun day you had! And how nice to have some private time at the doggie park with your mommi. We like the coat, and it is in your special colors too.


Tesla and Hansel said...

oh asta! i love your winter adventure! it was a lot of fun!

Kapp pack said...

We had lots of fun in the snow today too!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni Pupgirl O' Mine!!

I hurt my snout trying to jump through the pooter screen, I was so excited for you and wanted to share your romp! (I DID leave some goober juice art on the monitor, so at least my pain wasn't for nothing).

Those poor hooman pups had NO IDEA what they were missing, and you gave your best let's play wiggle and dance too. You were running LIKE THE WIND at the wun, and you sounded so funny grunting and snowplowing (all while stylishly wrapped in gorgeous polka dots). You're sassy & stylish. The ultimate urbanista pup!

I don't know if we'll ever get to play in the snow together, but maybe we'll get to swim or run at the wun someday!

Goober love & snowy smooches,
Your Stanley

Noah the Airedale said...

You're like a little bullet running around that run. How cute do you look!!!!!!!!
What was wrong with those silly kids, didn't they notice you wanted to say hello....sheesh!! They did build a cool snowman though.
You sure have a lot of snow there. Keep having fun ok.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Lacy said...

woofies Ms Asta...heehee dat wuz sooo coolies u wun and wun and wun...pawsonaly me likied da turn and twirl move..me didnt gits no snow...me coodnt it da one fingy to work, musta been when u wuz trwying to git dose kiddies to play...me hopies u gits to has fun like dat tomorrow too...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
This morning, we saw in the news all the snow you were going to get there in NY and at that moment we were thinking of you! Your wish was granted!
You look so happy in those videos!
I like your coat!
Enjoy your snow!
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

You had such a good time playing in the snow! Isn't it fun! I love to watch you run.

Did you really get eight inches of snow? We didn't get that much here. Glad you are finally able to have fun in it. It's your turn!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Hana said...

Oh my dog! Your sister sure had good taste! What an awesome coat! It's beautiful!

Simba and Jazzi said...

You are so lucky having all that snow to play in.

Simba x

Harry said...

What glorious fun you were having Asta, pure joy to watch you hopping around like the a little snow bunny! I think you look darling in Nora's coat, and much like if we wear Oscar's bandannas, I'm sure she is very happy.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Daisy said...

Asta, it was so much fun to see you run all around like a silly in the snow. You are always so joyful. And your jacket is very fashionable. I think Nora would approve of you wearing the coat.

Mack said...

You are really having fun in that snow!!

Wish I could've been there with you!

Marla said...

Your coat is awesome! I just love it! Looks like lots of fun in the snow.

Faya said...

Oh quelle magnifique sortie à la neige. Je suis contente que tu as enfin de la neige. Ici il y a déjà les crocus ...
N'oublie pas en rentrant de te faire un Himmelstrunk pour te réchauffer...
Bisous, Faya

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta!! Your coat is SO cute!!
We wish we could have been there with you, it looks like so much fun!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Thank you fur praying fur Boogie!!

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
OMD!! Thank you so much fur looking through the list fur a doggy in Oklahoma! That is so sweet of you!! Let's hope Boogie is found!! Our paws are crossed!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Amber-Mae said...

Look at you having sooo much fun in the snow!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Snow AND a blogaversary! Wow! Happy one year to you! We are so happy that we found your blog and became your friend! You are such a fun doggy! We can't wait to take a our of NY with you on our red vespas when the weather is warmer!

See you tomorrow on the red carpet!

Tanti baci,
Opus and Rosoce

Princess Patches said...

Asta, you look like you are really having fun in all that snow! It almost makes us wish we would get some. ALMOST! We think Nora is very happy you are wearing her coat. Her favorite color must have been orange too! Keep having fun!

Poppy & Penny

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


You look bootiful in Nowa's coat. I love to play with little humans too, especially licky face. Dad took me out in the snow for my morning walk. I couldn't believe how deep it was, what fun.

I have to go I just finished chewing up a piece of Moms Tupperware and I have to hide the remains before she see's it.


ChaChi Lu said...

You are such a little fashion snow bunny!


Moco said...

I wish I had been there to run with you. No one here likes to run like that. May I say you have excellent taste in your clothing.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looks like great fun in the snow but I'm sure it's too cold for me. SS's computer is playing up - we can only see the photos but not the video clips.

wally said...

Hi Asta! The snow was fun but someone stole ours. Your jacket is totally cool!!!!


Lizzy said...

I wish I could have been there to play with you too, Asta! I just LOVE the snow. You must have had a pretty awesome time, eh? I really like your jacket, too.


Jan Price said...

If that didn't look so cold, it would look like fun. Glad you had a good time.

And we tagged you.

Jan's Funny Farm

Peanut said...

oh that looks like great fun

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Oh Asta! It looks too cold outside where you live! You should come stay with us! We are already enjoying beautiful Spring weather with highs in the upper seventies! But we think you should probably enjoy what's left of winter anyway! Build a snowdog for us!
Ozzie & Rocky

Balboa said...

Asta, I hate the snow, but you make it look like so much fun!!!

I wish I was there to run around with you.

Frenchie SNorts

Agatha and Archie said...

Ohhhh we love your coat!!! You could have gotten it on Carnaby Street!!!!! How we wish we could have run with you!!!!!!!(we got lots too but PL2 won't let us run becasue of Archie. This doesn't make sense to us becasue we are runninglike crazy IN the house Go figure) Love A+A