a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, March 24, 2008

Eastew at ouw House with Fwiends and Family

I'm waiting fow all the hoomans to get hewe..appeawantly, I can't have anything on the table..it's all fow them..but I have a cunning plan...hehehehe
Do you see the little tewwiews on Mommi's desk??
I'm vewy anxious fow evewyone to get hewe and so I keep looking out the window..I want this pawty to begin....
I think the guests awe hewe...(please no comments about how fat I look..I know..it's bushy , long haiw..not my fault..plus Mommi made me take a baf and that made it even fluffiew)
This was my favowite Eatable..it's smoked in a special way..miammmmmmm
I managed to convince almost evewyone to give me some ham, ( I looked stawved...nevew been fed etc...and they fell fow it)hehehe
Mommi's bestest Cheesecake evew!!! Daddi asks fow this one evewy yew fow the last 32 yeaws..this is my second yeaw having it..and I agwee with him..miammmm!!
Unkel Tony shawed his cheesecake wif me..he's a sweetie
I loooove my DaddiOn the bubble shawe if you click on the pictoowe, you can make it biggew
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Amber-Mae said...

OMdoG! I almost fainted after looking at that deeleecious HAM! You're a good begger Asta! I bet it was a great pawty...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Moco said...

Thank you for sharing all your wonderful Easter pictures with us. We were drooling over the ham. We didn't even get a colored egg.
I must say that I like the furry/fluffly look on you.

Faya said...

Tu n'as pas l'air grosse du tout. Véronique elle dit qu'elle a envie de passer ses mains dans tes poils tellement tu as l'air douce....
Du jambon, des asperges, une colombe de Pâques en pannetone...miam miam.....
Tu es comme moi : personne ne te résiste !!!!!
Bisous, Faya

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, that looks like a pawsome Easter you had with all the yummy food. I like the little bunnies in the previous post at your aunt Karen's home too

Pippa said...

That looks like you had a brill time Asta - you are totally spoiled.

Mistwess, I mean mistress, says she has a pea soup recipe, and a lettuce soup recipe, but not one for both. So if your busy mommi has time she would very much appreciate it.

Let us know when she has a few spare mins and we will send you an email address.

Thank you.


Duke said...

We can't decide which looks yummier, the ham or the cheesecake! What a nice Easter pawty you had, Asta! Everything looks so pretty at your house!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kyanite said...

Hi Asta,

I thought you looked lovely & cuddlesome all newly bathed!

And as for the ham & cheesecake - soo delicious & yummy, to food obsessed me.

Easter Monday Greetings
Love, pats & pets

Princess Patches said...

Hi Asta! Your eatables look very yummy! Everyone must have had a very good time at your pawty! Happy Easter Monday!

Poppy & Penny

Mack said...

Girl, you look perfectly svelte to me!

Oh and what a feast your family had! Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, what a great Easter you had. We think you are beautiful! That ham looked delicious! Good job with your plan!


the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we are drooling over the ham and our mom is admiring the asparagus. hee hee!

we can tell that you had a wonderful easter. and you don't look a bit fat - just fluffy and beautiful. Bailey has the same look and he's not fat either - seriously!

happy woofin' monday.


Deetz said...

The cheesecake looked delicious, Asta....We had to stop and get gas at the convenience store and mum got me some cinamin donuts, have you had those? those are yummy. I put an update on my blog about Gizmo...prayers were answered dear Asta.
love you Asta

Daisy said...

Asta, it looks like you had a fabulous Easter! And you look so pretty and fluffy. My Mommie says her mouth is watering over the cheesecake!

The WriggleButts said...

Looks like you had a very good and tasty Easter - we enjoyed ourselves too! Now we're back home and relaxing after one.. uh.. one relaxing trip..!

the WriggleButts

Anonymous said...

Mommi sure knows how to throw a dinner party, everything looked so yummy and that ham, well what can I say but can I have a piece please? The cheesecake looks so good, and I bet it is all gone.
You never look fat you are soooo pretty and Nanny loves giving you bellyrubs and smoochies.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Ferndoggle said...

Ham or cheesecake? Ham or cheesecake? How do you decide???? I hope you got a little of both, Asta!

We missed you on chat Sunday morning.


Sophie Brador said...

Do you think your Uncle Tony could manage to mail some of that cheesecake to Montreal. He could overnight it, and it would be fine.


Petra said...

I am drooling over the ham and Motch is drooling over the cheesecake! Isn't it fun to be with your family at holidays? You are one loved little puppy. How could anyone resist you, Asta?

Sassy Kat said...

It looks like you had such a beautiful wonderful party. What a nice family you found to love you, lucky you and lucky them. Oh, and you do not look fat. Don't even think that!

Jake of Florida said...

We love cheese. And we love ham. Yum!!

Asta, is it true that you are going to Rome????? For real??? How are you going to travel???

Lots of love and kisses. We missed you too. (We weren't at camp the whole time -- just about five days out of the month. The rest of the time we were very very very boooored watching Mom work on her projects so we mostly snoozed.)

Jake and Just Harry

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh you're family sure know how to celebrate Asta. The food looks truly delish. We don't know what looks best the ham or the cheesecake so you'd better send us a bit of both hee hee hee. Just kidding!!

Happy Easter.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Its sounds like a yummy feast was had by all even you. Love the fluffy coat I bet everyone wanted to cuddle you.

Ludo the cool dude

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You do NOT look fat, sissy! Great party and yummilicious HAM! I am salivating over it. I LOVE ham! See the difference between gluttonous me and well mannered Sassy.

Ruby Bleu said...

WOW - it looks like you had quite the pawty!!! W00t! And you don't look fat...you look bootiful and fuzzy!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

The Zoo Crew said...

Oh, man, we missed out! That looks like some seriously good food!

peace + paws,

The Zoo Crew

Ralph said...

What a great looking Easter meal and yummy cheesecake. You look very pretty in the pink bow!


Tesla and Hansel said...

Dem flowers are Boootiful!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You and your pawrents sure know how to celebrate! The food looks yummy and we liked the way you were looking out for your guests. Don't worry about being fuzzy - I (Hershey) was pretty fuzzy looking until I got my new haircut on Saturday.

Love -


Hi, Asta and family -

Hope you had a great Easter!

Love -


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi Astalamb...yes, you have gone from a bunny to a lamb...it's a good thing your mom didn't serve lamb on Sunday...with the way those forks were flyin' in those pics, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd been cooked or not!!!

I like ur fur long, Asta! They have the cutest wide headbands and bright scarves out this Spring...you will look adorable in Wome!!!

That ham and cheesecake looked amazin'...and ya got to eat off a forkie...so much classier than we we just shove our head in our food dish...though that is efficient!

Do you 'member a couple months ago somebody dyed the Trevi Fountain red??? Babystan and Scruffy have offered to come to Wome with you and dye it ORANGE!!! Just for you. Now most of the time, my brother's drive me nuts, but that was actually a sweet idea...illegal, but sweet!

Happy Easter Monday...isn't it Sprinkle Day in some country? Poland???


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
OMD!! It looks like you had a great time!! And you even convinced the humans to give you some food!! You're our idol! We didn't do anything fur Easter because we had to stay home alone while our humans went to a party with their furriends... not fair...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Thanks fur the comforting words you gave us on our post about Lacy Lulu, they helped stop us from crying, but we're still sad (and we're sure everyone is too...)

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

Mmmm, your parties always make me so hungry! All that food just looks delicious!! Mom and I have never seen such a big cheesecake like the one your Mom made. It made Mom real hungry. I got some ham on Easter too, Yeah!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day food, fun and family and that always makes a holiday special! Happy Easter!!

Your pal,

Patience-please said...

Yumm!!! Next year we're all nine coming to your house for Easter!!!

wags from the whippets

Joe Stains said...

omdog it looks like a great time, but that cheese cake looks amazing. I think your uncle tony fell over because the cheese cake tasted so good! It looks like you guys had a great time!

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!That cheesecake looks DIVINE!! ANd so you do you!!! You look lovely fluffy!! We are fluffy and grey becasue we need a bath!!!! Looks like you had tons of fun,and you are the MASTER(next to Agatha) to begging for a taste! Lvoe A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!That cheesecake looks DIVINE!! ANd so you do you!!! You look lovely fluffy!! We are fluffy and grey becasue we need a bath!!!! Looks like you had tons of fun,and you are the MASTER(next to Agatha) to begging for a taste! Lvoe A+A

Lacy said...

woofies Ms Asta, yummmies ham, me not blame u fur trwing to git sum....and dat cheesecake lookies pawtastic...me glad u had funs at u pawty...

b safe,
;)angel lacylulu

pps me finks u iz to cute, fluffy....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Your don't look fat at all! You look fluffy and adorable!
Sure you had a great time at your home! Yummy ham and cheescake! Glad they shared it with you!
Kisses and hugs

Kapp pack said...

Great job begging for that ham and cheesecake! It all looks yummy!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Anonymous said...

mmmMMMMMmmmm cheesecake!
mmmMMMMMmmmm ham!

Hoppy Spring Asta, Mum and Dad!

Deefor said...

You look nice and fluffy. That ham looks amazing. Cheese and cake sound like a good combination. We finally did something creative.


Myeo said...

We are drooling now.. you are a lucky girl!

we love that pink ribbon on your neck and we dont think you look phat at all.

Boy n Baby

Harry said...

Another great get together at your house I see! Lucky you pulling off the starving orphan look, never works for me. Or rather, no-one ever falls for it!

How long until Rome? I'll watch out for your plane flying over old Blighty and give you a wave!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Bella said...

Your Easter looks so fabulous - I wanna come over there & join you next year !!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm drooling over the ham. Mummy is trying to inhale the cheese cake out of the screen.

Simba x

Deetz said...

Asta, you are so cute, I just wanted to give you a big paw hug this morning and tell you, I wuv you

Sassy Kat said...

Had to come back and see the beautiful photos of your Easter dinner again. What a lovely time everyone must have had! Be careful eating too much ham and pork stuff, the doggie of the house before she went to the Rainbow Bridge ate pork on Easter and boy oh boy the mom and dad of the house thought she was going to go to the bridge then, the vet said that pork isn't good for doggies. Be careful, I don't want you to eat anything that might make you ill. Also another thing that got the doggie once was black jelly beans, don't eat the jelly beans either. I guess doggies have a delicate tummy. I will talk to you before you head to Italy. I know you will have fun. I would like to get to your place and hide next to you and go to Italy too, I really would like to see Opus and Roscoe and their folks.

Clover said...

Hi Asta!
Oh it looks like you had a great Easter with your family. The food looks SO delicious. And the cheesecake...I am drooling. I love cheese!
Love Clover xo

Koobuss said...

Oh Asta,

What a tremendous post!! I love the first picture of you! You do not look fat, but rather cuddly, soft and fluffy. I love you like that. You are absolutely adorable!

Everything else looks fabulous, too!! What a pawty and meal you guys had! All the food looks delicious, too. We had a ham like yours and my family gave me some, but it only made me sick. So, they won't give me any more, or anything else that they eat, for a while anyway. (I'll have to practice my crying technigue. That usually works.)

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Yur pawty looked great, Asta. All that food looked yummy.

William Tell said...

What yummy food you have at your parties, Asta! Looks great!

I have an Uncle Tony, too. We should get together and compare notes. You wouldn't BELIEVE the stories I could tell on my Uncle Tony!

Happy Tails,
William Tell